
What does professional obedience adjustment mean 2024 college entrance examination volunteer adjustment within what range

author:The world of small candies

  Professional obedience adjustment usually refers to whether candidates are willing to be transferred to other majors for study if the selected major is full when filling in the volunteers. The scope of the 2024 college entrance examination voluntary adjustment includes the adjustment within the professional group of the new college entrance examination provinces, the internal adjustment of colleges and universities in the traditional college entrance examination provinces, and the considerations for choosing the adjustment.

What does professional obedience adjustment mean 2024 college entrance examination volunteer adjustment within what range

  What is obedience to professional dispensing

  When a candidate cannot be admitted to a major due to full quota or other reasons, the admissions institution will arrange a suitable major for the candidate among other majors that have not completed the enrollment quota according to the candidate's score and relevant conditions. This is done to ensure that the places available at the institution are fully utilized, while also providing more opportunities for candidates.

  In the parallel voluntary application, if your score line reaches the minimum score line of a school, your file will be voted to a school, if your score reaches the minimum score line of the major you apply for, you will be admitted, but if you apply for the popular major of the school and your score line is not enough, is it not possible to be admitted to the major, at this time, if you choose the major to obey the adjustment, the school will transfer you to other majors with low scores, if you do not obey the major adjustment, the school will do the withdrawal process.

What does professional obedience adjustment mean 2024 college entrance examination volunteer adjustment within what range

  Many students think that the college entrance examination volunteer major that has been adjusted is a very poor major, but in fact, there are many majors in colleges and universities, and they are also more complicated. Many candidates don't have a good understanding of the major. As a result, many majors that look cold are actually very good job prospects.

  From the actual situation, there are two kinds of majors that have more voluntary adjustments in the college entrance examination, one is the major with a large amount of planning, and the other is a major with a small amount of planning. The amount of planning is large, and candidates will be psychologically resistant and feel that this major is not very good. However, the amount of planning is small, and candidates are afraid that they will not be admitted and dare not fill in.

  At present, most provinces and cities have implemented parallel volunteering, and although parallel volunteering for the college entrance examination will reduce the risk, it is not without risk. In some respects, obedience to professional adjustment is a way to increase the probability of admission by parallel volunteering.

  Even many schools publicly promise at the time of admission that as long as the college entrance examination candidates obey the adjustment, they will not be withdrawn. In general, most of the schools that dare to make such a commitment are excellent schools in the first college, and a small number of excellent schools in the second college. At the same time, most of this school has a policy of admission and changing majors, which means that after entering the university, you will have the opportunity to choose your favorite major.

What does professional obedience adjustment mean 2024 college entrance examination volunteer adjustment within what range

  What is the scope of voluntary professional adjustment?

  2024 College Entrance Examination Voluntary Adjustment Scope:

  Intra-provincial adjustment of the new college entrance examination province: Under the new college entrance examination model, some provinces implement the voluntary filling method of "college professional group". The transfer of majors will be carried out in the vacant majors in other professional groups within the same institution.

  Intra-college adjustment in traditional college entrance examination provinces: In the traditional college entrance examination mode, if a candidate is not admitted to the major he or she has applied for and chooses to obey the adjustment, he or she may be admitted by adjustment in other unfilled majors of the institution he or she is applying for.

  Factors to consider when choosing to make an adjustment: When choosing to obey the adjustment, candidates should consider whether they are willing to accept admission to all possible majors offered by the institution they are applying for. If you have a strong preference or aversion to some specific majors, you should carefully choose whether to obey the adjustment.

  Compliance with policies and regulations: When deciding whether to comply with the adjustment, candidates must strictly abide by the relevant policies and regulations of the local education examination institute to ensure that their choice is in line with the regulations and preferably conducive to future study and career development.

  Voluntary obedience to professional adjustment is an adjustment within the scope of colleges and universities. For candidates in the old college entrance examination area, the voluntary obedience to the major adjustment is carried out by the school in all the majors recruited by the school in your area and your subject selection meets the conditions, not only in the 6 majors you fill in. For regional candidates in the professional group of the new college entrance examination colleges, the adjustment of voluntary majors is limited to the professional group of one college.

What does professional obedience adjustment mean 2024 college entrance examination volunteer adjustment within what range

  The voluntary major adjustment is used to indicate whether the candidate agrees to be transferred to other eligible majors of the university when he or she cannot be admitted to the major he or she has filled in. If the candidate chooses to "obey the major adjustment", he or she may be admitted to other majors of the university, otherwise he or she may be withdrawn.

  We all hope to admit according to our own wishes, but due to the limitations of information materials, forecasts, decision-making methods and other factors in the early filling, some candidates will report their volunteers relatively high, or do not deal with the gradient between volunteers, so that all the volunteers are disappointed.

  At this time, choosing to obey the adjustment can increase the probability of successful admission, but the adjustment major is randomly assigned by the school according to the vacancy, and it is possible to be transferred to the major you don't like, which needs to be carefully considered.

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