
What did the U.S. and Israeli defense ministers talk about? The defense minister was "full of fighting spirit" and threatened to destroy the country easily

author:Iron-blooded view of the world
What did the U.S. and Israeli defense ministers talk about? The defense minister was "full of fighting spirit" and threatened to destroy the country easily

According to Israeli media sources, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant recently concluded a four-day visit to the United States, and in the interview, Gallant told reporters that the Israeli military has the ability to "send Lebanon back to the Stone Age" in any war with Allah militants. It is worth speculating that in the interview, Gallant mentioned that he "does not want to go to war" and "prefers to resolve the Lebanese-Israeli border issue through diplomatic means." Israeli artillery shells are raging in southern Lebanon, but they keep saying that they "do not want war", and countless people are homeless because of Israel, while Gallant claims that he "wants to use diplomatic means to deal with the problem".

What did the U.S. and Israeli defense ministers talk about? The defense minister was "full of fighting spirit" and threatened to destroy the country easily

Israeli Defense Minister Gallant

It has been learned that the current round of US-Israeli defense ministers' dialogue mainly revolves around two issues. First: the follow-up post-war governance plan in Gaza and how to deal with the Palestinians in Gaza today. According to Gallant, U.S. officials said: "It's a long and complicated process. Judging from the above remarks, it is likely that the United States will continue to support Israel's actions in Gaza and provide some help to the international community to avoid Israel being sanctioned by the United Nations and other countries. Personal speculation: maybe the United States is waiting for a result, when Israel is "full of food and drink", this unilateral slaughter may stop.

What did the U.S. and Israeli defense ministers talk about? The defense minister was "full of fighting spirit" and threatened to destroy the country easily

Israeli armored forces on the Lebanese-Israeli border

As for the rescue and reconstruction of Gaza, there is still no hope. At the beginning of this year, the United Nations Humanitarian Affairs publicly denounced Israel for "systematically obstructing the aid to Gaza", and most of Israel's humanitarian aid applications were denied. Subsequently, some Israelis also joined the "obstruction team", setting up illegal checkpoints and other ways to intercept rescue vehicles entering Gaza from the ground. At present, there is not much progress in this work, and the Israeli side still has a "opposition" attitude, even if some supplies can enter Gaza, it will be a drop in the bucket for millions of refugees.

What did the U.S. and Israeli defense ministers talk about? The defense minister was "full of fighting spirit" and threatened to destroy the country easily

Israeli forces blockaded Gaza

Second, the United States and Israel also discussed the Lebanese-Israeli border issue, with the basic tone that "Lebanon bears the primary responsibility." The United States believes that after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Lebanese Allah Party launched several attacks on the Israeli border, which directly led to Israel's "counterattack." At the same time, a US official revealed that the United States has recently informed Allah in Lebanon through some "means" that the United States will not obstruct Israel's attack. And on 18 June, Israel had officially authorized a military operation in southern Lebanon. So to sum up, two pieces of information can be obtained. First, the United States will play a role in Israel's massacre of Gaza, and then it will cover Israel's attack on Lebanon.

What did the U.S. and Israeli defense ministers talk about? The defense minister was "full of fighting spirit" and threatened to destroy the country easily

Israel was attacked by Lebanon

The second is that the Israeli side is "full of war", and the United States has no intention of reconciling, so more and larger military confrontations may break out in the coming period. U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller recently revealed: "We believe that the conflict on the border between Israel and Lebanon should be resolved through diplomatic channels." Personally, I think that whether it is Israel or the United States, the rhetoric about solving the problem by diplomatic means is not very credible. While actively preparing for the offensive, he shouted that he was willing to "negotiate peace" is obviously not in line with common sense. Isn't it strange that the United States supports Israel, but is it strange that Israel doesn't have enough to eat after the slaughter of Gaza and maybe even the destruction of Lebanon?

(Text/Xiao Tie)