
Germany may once again be "manipulated" by the Jews, and the naturalization test and new rules are full of weirdness

author:Iron-blooded view of the world
Germany may once again be "manipulated" by the Jews, and the naturalization test and new rules are full of weirdness

Putting the words Germany and Jews together, it is easy to think of the mad massacre of European Jews by the Nazi German army during World War II, and the death of millions of people triggered global "pity", but the outbreak of Palestine and Israel made the outside world have a different view of Israel and Jews. At the same time, Germany's new Nationality Act has once again raised doubts about whether the Jews are once again "manipulating" the whole of Germany. According to recent media news, the new "Nationality Law" promulgated by Germany has partially revised the immigration policy, adding such a clause: applicants for naturalization declare that they agree with Israel's right to exist. The main requirement is the "express requirement", which means that you must agree in order to apply for German citizenship.

Germany may once again be "manipulated" by the Jews, and the naturalization test and new rules are full of weirdness

Israelis protest in Tel Aviv

The "strangeness" of this provision lies in the fact that if you want to obtain German citizenship, you must first recognize Israel's "right to exist", so can it be understood that when there is a confrontation between Germany and Israel, the Germans will take the initiative to help Israel send themselves to the "guillotine"? Commenting on the new rule, the German Minister of the Interior and Land, Nancy Fetzer, said: "Anyone who shares our values and makes an effort can now get a German passport faster." All kinds of signs show that the emergence of the new regulations this time is more like "waving the flag" for Israel.

Germany may once again be "manipulated" by the Jews, and the naturalization test and new rules are full of weirdness

German passport

Because after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a large number of demonstrations against Israel broke out around the world, such as the violent confrontation at the Russian airport in the early days of the conflict, and people broke into the airport to "seek" Israeli tourists. Earlier American soldiers set themselves on fire to protest Israeli atrocities, and recently refused reservations for Israeli tourists at Japanese hotels, among others.

Germany may once again be "manipulated" by the Jews, and the naturalization test and new rules are full of weirdness

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The second is that there are a total of 33 multiple-choice questions in the German citizenship test, but according to the German media in March, the German Ministry of the Interior intends to add some new questions, such as: What is the name of the Jewish place of prayer? When was Israel founded? What is the reason for Germany's special responsibility towards Israel? The questions added are all about Israel and Jews, and at first glance it seems that they are applying for Israeli citizenship. The German side claims that the move is aimed at "resisting anti-Semitism", because after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in 2023, there have been a large number of hate crimes against the Jewish community in Germany. According to statistics, in 2023, the number of anti-Semitic incidents reached 4,782.

Germany may once again be "manipulated" by the Jews, and the naturalization test and new rules are full of weirdness

Streets of Berlin, Germany

As for Germany's behavior, the Arab media called it "anti-Semitic" for any criticism of Israeli military operations in Gaza. There is a key question here, the mass murder of Jews by Germany during World War II was indeed a great harm to the Jewish people, but is it really appropriate to compensate for the "all-out-of-its-kind" support for Israel's atrocities? On the other hand, Germany recognizes that its own mistakes during World War II deserve to be recognized, but by doing its best to support Israel's atrocities, it is not "atonement" but a repetition of the mistakes of the past. And Israel is in a way like Nazi Germany during World War II, except that it is raging in the Middle East. The new rules on German nationality are full of strangeness, and one has to wonder whether Germany is once again "manipulated" by Jewish capital, and is the lesson of "500,000 marks a piece of bread" not profound enough?

(Text/Xiao Tie)

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