
Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

author:General Practitioner Dr. Zhou

In summer, especially during the rainy season, the weather is hot and humid, and the air is humid, which can easily breed a variety of infectious diseases. It can also be seen from the outpatient clinics of various hospitals that there are countless patients with fever and headache, especially children.

Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

For most people, summer fever and headache, most people think it is the flu or a hot cold, or heat stroke, and ignore such a disease: the summer epidemic, similar to cold and fever, headache and high fever, severe can be fatal - Japanese encephalitis.

Japanese encephalitis, referred to as Japanese encephalitis, commonly known as "encephalitis", is an acute infectious disease transmitted by mosquito bites, which can cause symptoms such as high fever, convulsions, and impaired consciousness, and in severe cases, respiratory failure and even death.

How scary is JE?

The onset of JE is acute, with a case fatality rate of 5%-30%, and many survivors have serious sequelae such as memory deficits, paralysis, intellectual disability, aphasia, and epilepsy. Patients have to bear the high cost of treatment and rehabilitation, which places a heavy burden on families. JE is positioned as a Class B infectious disease by the mainland.

What is JE transmitted?

JE virus is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. Mosquitoes often contract JE virus by biting diseased pigs, and then transmit the virus to humans through their bites. The prevalence of JE is directly related to mosquitoes, and the peak incidence of JE is in summer and autumn every year.

Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

Who is susceptible to JE?

The population is generally susceptible, and the incidence is common in children under 10 years old, especially in children aged 2~6 years old. Persistent immunity can be acquired after infection with JE.

Japanese encephalitis virus infection can occur when a person is bitten by a poisonous mosquito, depending on the number and virulence of the virus and the body's immune status. In order for the body to produce antibodies as soon as possible, please get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis in time to stay away from the harm of Japanese encephalitis virus.

What are the symptoms of JE infection?

In the early stages of the disease, fever and headache are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and other symptoms, similar to a cold.

How to treat JE?

There are currently no specific antiviral treatments. Symptomatic treatment is the mainstay. If the symptoms can be treated early, the mortality rate and disability rate can be reduced. Therefore, JE vaccination is the most cost-effective measure!

Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

What are the JE vaccines? How to choose?

At present, there are live attenuated JE vaccine and inactivated JE vaccine in the mainland, both of which are recommended vaccines under the national immunization program, and parents can choose them in an informed and voluntary manner.

Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

After vaccination, both local and systemic reactions are mild. Some people may have mild pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, and some people may have a low-grade fever. Generally, no treatment is required, and it will recover on its own after 2~3 days. A very small number of people may have a rash that will heal quickly with symptomatic treatment. If there are other serious adverse reactions, please seek medical treatment in time.

Precautions for vaccination:

1. Family and personal history of convulsions, chronic diseases, epilepsy, and allergies should be used with caution.

2. Residents in Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet who have no history of JE vaccination are recommended to receive 1 dose of JE-L when they move to other provinces or travel to other provinces during the JE epidemic season.

3. Those who inject immunoglobulin should be vaccinated with JE-L at an interval of not less than 3 months; Those who inject immunoglobulin should be vaccinated with JE-I at an interval of not less than 1 month.

Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

4. After vaccination, please stay in the vaccination clinic for 30 minutes for observation, and leave only after there is no abnormality.

5. Rest properly after vaccination, drink plenty of hot water, pay attention to keeping warm, and avoid strenuous activities.

6. Consult the vaccination doctor before vaccination for pregnant women and women of childbearing age.

While getting vaccinated, it is also important to do a good job of mosquito control:

June ~ November every year is also the epidemic season of dengue fever, and mosquito control measures can not only prevent JE transmission, but also prevent dengue fever.

(1) Wear the right clothes: wear light-colored/reflective clothes outdoors, and wear long-sleeved pants as much as possible;

(2) Mosquito repellent: spray products containing DEET or picaridin on exposed skin or clothing;

Headache and high fever? It's not just about fever! JE epidemic season is approaching, beware of the trick!

(3) Skin cleansing: avoid excessive "body odor" on the body (especially after sweating), reduce the residue of special chemical components on the body surface;

(4) Household cleaning: change bed sheets and quilt covers frequently, and wash intimate clothes in time; Use mosquito coils, electric mosquito swatters, insecticide sprays, etc. to repel mosquitoes in a timely manner.

(5) Mosquito attraction: Avoid staying in the shade of trees, grass, gazebos and other outdoor shady places during the frequent mosquito infestation period (7~9 a.m. and 4~6 p.m.).

(6) Removal of stagnant water: Drain stagnant water that may breed mosquitoes, including the front and back of houses, gardens, balconies, rooftops, pools, aquaponic plants, water dispenser trays, flower pot bottom supports, bamboo tubes, tree holes, tires, construction sites and green belts. #头条创作挑战赛#