
What should I do if a lung nodule is detected on physical examination? Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription for the ages, specializing in pulmonary nodules

author:Professor Yu Yun

More and more people are found to have "lung nodules or small nodules" during health check-ups. Generally speaking, the smaller the nodules, the lower the probability of malignancy, it is reported that 40% of lung nodules with a diameter greater than 20mm are malignant, and more than 90% of lung nodules less than 8mm are benign.

What should I do if a lung nodule is detected on physical examination? Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription for the ages, specializing in pulmonary nodules

According to TCM, nodules are tangible lumps that fall under the category of "accumulation of evidence" in TCM. The lungs are delicate and communicate with the outside world, and various harmful gases such as tobacco and dust can directly enter the lungs and be deposited, which is an accumulation. In addition, people with ordinary body deficiency are prone to pulmonary sarcoidosis, such as lack of qi and blood, body yang deficiency, internal injuries and seven emotions, uncontrolled eating, irregular work and rest, these triggers will lead to qi and blood blockage, phlegm and stasis, accumulation and onset.

What should I do if a lung nodule is detected on physical examination? Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription for the ages, specializing in pulmonary nodules

It can be seen that the formation of pulmonary nodules is often closely related to the internal environment of the body. If there is a problem with the internal environment of the body, there is a possibility that the lung nodule may recur even if it is surgically removed. Therefore, only by changing the internal environment of the body can the nodule not recur. The so-called weeding should be eradicated, and the symptoms should be cured.

What should I do if a lung nodule is detected on physical examination? Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription for the ages, specializing in pulmonary nodules

Pulmonary nodules are the early lesions of pulmonary impotence, or they are characterized by coughing and floating pulses. Zhang Zhongjing believes that the occurrence of pulmonary nodules and the invasion of external evils into the human body, in the case of lack of ordinary fluid, the lack of fluid is easy to produce internal heat, external cold and internal heat, yin deficiency and phlegm turbidity, Zhang Zhongjing's Magnolia Ephedra soup is the main one, this is the mystery of the treatment of pulmonary nodules.

What should I do if a lung nodule is detected on physical examination? Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription for the ages, specializing in pulmonary nodules


The usual dosage of Magnolia officinalis ephedra decoction used by Yu Lao in clinical practice is 15 grams of Magnolia officinalis, 10 grams of ephedra, 10 grams of gypsum, 10-15 grams of almonds, 10-15 grams of Banxia, 10 grams of dried ginger, 5-10 grams of fine spice, 10 grams of Schisandra chinensis, and 15-30 grams of Huai wheat. Each person's syndrome type and constitution are different, please use the syndrome differentiation under the guidance of a doctor.

What should I do if a lung nodule is detected on physical examination? Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription for the ages, specializing in pulmonary nodules


Fangzhong magnolia is bitter and warm, wide chest and qi, eliminating phlegm and asthma; Ephedra, bitter almonds promote lung drinking, cough and asthma; fine pungent, dried ginger, and banxia chemical drink to reduce adversity; Gypsum clears depression and heat, removes irritability; Schisandra chinensis is used to suppress cough in the lungs, and anti-ephedra and other pungent and warm divergent drugs are too divergent; Wheat nourishes the spleen and stomach. Therefore, this formula has a strong effect of promoting qi and lungs, warming phlegm and drinking, and clearing away depression.

If you have any questions related to disease prevention or health preservation, please leave a message in the comment area, and Professor Yu Yun of Chinese Medicine will choose to leave a message to share his experience in the next issue!

❖This article is for knowledge sharing only and does not constitute a recommendation or promotion of any drug or treatment, and is not a substitute for medical advice from a professional doctor. If you need medical treatment, please consult and contact a regular medical institution.