
Notice of the 4th "Magic Pen Maleonn Cup" Creation Competition

author:Essay Submission Station

Zhejiang Pujiang has a long history and profound cultural heritage, and is known as the "State of Culture", "Hometown of Calligraphy and Painting" and "Hometown of Poetry". There is a rice civilization "Shangshan Culture" that dates back 10,000 years, revealing the origin of the world's rice culture. There are more than 3,000 people living together in the 15th century, Zheng Yimen, the "first in the south of the Yangtze River", and the 168 "Zheng Norms" can be called a model of Confucianism. There is the earliest literati association in the history of mainland literature, "Yuequan Yinshe", and the existing "earliest collection of poetry societies" in the mainland - "Yuequan Yinshe Poems". The fairy tale "The Magic Brush of Ma Liang" created by Mr. Hong Xuntao, a famous fairy tale master from Pujiang, is a rare treasure of Chinese children's literature, which has been compiled into teaching materials and made into movies, influencing several generations.

As early as 1988, Mr. Hong Xuntao directed and successfully held China's first "National Children's Golden Phoenix Fairy Tale Creation Grand Prix". In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Mr. Hong Xuntao's creation of "Maleonn", to further prosper the cause of children's literature, to cultivate children's imagination and creativity, to stimulate their enthusiasm for reading and writing, to discover the good fairy tales written by Chinese children, to tell Chinese stories well, and to spread Chinese voices, the 4th Children's "Magical Pen Maleonn Cup" Fairy Tale Creation Contest is held. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. Guiding unit: Basic Education Demonstration and Practice Committee of the Chinese Children's Literature Research Association

2. Organizers: Propaganda Department of Pujiang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Composition Weekly Newspaper

3. Organizers: Pujiang County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Editorial Department of Composition Weekly

4. Co-organizers: Shaanxi Provincial Children's Culture Research Association, Guangzhou Conghua District Library, "Red Reading Project, Awakening Reading Power" Reading Promotion Department

5. Media support

"Composition Weekly" series of newspapers, "Composition Weekly" newspaper new media matrix

6. Time for Essays

June - September 30, 2024

7. Participants and groups

Participants: Students in grades 1 to 9 (based on the spring semester of 2024);

Groups: Lower Primary (Grades 1, 2 and 3), Upper Primary (Grades 4, 5 and 6) and Secondary School (Grades 7, 8 and 9).

8. Requirements for entries

1. The theme of this competition: to carry forward the spirit of Ma Liang's diligence, studiousness, wit, courage and sense of justice, to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and to depict the Chinese dream with the magic pen in his hand.

2. The genre of the entries is limited to fairy tales, which must be unpublished, healthy, imaginative and childlike works; Originality is required, plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and the text is at your own risk.

3. The number of words in the entry: about 400 words for the lower primary school group, about 800 words for the upper primary school group, and about 1500 words for the middle school group.

4. Please indicate the author's name, gender, grade, detailed mailing address, name and contact number of the school and instructor on the first page of the manuscript. On the second page, start writing the title and text of the work.

9. Participation methods, evaluation methods and reward methods

1. How to participate: "Blockbuster Event-Magic Pen Maleonn Cup" participation platform for submission According to the requirements of the solicitation of papers, the co-organizer shall issue a supplementary notice for the solicitation of essays, and report the preliminary evaluation results to the organizing committee of the competition to participate in the re-evaluation and final evaluation.

2. Evaluation method: Adhere to fairness, justice and openness, divided into three stages: preliminary evaluation, re-evaluation and final evaluation, and anonymous selection throughout the process.

3. Awards: The competition set up 100 excellence awards, and set up "excellent organization awards" and "excellent instructor awards" for schools and teachers who are enthusiastic about organizing the competition, and the award-winning works are combined into a book as prizes to the award-winning students, and published in relevant newspapers and periodicals, new media or websites. There is no entry fee or any other fees for this competition.

10. The Organizing Committee of the Competition has the right to publish, display, edit and publish all entries, and the final interpretation right of this Competition belongs to the Organizing Committee.

11. Contact person of the organizing committee of the competition

"Composition Weekly" newspaper Teacher Jia 0351-7075201

Pujiang County Federation of Literary and Art Circles Teacher Lou 0579-84112466  

Notice of the 4th "Magic Pen Maleonn Cup" Creation Competition
Notice of the 4th "Magic Pen Maleonn Cup" Creation Competition
Notice of the 4th "Magic Pen Maleonn Cup" Creation Competition
Notice of the 4th "Magic Pen Maleonn Cup" Creation Competition

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