
The total prize money is 1.2 million yuan! The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award is here!

author:Essay Submission Station

The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award is called for submissions


Guo Moruo, who was born in Shawan, Leshan, Sichuan, is an encyclopedic figure in modern Chinese history and another glorious banner on the mainland's cultural front after Lu Xun. He served as chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for nearly 30 years, supported and helped the growth of thousands of literary artists and literary workers, and made indelible contributions to the prosperity and development of the mainland's socialist literary and artistic undertakings. In order to better learn, think, practice, and understand ideas and cultural thoughts, further inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and Chinese aesthetic spirit, carry forward the value of "Guo Moruo" literature and art, and help build a Chinese literary and artistic system and style in the new era, the Leshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Leshan Municipal People's Government are scheduled to launch the evaluation of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award in June 2024, and the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows.

1. Guiding ideology

2. Organizational structure

The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award is sponsored by the Leshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Leshan Municipal People's Government, and undertaken by the Propaganda Department of the Leshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Leshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Leshan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and Overseas Chinese Relatives. The office of the organizing committee is located in the Propaganda Department of the Leshan Municipal Party Committee, and the office of the jury is located in the Leshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

3. Selection principles

The selection adheres to fairness, impartiality and openness, adheres to the orientation, authority and mass nature, strict standards, improves procedures, selects the best of the best, and prefers shortage to abuse. The selection adheres to the principle of recusal, and those who have signed the main creative work participating in the evaluation must not serve as a member of the professional review team, and those who involve the participation of the main creative work of immediate family members must be recused during the review, voting and review. The selection adopts a three-level evaluation process: preliminary evaluation, final evaluation and final evaluation, and the evaluation results at all levels are publicized to the public.

Fourth, the object of the award

During this year's award cycle (from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2023, subject to the copyright page, journal number, and the time of first use, performance, and broadcast), literary and artistic works such as literature, fine arts, calligraphy, photography, music, dance, film and television, folklore, drama, literary criticism, and Moruo cultural research results will be published, published, exhibited, broadcast and awarded in provincial and above publishing houses, public newspapers and periodicals, stages, silver screens, and important online media. Literary and artistic works created with the theme and background of Sichuan (including Leshan) or Guo Moruo are especially welcome.

5. Awards

The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award consists of three sub-categories: the Literary Award, the Art Award and the New Artist and New Work Award. It is planned to solicit and select 3 literary award works from all over the country, each with a reward of RMB 200,000 (before tax); 2 works of art awards will be collected and selected nationwide, and each will be rewarded with RMB 200,000 (before tax); For Leshan literary and art workers, government institutions or enterprises and social organizations registered in Leshan, 20 works (pieces) of newcomers and new works will be collected and selected, and each piece (piece) will be rewarded with RMB 10,000 (before tax).

6. Participation requirements

Adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, go deep into life, take root in the people, record, write, and eulogize the new era; Embody the requirements of the socialist core value system, show a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and have a good ideological connotation and lofty spiritual pursuit that reflect national development, social progress, people's creation, and the fashion of the times; It has Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, Chinese style, ideological and ornamental, and is full of artistic appeal.

(1) Literary Awards

1. Scope of solicitation

A collection of novels, Chinese poetry, screenplays, prose, non-fiction, translation, and research results of Moruo culture that were published for the first time during the award cycle.

2. Declaration conditions

(1) Entries must be published for the first time within the selection cycle, and the publisher is a state-approved publishing house in Chinese mainland (subject to the first publication time indicated on the copyright page).

(2) The entries must be created and produced by the applicant unit (institution, individual) independently or as the first producer, and have the copyright of the work, the right to apply for the award and the right to honor the award.

(3) The entries must have a certain social impact, and the circulation shall not be less than 30,000 copies (sets) in principle, and the circulation shall not be less than 20,000 copies (sets) of literary works with Sichuan (Leshan) or Guo Moruo as the theme and background.

(4) In principle, the number of words in the entries shall not be less than 100,000 words.

(5) Multi-person collections, personal multi-genre collections, personal collections of others' collections, and retranslated works are not accepted.

(6) Works created in minority languages shall be submitted in Chinese translations.

(7) The selection scope of this year's translation works is limited to Chinese translations of foreign literary works.

(8) Each unit (institution, individual) is limited to one (part) of works.

(9) The entries have not won awards at or above the national level.

3. How to declare

Literary awards are recommended by the author, domestic publishers, or experts in relevant literary categories, and apply to the jury for participation. Each submitted work must fill in and submit the "Application (Recommendation) Form for Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award" (3 copies), provide 10 original copies of the published works, and 1 copy of the circulation proof materials.

(2) Art Awards

1. Scope of solicitation

For the first time during the award cycle, the works with great influence and dissemination such as dramas, Sichuan operas, operas, dance dramas, musicals, etc., which are exhibited, broadcast or awarded on domestic stages, silver screens, and important online media, will be disclosed.

2. Declaration conditions

(1) The entries must be created and produced by the applicant unit (institution, individual) independently or as the first producer, and have the copyright of the work, the right to apply for awards and the right to honor awards.

(2) The entries based on Guo Moruo's literary and artistic works should be publicly performed or broadcast in media at or above the provincial level for a total of more than 5 times (times), and the mainstream media should have no less than 15 reports on the performance of the work; Other entries should be performed in public or broadcast on media at or above the provincial level for a total of more than 30 times (times).

(3) Each unit (institution, individual) is limited to one (part) of works.

(4) The entries have not won awards at or above the national level.

3. How to declare

The art award shall be recommended by the creative producer (institution, individual) or domestic exhibition and performance units, broadcast units or experts in related art categories, and shall apply to the jury for participation. Each submitted work must fill in and submit the "Application (Recommendation) Form for the Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award" (in 3 copies), and provide 2 copies of the USB flash drive that stores the following relevant information: including but not limited to the complete video of the exhibition and broadcast of the participating works and the highlight video clips within 5 minutes (high-definition MP4 format, with subtitles, resolution not less than 1280*720); Stills, posters or program lists of performances, and photos of the main creative performers (jpg format, each with a size of not less than 2MB); Supporting materials or news reports related to each performance.

(3) New Artist and New Work Award

1. Scope of solicitation

Literature, fine arts, calligraphy, photography, music, dance, film and television, folklore, drama, and literary criticism works created by Leshan literary and art workers, government agencies, institutions or enterprises and social organizations registered in Leshan during the award cycle. Literary and artistic works with Leshan as the theme and reflecting the characteristics of Leshan are especially welcomed.

2. Declaration conditions

(1) The author or the first producer of the participating works is a literary and art worker, a unit or an enterprise or social organization registered in Leshan. The applicant (institution, individual) creates and produces independently or as the first producer, and has the copyright of the work, the right to apply for awards and the right to honor awards.

(2) Literature and literary criticism. In principle, the circulation of works published and distributed by state-approved publishing houses in Chinese mainland shall not be less than 1,000 copies; Poetry, prose, reportage, etc., must be published in core journals (literature, art) or important newspapers and periodicals, or have won at least one provincial or above award; Literary and artistic criticism works should have a word count of no less than 3,000 words, and comments on Guo Moruo's literary and artistic works are especially welcome.

(3) Fine arts, calligraphy, folklore. Entries must be selected in the selection or exhibition sponsored by the publicity and culture department at or above the provincial level.

(4) Photography. Entries must be selected in the selection or exhibition sponsored by the provincial and above publicity and cultural departments; Each group photo is limited to 4-12 pieces, and the long-term focus unit spans at least 3 different years, and is limited to 20-30 pieces; Images synthesized by artificial intelligence cannot be evaluated.

(5) Music, dance, film and television, drama and art. Entries must be awarded in the selection sponsored by the publicity and culture departments at or above the provincial level, or performed or broadcast on stages, screens, and important media at the provincial level or above, or exhibited and screened on platforms at or above the municipal level for a total of no less than 10 times (times).

3. How to declare

(1) Literature and literary criticism. Recommended by the author, a domestic publishing house or an expert in a relevant art category, the author shall apply to the jury for participation. Each literary application must fill in and submit the "Application (Recommendation) Form for Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award for Newcomers and New Works" (in 3 copies), and provide 10 original copies of the published works, 1 copy of the circulation certificate, or 1 original copy of the article publication, 10 copies (the publication has a cover, a table of contents, a page of the participating article, a newspaper with a masthead, and a page of the participating article) and 1 copy of the relevant award-winning certification materials.

(2) Fine arts, calligraphy, folklore. Recommended by the author himself or by experts in relevant art categories, apply to the jury for participation. Each declared work must fill in and submit the "Application (Recommendation) Form for Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award for Newcomers and New Works" (in 3 copies) and 1 copy of the relevant certification materials for winning or entering the exhibition, and provide 10 copies of the original or a copy of the original (returned after the selection) or a 10-inch photo that can show the full picture of the work (the size, size, and material of the work are indicated on the back), and if the work is collected, a copy of the valid collection certificate issued by the collection department must be provided.

(3) Photography. Recommended by the author himself or by experts in relevant art categories, apply to the jury for participation. Each submitted work must fill in and submit the "Application (Recommendation) Form for Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award for Newcomers and New Works" (in 3 copies) and 1 copy of the relevant supporting materials for winning or entering the exhibition, provide 10 copies of 10-inch photos of the work, and store 2 copies of the USB flash drive of the participating works.

(4) Music, dance, film and television, drama and art. Recommended by creative producers (institutions, individuals) or performance and screening units or experts in relevant art categories, they shall apply to the jury for participation. Each declared work must fill in and submit the "Application (Recommendation) Form for Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award for Newcomers and New Works" (in 3 copies) and 1 copy of the relevant supporting materials for award-winning or performance and broadcasting, and provide 2 copies of the USB flash drive that stores the following relevant information: including but not limited to the complete video of the performance and broadcast (high-definition MP4 format, with subtitles, with a resolution of not less than 1280*720), stills, posters or program lists (jpg format, each with a size of not less than 2MB), Audio (MP3 or WAV format) and sheet music.

7. Other requirements

1. The same work can only be applied for one sub-award.

2. The number of similar works (including cooperation with others) submitted by the same author shall not exceed 2.

3. Each entry must agree to and sign the "Authorization Letter for the Participating Works of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award" (comprehensive literary and artistic works such as film, television, drama, quyi, dance and other comprehensive literary and artistic works must provide a written authorization letter from the creative unit and affix the official seal of the unit, and other entries must obtain a written authorization letter from each signed author).

4. Except for the original or reproduction of art, calligraphy, and folklore (craft) works, all application materials will not be returned, and the applicant is requested to back them up. Art, calligraphy, folklore (craft) works of original or copy submitted by mail, please record your own boxing video and insure the price of the work, the organizer does not assume the responsibility for the loss, damage and other responsibilities in the transportation, and in the list of recommended award-winning works publicity (subject to the date of the announcement published in Leshan Daily) within 30 days after the end of the collection, overdue will be handled by the organizer, will not be kept.

8. Time and place of declaration

From now until July 31, 2024 (subject to the mailing time) is the application period, and it will not be accepted after the deadline.

Please mail or send the application materials to: No. 36, Tianxing Road, Shizhong District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, Leshan City Federation of Literary and Art Circles "The Office of the Jury of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award", contact number: Leshan City Federation of Literary and Art Circles 0833-2430165, Teacher Xu 15983377221, postal code 614000. All declared works should be sent to the "Application (Recommended) Form" Word electronic version to the Leshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles mailbox: [email protected].

Attachment (click to download):

Attachment 1 The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award Literary Award Application (Recommendation) Form

Attachment 2 The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award Art Award Application (Recommendation) Form

Attachment 3 Application (Recommendation) Form for Entries for the Newcomer and New Works Award of the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award

Attachment 4 Authorization letter for entries in the 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award

The 8th Guo Moruo Literary and Art Award Committee

June 14, 2024

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