
The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

author:Mud-legged spectators

In many things, we may not see the real strategic intent of some events.

During this time, after many events happened, although they attracted the attention of the outside world, they did not see the strategy behind these events.


From May to June this year, many incidents occurred in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea for more than a month.

First, when Lai took office, he directly released his "Taiwan independence" remarks, and then the People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted large-scale military exercises in the Taiwan Strait with an A code name.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

The outside world believes that this military exercise is aimed at deterring "Taiwan independence" elements. If we look at it this way, it is too simple; in addition to deterrence, the purpose of the military exercise is also to have the meaning of actual combat, and it may "move from exercise to war." This military exercise has already signaled military reunification, but the "Taiwan independence" elements still believe that the PLA's military exercise is only to scare the end of the matter.

If there is A, there will be ...... B, C, and D, and do not simply look at the military exercises launched by the PLA in the Taiwan Strait. Many Taiwanese celebrities, as well as former generals of the Frog Army, have interpreted it, but most of them have not pointed to the substance.

Perhaps Lai bandits and other "Taiwan independence" elements did not realize that the PLA's "sword has been unsheathed" and pulled out the knife.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

After the exercise, some things have changed. The mainland coast guard has carried out law enforcement on the island of Taiwan, not only on Kinmen Island, but also as close as the island of Taiwan.

After the PLA's military operation, the coast guard dispatched again, which also indicates that the "knife" is once again stretching forward.

On 21 June, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court jointly issued an opinion on punishing "Taiwan independence" diehards for separatism and inciting separatist crimes in accordance with the law. Look at how some people on the island actually don't care, they don't realize that reunification has come, and now that the law is released ahead of schedule, there is not much chance for some "Taiwan independence" and "covert independence" elements to repent except for arresting and arresting wanted "Taiwan independence" elements.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

The window is very short, and if some frogmen can't hold it, the knife may reach through.


Look at the South China Sea dispute.

There is nothing wrong in the South China Sea, but it is caused by the Philippines' constant provocations. Just as a Philippine politician wept bitterly at a meeting held on the mainland to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence," perhaps he saw the danger in the Philippines.

We have given many opportunities to the Philippines and other countries, except for Vietnam, which is more interesting, and the Philippines has the most opportunities, but Marcos Jr. did not seize it.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

Since Marcos Jr. came to power, he has repeatedly provoked China in the South China Sea, and even strengthened the broken ship that was beached, which has touched the bottom line of our sovereignty.

Tokyo University maintained great restraint and repeatedly warned the Philippines, but Marcos Jr. could not listen, and if he listened, his own life would be in danger.

The whole world has seen the Philippines' provocation of China, and it is the United States that is instigating it behind the scenes, and the United States has begun to play its cards.

We also exposed to the world the US intentions, and at that time we made it clear that our hands were already on the handle of the knife, and the Philippines continued to provoke us without knowing what to do.

In the eyes of the outside world, the United States is instigating the Philippines to provoke, but in fact wants to drag China into the war.

We are not afraid of war, we exercise restraint in the South China Sea, and those who can understand know that we have repeatedly given the Philippines a chance. But opportunities can't be given forever, and they can't be endless.

The Philippines does not see the opportunity, and if it does not seize it, it will lose the opportunity.

After the release of the new Coast Guard, the Coast Guard immediately carried out law enforcement at Ren'ai Jiao, and after this law enforcement operation, it attracted global attention, and we also saw it through the news.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

After our coast guard enforced the law, the Philippines immediately confessed.

In fact, the Philippines is not really convinced.

The three large drives of the People's Liberation Army have already arrived near the coast of the Philippines, and the old and US aircraft carriers immediately slipped away.

Why did the old American aircraft carrier slip away?

Obviously, what they saw was that the PLA "knife" was stretched out. One big drive is enough to confront the old American aircraft carriers, and now 3 ships are dispatched, and it is obvious that "the knife is out of the sheath". The PLA's signal for dispatching warships is very clear, that is, to start a war with the United States.

I have seen some sources that believe that the appearance of the three large ships near the Philippines was to deter the US military. If we look at the actions of the PLA in this way, we do not understand our strategy.


All kinds of signs show that whether it is the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea, our sword has been unsheathed and is ready to fight!

There are many reasons why there is no fight now.

Just like in the Taiwan Strait, the PLA's military exercises will still be launched, and the coast guard has continued to enter the island to enforce the law.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

We cannot suddenly launch a special military operation against Ukraine, as Russia did. Our style of play is very clear, we rush forward with a knife, and whoever blocks it will run to whomever the knife runs.

Countless opportunities have been given to the island, but the "Taiwan independence" diehards on the island are obsessed with their stubbornness and continue to run wildly on the road of "Taiwan independence." These people themselves are not Chinese, and the rest can only fight.

Judging from our actions, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming tighter step by step, and if someone on the island can understand it and stand up and cooperate with the mainland in arresting the "Taiwan independence" elements, perhaps the island of Taiwan will be spared the flames of war.

Some frog army generals even clamored for "decentralization", engaging in small groups and individual soldiers to resist reunification, and it is ridiculous to let the strawberry army be cannon fodder!

As for the United States' clamor for turning Taiwan into "hell," it will turn Taiwan into a scorched earth, and if we still can't see clearly the US attempt to interfere in our internal affairs, it will be dangerous.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

Now, after the promulgation of the opinions of the two supreme courts and three ministries, the pace of reunification has been significantly accelerated, which is a hybrid way of unification. We will not withdraw the knife against the "Taiwan independence" elements, and will continue to stretch out our arms toward the island.

In the South China Sea dispute, we have given Marcos Jr. a lot of steps, but Marcos Jr. cannot grasp it, which further proves that Marcos Jr. has been pinched by the United States.

With the strength of the Philippines, it is impossible to stop Dongda. But the Philippines thought the United States would help with the "Philippine-US agreement." Of course, we have also seen that only a fight with the United States in the South China Sea will completely solve the South China Sea issue. Therefore, the three of us drove to the Philippines in a big way, mainly to attack the US military.

The old American aircraft carrier ran away, and the Philippines will, of course, admit it.

The sword has been unsheathed, and the sword is pointed at the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, leaving little time for "Taiwan independence" and Marcos Jr.!

Some people say, will the Philippines make peace with us?

No, it won't. It's just a matter of stalling for time, and there will be new ways of provoking. Now that our knife is out of its sheath, it is impossible to take it back, just waiting for the next provocation by the Philippines.

A conflict in the South China Sea cannot be avoided.

The picture is from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.