
When my neighbor's daughter was a child, I called her aunt, and when she grew up, she asked me to call her sister, and later I called her baby

author:Wu Ping's emotional music


My name is Yang Dazhu, I am 27 years old, and I am an assistant in the administration department of a company in City C. Rent a bachelor apartment on the outskirts of the city.

That night, I was looking at my phone in the apartment when I suddenly received a call from Xiaocui: "Dazhu, the old Zhou family is urging the engagement, and my mother forced me to agree." If I don't agree, she'll die to show me. Dazhu, what can I do? I'm in a hurry. ”

I said, "Sister, why don't you come to City C." We cook the raw rice into rice, and your mother has to agree if she doesn't agree. ”

Xiao Cui said, "No, Dazhu. What if my mom really looks for a short time? I'll regret it for the rest of my life. ”

I think Xiao Cui is right, thought for a while, and said, "Sister, there is only one way now, which is to let Zhou Lin give up." If Zhou Lin gave up, your mother wouldn't stop us from being together. ”

Xiaocui said: "Zhou Lin likes me so much, how can he give up!" ”

I said, "Sister, it's up to people." That's what you ...... It's ...... like this."

When Xiao Cui heard this, she said, "Stinky boy, you can figure it out." Aren't you bad for my reputation! What will I do in the village in the future? ”

I said, "Sister, don't stay in the village in the future, quit your job and come to City C." I, Yang Dazhu, can afford to raise you. ”

Xiao Cui said, "Okay, Dazhu, then I'll try it." ”

I said, "Sister, Dazhu is waiting for your good news." ”

When my neighbor's daughter was a child, I called her aunt, and when she grew up, she asked me to call her sister, and later I called her baby

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Xiao Cui is the daughter of Li Po next door to my grandmother's house. Xiaocui's mother and my grandmother have a good relationship, my mother calls her "aunt", and I call her "Li Po". In this way, I will call Xiaocui "aunt".

When I was young, my parents worked in the south all the year round, so they left me at my grandmother's house. Cui and I grew up together. We've been playing together since we could walk. Cui is only a year older than me, but she cares about me like a little adult. At that time, she was inseparable from me almost every day. Sometimes my parents come back and take me home for a few days, and Xiaocui seems to have lost her soul, chasing my grandmother over and over again to ask me when I will come back.

At that time, the two of us were really unguessing, neither of us avoided anyone when peeing, and swam bare-bottomed in the creek. When Po Li had something to do, she put Xiaocui at my grandmother's house. We ate and slept together.

Later, we went to school. We go to school together, get out of school together, come home and do homework together, and go crazy together on weekends. At the end of class, Cui often came to my classroom to see me. When I was a child, I was small and thin, and I was often bullied by naughty ghosts. Once, a stinky boy bullied me, and Xiaocui found out, and she picked up a stick and was going to fight with others. Since then, no one has dared to bully me anymore.

When she was in junior high school, Xiaocui was already a slim girl. Looking at her plump figure, I felt a sense of awe for her. Although I like her very much in my heart, I don't dare to touch her body again. But Xiaocui has no scruples about me. When you go crazy, you roll on the ground with me in your arms. When I provoked her, she grabbed my ears and twisted them so hard that I had to beg for mercy before I could let go.

I admit what Xiaocui is doing to me at home, you have to pay attention at school. But she didn't, and she often embarrassed me in front of my classmates.

Once I said to Xiaocui, "Auntie, please pay attention in front of your classmates, okay?" The classmates are talking nonsense. ”

When Xiao Cui heard this, she asked, "What are you talking nonsense?" ”

I said, "Say you're my daughter-in-law." ”

When Xiao Cui heard this, her face flushed. After a while, he asked me, "Yes." Dazhu, do you want to marry me as a daughter-in-law? ”

I said, "Of course." ”

Xiao Cui said: "Is this amazing, let them say it." ”

I said, "But you're my aunt." ”

Xiaocui said, "What aunt? Dazhu, I'm only one year older than you, don't call me 'aunt' in the future, call me sister." ””

I know that Xiao Cui is angry when he says it. This "aunt" has been called for more than ten years, how can she be called "sister" casually. That's why I still call her "Auntie".

In a flash, we all grew up. By the time I graduated from high school, I had become a burly, handsome sunny boy. Xiaocui has also become a fashionable girl who is beautiful and loved by everyone. I like her even more in my heart. However, she is an "aunt".

Hey, this damn "auntie" title often makes it difficult for me to sleep.

In the college entrance examination that year, Xiaocui was admitted to a local higher vocational school, and after graduation, she worked as an accountant in a company in the town. I was still a junior in college. Cui gave me half of her salary. If I don't take it, she gets angry and gets mad at me. I had no choice but to accept it.

Because Xiaocui is very beautiful and temperamental, there is an endless stream of people who come to her house to talk about matchmaking after work, and there are not a few single male colleagues who chase her. But Xiaocui didn't accept anyone.

After graduating from college, I got a great job in C City. Because I am handsome, have strong work ability, and speak with humor, I am deeply liked by my colleagues. In the company, there are often little girls who show favor to me, and the kind eldest sister wants to introduce the daughter of a relative to me. But I have Xiaocui in my heart, so I can accommodate other girls.

One night during the Spring Festival that year, I was having dinner with my parents when I suddenly received a call from Xiaocui, saying that she was looking for me in an urgent matter and asked me to come to her at night.

I didn't know what happened to her, so I put down my job and rode to my grandmother's house on a battery bike. Then message her to tell her I'm coming.

Xiaocui invited me to the river outside the village, and told me about her mother's forced marriage in tears.

It turned out that Zhou Lin, the son of the owner of the garment factory in the village, fell in love with Xiaocui. That day, Zhou Lin and his father came to Xiaocui's house with a generous gift. Zhou Lin's factory has nearly 100 workers, and there are several cars alone. Stayed in a large self-built villa. Zhou Lin's father said that if Xiaocui married in the past, if she wanted to go to work, she would be the accountant of her own factory, and if she didn't want to go to work, she would be a full-time wife. As for the bride price, the old Li family has the final say. In addition to a few gold, I will give Xiaocui a car of 200,000 yuan.

It's hard to find such good conditions with lanterns. When Li Po heard this, she was immediately moved. After the guests left, Li Po persuaded Xiaocui to agree to this family business. Xiaocui has me in her heart, how can she agree.

Li Po quarreled with her and asked her who she was going to marry if she didn't marry on such good terms? Later, he also threatened to cut off relations with her if she did not agree, and she was not allowed to enter the door.

In desperation, Xiaocui called me and asked me to discuss countermeasures with her.

On the grass by the river, Xiaocui snuggled in my arms, looked at me with teary eyes and said, "Dazhu, you tell the truth, do you like me?" ”

I said, "Auntie, do you still need to ask?" Dazhu has liked you since he was a child and wants to be with you in his dreams. ”

Xiao Cui said, "Thank you, Da Zhu. Why don't you say you like me? ”

I said, "Auntie, I don't dare to say it." ”

Xiaocui said, "What are you afraid of? ”

I said, "You're my aunt." ”

When Xiao Cui heard this, she said loudly: "Dazhu, you are a college student, don't you know what this 'little aunt' is all about?" We are not relatives, we are the 'aunts' who call us on our lips. I'm only one year older than you, so I've already asked you to call me sister. We are childhood sweethearts, I liked you very early, and when I was a child, I wanted to be your daughter-in-law when I grew up. ”

I said, "Auntie......"

Xiaocui twisted my ears again and said, "Stinky boy, why are you still called Auntie?" ”

I hurriedly begged for mercy and said, "Sister, I want to tell you that I want to marry you after I work, but this damn 'aunt' ......"

When Xiao Cui heard this, she immediately hugged me tightly and kissed me affectionately. While kissing, he said, "Dazhu, thank you." Sister didn't hurt you in vain. ”

After we got tired of it for a while, Xiaocui said to me: "Dazhu, my mother is pressing, you let your parents hurry to my house to propose." ”

I said, "Okay." Let them come tomorrow. ”

When my neighbor's daughter was a child, I called her aunt, and when she grew up, she asked me to call her sister, and later I called her baby

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When I got home, I told my parents about it, and my mother reprimanded me. said: "Son, you are an urban white-collar worker, Xiaocui is a rural girl, how can she be worthy of you!" ”

I said, "Mom, why do you say that?" Xiaocui has loved me since I was a child, and she gave her heart out. I don't want her to marry in this life! ”

After hearing this, my mother hesitated for a while and said, "Stinky boy, I also know that Xiaocui is a good girl, but you are inferior." If you really get together, you will be laughed at by others. ”

I said, "Mom, our old Yang family is not related to her old Li family, what kind of generation is it?" It's all you, who asked me to call her 'aunt' since I was a child, but I sincerely didn't want us to be good. ”

My mom said, "Stinky boy, I didn't know you would be better when you grew up." ”

I begged my mother and said, "Mom, please, I'll go to Xiaocui's house tomorrow to propose marriage." ”

My mother saw that I really liked Xiaocui, so she had to agree. However, she said: "Son, although my grandmother's family and Li's family have been old neighbors for decades, how can the conditions of our family be compared with the old Zhou family." It's a bit of a mystery. ”

The next day, my mother and my grandmother went to Grandma Li's house to propose marriage for me, but as expected, my mother refused to do so. Her reason is high-sounding: we are inferior. My mother and grandmother were invited out of Lao Li's house in a gloomy manner.

Afterwards, Li Po knew that Xiaocui liked me, so she was not allowed to associate with me anymore.

When my neighbor's daughter was a child, I called her aunt, and when she grew up, she asked me to call her sister, and later I called her baby

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Now, Xiaocui called me to tell me about Li Po's forced marriage, and I was very worried that Xiaocui would be wronged. Although I taught Xiaocui how to make Zhou Lin give up, I don't know what the result will be.

A few days later, I received a call from Xiao Cui, and she told me excitedly, "Da Zhu, you are really good at this move." Zhou Lin really gave up. ”

When I heard this, I was overjoyed and asked, "Really?" Sister, what are you doing, tell me about it. ”

So, Xiaocui told me the ins and outs of the matter. She said to me:

"As soon as I got home from work that day, I found Zhou Lin waiting for me at my house. I took him to the house and said to him, 'Brother Zhou Lin, you are a good person, thank you for taking a fancy to me.' However, I can't hide it from you, I have long been in love with Yang Dazhu. We have ...... There is already a husband and wife. ’”

When Zhou Lin heard this, he was taken aback, but he calmed down after a while. He said to me, 'Little Cui, I really like you. As long as you don't contact Yang Dazhu in the future and live with me sincerely, I will treat the past as if nothing had happened. I still like you just as much. ’”

"I didn't expect Zhou Lin to be so infatuated. In order to completely break his thoughts, I said to him again: 'I'm sorry, Brother Zhou Lin, I have been with Yang Dazhu for more than 20 years, and my heart is in his body. You get my people, you can't get my heart, even if you are together, you will not be happy. Again...... I've ...... Already pregnant with his child. ’”

When Zhou Lin heard this, he immediately wilted. He said to me bitterly, 'Sister, then I bless you.' So saying, he left without looking back. ”

After listening to Xiaocui's words, I was very happy and said to Xiaocui: "Sister, you strike while the iron is hot, and say what you said to Zhou Lin to your mother again." In this way, our purpose will be achieved. ”

Xiao Cui said: "Da Zhu, you have a bad idea. My mom didn't want to kill me. ”

I said, "Sister, tiger poison doesn't eat children, you are her daughter, she won't do anything to you." ”

Xiaocui's mother was wondering that Zhou Lin's family didn't mention the engagement, and Xiaocui told her mother what she said to Zhou Lin. After her mother heard this, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood, and scolded Xiaocui fiercely.

But it has come to this, and it is useless to scold. Li Po had no choice but to put down her mind and talk to my grandmother about my marriage to Xiaocui.

On May Day of that year, Xiaocui and I got married. At night, when I lifted Xiaocui's red hijab, looking at her delicate face, I couldn't help but hug her and said, "Baby, Dazhu loves you to death!" ”

When my neighbor's daughter was a child, I called her aunt, and when she grew up, she asked me to call her sister, and later I called her baby

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Disclaimer: Wu Ping's original work, reproduced without permission, is prohibited. Please respect the author's labor and his own face!