
Within 24 hours, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia, and the Ukrainian military raided with cluster munitions, who was behind it?

author:铁血 Outpost
Within 24 hours, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia, and the Ukrainian military raided with cluster munitions, who was behind it?

A while ago, the countries of the Western camp once again broke through the "taboo" and gave Ukraine the "green light", allowing Ukraine to use the weapons they assisted to attack the Russian mainland. This is not good news for Russia. For this reason, Russia strongly condemns such actions of the West. However, judging from three recent events, Russia's warnings do not seem to have made much of a difference. No, as soon as I woke up, Russia was attacked on multiple fronts.

On the shores of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, as well as on the Russian-Ukrainian border, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia on the same day. Within 24 hours, three tragedies occurred in Russia, involving extremist groups, Ukraine and the West, and Russia is facing serious security challenges, and the situation is not optimistic. This is undoubtedly a tragic day for Russia. Then, among these three tragedies, the most tragic is Dagestan, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, which was attacked by several groups of extremist groups.

Within 24 hours, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia, and the Ukrainian military raided with cluster munitions, who was behind it?

It is reported that terrorist attacks occurred in the city of Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus region of Russia, and the city of Derbent, the second largest city. During the terrorist attack, several Orthodox churches and synagogues were attacked almost at the same time, and the synagogues were set on fire. According to Russian reports, at least 21 people have been killed in this terrorist attack. In addition, the current leader of the Republic of Dagestan Melikov announced that the 24th, 25th, and 26th days will be designated as mourning days, flags will be lowered at half-mast in mourning, and all entertainment activities will be stopped.

Judging by the description of the Russian side, the terrorist attack was very bloody, and in the course of the attack, the terrorists also slit the throat of a priest. From the relevant social media, we can hear clear and dense gunfire, and even the gasping sound of Russian military police in pursuit. The tragedy has happened, and the most interesting thing at the moment is undoubtedly the person behind the scenes. According to Russian media disclosures, the murderers also appear to be among the two sons of the head of the Sergokala district in central Dagestan.

Within 24 hours, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia, and the Ukrainian military raided with cluster munitions, who was behind it?

However, I personally believe that the Russian side's handling of this incident should be similar to the handling of the terrorist attack on the concert hall outside Moscow in March. Because, on the same day, Ukraine used American cluster munitions to carry out air strikes on Sevastopol, the largest city in Crimea, causing hundreds of civilian casualties on the beach of Sevastopol. Not only that, in the Belgorod region on the Russian-Ukrainian border, three drones were attacked, one of which hit the parking lot of an apartment, killing a Russian.

Within 24 hours, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia, which shows that the recent situation in Russia is not optimistic. At present, Putin has more and more problems to face, on the one hand, he has to fight wits and courage with the countries of the Western camp, and on the other hand, he has to fight with Ukraine on the front line. This point should be taken seriously by any country!

Within 24 hours, terrorist attacks and air strikes were aimed at Russia, and the Ukrainian military raided with cluster munitions, who was behind it?