
Serbia is gradually Indianized? Putin made his position clear, specifying who is Russia's real "backer"

author:铁血 Outpost

Selling weapons and equipment to Ukraine, Serbia is this to "betray" Russia? Why is it said that Putin has found the biggest "backer" for Russia? Serbia has always been out of place in Europe, and they are one of the few countries that have never participated in sanctions against Russia. But recently, this country friendly to Russia has been exposed by the media, and they have been secretly supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. Could it be that Serbia has really betrayed Russia?

Serbia is gradually Indianized? Putin made his position clear, specifying who is Russia's real "backer"

According to British media reports, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Serbia has exported more than $800 million worth of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine through third parties. This figure was also recognized by the country's president, Vučić. In other words, Ukraine has indeed received a lot of weapons and ammunition from Serbia, and of course, Kyiv has also paid a lot of money as a price.

Although these are resold through third-party countries, Western media have also pointed out that Serbia is actually aware of the flow of these weapons and has been trading them "secretly" with Western countries. Obviously, according to this statement of the Western media, Serbia is "betraying" Russia and "backstabbing" Putin!

Serbian President Vučić, in his face with this topic, made it clear that this is part of the country's economic recovery plan and that they are indeed exporting ammunition to Western countries, since these sales are legal. He needs to think about the interests of the Serbian people, and as long as it is not exported directly to Ukraine or Russia, he will not change his neutral position.

Serbia is gradually Indianized? Putin made his position clear, specifying who is Russia's real "backer"

Therefore, it is not so much that Serbia "betrayed" Putin, but that they were gradually "Indianized". You must know that in the process of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, some countries have made full use of the opportunity of Russia's hostility with the West and made a lot of differences. India is the most striking example of this, where New Delhi buys energy from Russia at a low price and then sells it to Europe at a high price, making a lot of the difference.

Serbia now is actually the same as India before it. The West needs weapons and ammunition, and is willing to pay a high price, how can Serbia not sell it? Don't look at the fact that the United States is so active in sanctions against Russia, and it has also imported a lot of resources from Russia behind its back. If Western countries bid high enough, it is estimated that Russia will not be able to resist and sell their ammunition to them, even if they know that these ammunition will eventually flow into the hands of the Ukrainian army.

Serbia is gradually Indianized? Putin made his position clear, specifying who is Russia's real "backer"

Weapons and ammunition of friendly countries are sent to the hands of the Ukrainian army, what should Russia do? In fact, President Putin has a clear answer to this question in his mind for a long time. According to the Russia Today website, Putin recently stressed the importance of providing a stable supply to the army and ensuring national security. He pointed out that the only thing Russia can rely on is itself, and it is the unremitting efforts of the Russian military industry to provide guarantees that have enabled the Russian army to succeed step by step. (Defective)

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