
In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

author:Let go of that history
In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

In China's modern history, there was such a vicious and notorious landlord.

During his lifetime, he did many evils and seized 300,000 acres of land from the poor;

He was extremely luxurious, building a large estate covering an area of 38 acres with more than 160 rooms;

He openly attacked the Communist Party, resulting in the heroic death of 12 party members.

Before he died, he did not forget to find a piece of feng shui treasure land for himself, wanting to continue to enjoy glory and wealth in the next life.

But what Liu Wencai never expected was that his crime had already aroused great anger among the people.

In 1958, his mausoleum was dug up by an angry crowd and his body was ruthlessly abandoned.

What's even more embarrassing is that even the tomb keeper Liu Qingshan died mysteriously 4 days after Liu Wencai's cemetery was destroyed, as if he was implicated in Liu Wencai's crimes before his death......

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

In 1887, Liu Wencai was born in a famous family in Anren Town, Dayi County, Sichuan.

Liu Wencai's grandfather, Liu Zongxian, was tall and powerful, and his father, Liu Gongzan, was a shrewd and capable businessman.

Born in this kind of family, Liu Wencai has enjoyed a life of fine clothes and food since he was a child, and soon grew into a ruffian hooligan.

What's more, this rascal has his own backers.

In that turbulent era, the warlords quickly divided their territories, and the Liu family also emerged in the political struggle in Sichuan.

Liu Wenhui of the Baoding Department and Liu Xiang of the Accelerated Department are both outstanding representatives.

After becoming an adult, Liu Wencai gradually entered the military and political circles with the support of his younger brother Liu Wenhui.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

He has served as a bureau chief, division chief and other positions, and holds real power in his hands.

However, Liu Wencai is not just satisfied with power, he is more keen on chasing money.

During his tenure as director, he developed more than 40 types of tax items, and the variety of taxes and the frequency of payment were astounding.

The tax programs he set up were all aimed at poor peasants.

For the harvest of ploughing, the tax per acre must be paid; To produce food, you have to pay a food tax; If you use farm tools, you need to pay the relevant taxes.

This pervasive exorbitant taxation has oppressed the people to the point of breathlessness.

In addition, there is also a "flower tax", "street tax", and even a "toilet tax" must be paid when going to the toilet.

So many taxes have bent the shoulders of the peasants.

However, Liu Wencai was not satisfied.

Suddenly, one day, he thought of opium, and he knew that it was a drug that brought heavy disasters to the Chinese nation.

However, he also knows that this can bring him huge financial benefits.

He forced farmers to grow opium poppies, and if they didn't, they had to pay the so-called "lazy tax".

Even if farmers choose to grow opium poppy, they still have to bear a wide range of taxes, such as the "tobacco tax", the "red light tax" and the "economic tax".

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

Through these cruel methods, Liu Wencai gradually accumulated an astonishing fortune.

Of course, his actions also made the people cry bitterly.

It just so happened that Liu Xiang, who was in the accelerated department, returned to his hometown and saw Liu Wenhui and Liu Wencai's oppression of the people, and he was immediately angry and fought with Liu Wenhui.

In this battle, Liu Wenhui failed, and Liu Wencai also returned to his hometown Dayi County with the money he couldn't spend in his life.

At this time, Liu Wencai obviously did not rein in because of the failure of his younger brother Liu Wenhui, but also threatened to "let all the lands in the Quartet be surnamed Liu".

He colluded with various forces to form the so-called "Public Welfare Association", which is actually a group of bandits, bullies, and ruffians.

Then, he formed the famous "Self-Defense Pistol Company" to defend his rights and interests by force.

However, Liu Wencai is not satisfied with this.

He knows that in order to gain a foothold, he must have a wide network of contacts and a deep foundation. As a result, he actively established contacts with elites from all walks of life as a way to strengthen his position.

His son was an apprentice under Huang Jinrong, Du Yuesheng and other bigwigs of the Shanghai Youth Gang.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

Among them, Liu Wencai relied on his power and means to plunder 300,000 mu of land from the people.

People who have lost their land have to choose to "rent" the land that belongs to them, and they also have to pay high rents.

Because of Liu Wencai's cruel oppression and exploitation, the people live in dire straits all day long.

However, Liu Wencai doesn't care about others, he thinks about how to use these people's fat and people's ointment to enjoy himself.

Soon, he built a manor house for himself.

The estate covers an astonishing 38 acres of land and is fully furnished with more than 160 houses.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the building known as the "Graceful Miss Building", which is the place where Liu Wencai used to support his mistress.

In addition, the manor also has a "Joyful Palace" for his enjoyment, as well as a "Winter Palace" and a "Summer Palace" for opium smoking, which can be described as extremely luxurious.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

Its magnificence and luxury can even rival the royal family and nobility in the feudal dynasty.

Many people will ask, is his power so great just because of his younger brother and some ruffians?

Yes and no, there are other people behind him.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

The reason why his influence is so great is mainly due to the Kuomintang.

Through his marriage relationship, he connected various forces, even including the high-ranking figures of the Kuomintang.

These people, like Liu Wencai, are not honest and upright figures.

It was with the help of their strength that Liu Wencai showed the Kuomintang his so-called "exploits in suppressing the Communists" in the hope of gaining their protection and favoritism.

In 1928, Liu Wencai sabotaged the anti-donation struggle led by the Communist Party, killing Communist Party members Li Xiaowen and Li Jiaxun, as well as more than 400 innocent party members and the masses.

He also planned the "Five People Disaster" incident that shocked Sichuan.

In the spring of 1931, he killed five Communists.

One of them was lurking in the "Aviation Office" where Liu Wencai held an important position, and was discovered.

Liu Wencai not only brutally killed him, but also dug out his heart and liver and ate them, which is simply terrifying.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

The Chiang Kai-shek government was full of praise for Liu Wencai's campaign to suppress the Communists, and gave full recognition and protection to his forces.

Therefore, in Liu Wencai's ruling area, the people complained, but he was still as stable as Mount Tai.

In 1947, the Communist Party sent an armed task force to Dayi County.

As a result, as soon as the team entered the territory of Dayi County, it was attacked by Liu Wencai, and 12 members of the team died heroically.

Subsequently, I decided to launch an armed uprising, but unfortunately the news leaked out, and Liu Wencai attacked again, causing huge losses.

In 1949, thousands of peasants in Dayi County came together to launch a rent-reduction campaign to counter Liu Wencai's greedy exploitation.

Liu Wencai's nephew, Liu Yuanting, led more than 20 horse-drawn carriages to Jinglin Temple in Dayi County, where he clashed fiercely with the peasants.

The public angrily asked the Liu family why they did not comply with the government's 25-year rent reduction policy, and Liu Yuanting's butler, Yang Xinfu, responded with arrogance, and the verbal exchange between the two sides intensified.

At this moment, people's hearts tightened, gunshots rang out, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense!

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

Yang Xinfu hurriedly ordered the servants to show their weapons, but the brave peasants did not flinch, waved the hoes in their hands, and walked forward firmly.

Faced with numerous peasant protesters, Yang Xinfu had to temporarily compromise and agree to lower rents.

However, Liu Wen did not give up because of this.

His nephew, Liu Shirong, reappeared with heavily armed family members and forcibly collected rent from the peasants.

The peasants responded skillfully and quickly reported the situation to the local martial arts team.

When the soldiers of the Wugong team arrived at the scene, Liu Shirong's family members were already surrounded by all weapons.

Terrified, Liu fell to his knees, begged the farmers for forgiveness, and promised to lower rents.

However, Liu Wencai still refused to let these poor peasants go, and he sent hundreds of caretakers to various parts of Dayi County in an attempt to collect rents by force.

However, they were surrounded by peasant forces several times larger than their own, and were forced to seek negotiations.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

The representatives of the underground armed forces seriously criticized Liu Wencai's housekeepers, and they could only apologize again and again.

When the news reached the ears of Liu Wencai, who was recuperating in Chengdu, he was already terminally ill, and he was so angry that he vomited blood and shouted loudly to return to Anren Town.

At this moment, Liu Wencai is undoubtedly facing the last moment of his life.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

In early 1948, Liu Wencai was diagnosed with tuberculosis by doctors, and he firmly believed in the profundity of traditional Chinese medicine and ignored Western medicine.

As time went on, his condition worsened rather than remission.

By 1949, Liu Wencai's physical condition had reached the point of life and death, and he had to leave his hometown accompanied by his family and go to the bustling city of Chengdu to find a chance for treatment.

However, in October of that year, the light of his life seemed to have been extinguished.

In the last moments of his life, a flock of crows often gathered outside Liu Wencai's courtyard, circling and flying among the branches, as if to see off the once powerful landowner.

Liu Wencai knew that his time was short, and insisted on returning to Anren Town, and although his family was heartbroken, they could only comply with his wishes and carry him into the jeep, hoping to fulfill his wishes.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

However, as soon as the car drove 20 kilometers out of Chengdu, Liu Wencai's breath was already weak, and his family had to take him back to Chengdu.

Not long after returning home, Liu Wencai passed away quietly without preparing a coffin and new clothes.

After Liu Wencai's death, in order to avoid causing social unrest, his family secretly invited monks to chant for him, which lasted for a month.

However, due to the political environment at the time, no one dared to go public about his death.

His body was eventually transported back to Anren Town and placed in a feng shui treasure that he had personally selected during his lifetime, the "Duhu Hanging Seal".

Liu Wencai hopes to achieve immortality here and continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

But, soon, his wish was shattered.

When the news of Liu Wencai's death came, the people of the entire Anren Town and Dayi County cheered and celebrated the bully's departure.

His estate was looted by the people, which was undoubtedly the most direct punishment for his crimes during his lifetime.

However, he had already anticipated his fate before his death, so he specially arranged for several tomb guards to guard his mausoleum.

These grave keepers died one after another, and only one old man named Liu Qingshan persevered to the end.

In 1958, the bully Liu Wencai's "Feng Shui Treasure Tomb" was destroyed, and the tomb keeper died mysteriously four days later

In 1958, Liu Wencai's mausoleum was finally discovered by the public, and his elaborate "Duhu Hanging Seal" mausoleum was not spared.

Angry people picked up the tools in their hands and completely destroyed the mausoleum, and Liu Wencai's coffin was also excavated.

This large landowner, who once roamed the countryside, did not get rest after his death.

When Liu Wencai's tomb was destroyed, Liu Qingshan only survived for four days before leaving this world.

All this seems to be the arrangement of fate.

Liu Wencai, who made his fortune at a young age, embarked on the road of opposing the people and being in the company of evil.

With the help of his brother's power, he fished the people and caused chaos to one side, bringing countless sufferings to the people in western and southern Sichuan.

In the end, he did not escape the punishment of fate, and the torture of illness caused him to die in a foreign land, and his body was brutalized in the wilderness.

This is the best punishment for him, and it is also a warning to future generations: good and evil will be rewarded in the end, not that they will not be rewarded, and the time has not yet come.