
The past is a nourishing heart

author:Optimistic run silently

Past events: Wenrun Xintian commemorates the 20th anniversary of the successful application of "One Palace and Three Tombs" for World Heritage (8)

[Written on the front]

History is the carrier of culture, and culture is the blood of history. Historical and cultural heritage is an important part of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, a vivid testimony of the continuous inheritance of Chinese civilization, and an important foundation for connecting national emotions and maintaining national unity.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to the protection of cultural and natural heritage, pointing out that "history and culture are the soul of the city, and we must protect the historical and cultural heritage of the city as if we cherish our own lives", emphasizing that "we must protect and manage the cultural relics that condense the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and at the same time strengthen research and utilization, let history speak and let cultural relics speak". The surging power of hard work.

July 1 this year marks the 20th anniversary of the successful inscription of Liaoning Province's "One Palace and Three Tombs" (the Forbidden City in Shenyang, the Yongling Tomb in Fushun, and the Zhaoling and Fuling Tombs in Shenyang).

In order to commemorate this unforgettable moment of personal experience, in order to protect, manage, publicize, utilize, and inherit the world cultural heritage, in order to further perceive the strong spiritual power and cultural connotation of the new "Liaoshen Campaign" for the revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, I have shared with my relatives and friends since June 23, 2004, on July 1, 2004, the 28th World Cultural Heritage Conference passed the documentary of "One Palace and Three Tombs" (never published in any media or network), and "China Cultural Heritage News" published the relevant articles I wrote that year. We would like to thank the great times and the world heritage left by our ancestors, strengthen the historical responsibility of cultural heritage protection, and let the cultural resources shared by mankind be inherited forever, benefit the general public, and serve the whole society.

June 30, 2024

Past events: Wenrun Xintian commemorates the 20th anniversary of the successful application of "One Palace and Three Tombs" for World Heritage (8)

I really came into contact with and learned about China Cultural Relics News in 2003 when I ended my 35-year military career and transferred to work in a local area. From 2005 to 2010, I published 26 signed articles in the Cultural Relics Daily, which were based on special experiences, including 10 memorable articles that recorded 10 firsts in my life: from organizing and coordinating the opening of the new Liaoning Provincial Museum to participating in the 28th World Cultural Heritage Conference held in Suzhou; From entering the campus of Peking University to participate in the training course of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage to implementing the State Council's "Notice on Strengthening the Protection of Cultural Heritage"; From the commemoration of the first "Cultural Heritage Day" in the mainland to the participation in the 2006 national cultural relics administrative law enforcement special inspection; From the implementation of the third national cultural relics census to the participation in the national world cultural heritage work conference; From the implementation of free admission of a wide range of museums to the participation in the 22nd General Assembly and 25th Plenary Session of the International Council of Museums with the theme of "Museums Committed to Social Harmony". These experiences and articles have left me with deep memories, which I often reminisce about and nourish my heart.

As a new recruit on the cultural relics front, he was able to publish these articles in a national cultural relics professional newspaper within five years, benefiting from the excellent situation of the construction and development of the mainland's cultural and museum undertakings; Thanks to the information transmission, knowledge dissemination, civilization transmission and spiritual inheritance of the "China Cultural Relics News"; Thanks to the careful guidance of the comrades of the newspaper, the newspaper has carefully revised and carefully edited. I am especially grateful to the editor-in-charge Zhang Junmei, who often submits tasks, comes up with ideas, talks about the way, compiles and distributes 19 articles by herself, and gives a lot of direct and specific help. These articles are superimposed on my understanding and love for cultural relics work, reflect the hard work and sweat of the editors of China Cultural Relics News, and reflect the stage results of the mainland's cultural relics protection work.

Looking back on the past, sigh at the opportunity. In July 2004, as a member of the delegation of Liaoning Province to apply for world cultural heritage, I participated in the 28th World Cultural Heritage Conference held in Suzhou. After a lapse of five years, the book "Experiencing the Shenyang Forbidden City's "World Heritage Application" was not only published, but also won the first prize in the "I and Cultural Heritage Protection" essay competition sponsored by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and undertaken by China Cultural Heritage News, and included in the "Celebration of the 60th Birthday of the People's Republic of China" "I and Cultural Heritage Protection" Large-scale Theme Essay Anthology. In December 2005, the State Council issued Document No. 42: "Notice on Strengthening the Protection of Cultural Heritage", and I published "Deepening Understanding, Strengthening Concepts, Refining Opinions, and Optimizing the Team"; On June 10, 2006, we carried out the "Cultural Heritage Day" commemorative activities with the theme of "Protecting Cultural Heritage and Guarding the Spiritual Homeland", and published the "Thoughts on the First 'Cultural Heritage Day' in the Mainland" In 2006, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage organized the annual national administrative law enforcement special inspection, and I was selected as the leader of the second group, leading the team to Chongqing Municipality and Guizhou Province to carry out the administrative law enforcement inspection of cultural relics. On December 18, 2006, the National Conference on World Cultural Heritage was held in Beijing, which was the first time in the history of our country that the World Cultural Heritage Work Conference. On April 4, 2007, the State Council issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Third National Survey of Cultural Relics", and I conscientiously studied the relevant documents, learned from the experience of the pilot provinces and cities, solicited the opinions of provincial cultural relics experts, and wrote and published "Finding the Right Position, Grasping the Key Points, Organizing and Coordinating -- Talking about the Role of the Provincial Cultural Relics Departments in the Third National Cultural Relics Survey". Since March 1, 2008, public museums and memorial halls managed by cultural relics departments at all levels across the country, as well as national patriotic education demonstration bases, have been open to the public free of charge. I contacted the construction of the Liaoning Provincial Museum and wrote "Focus on Ten Key Tasks to Ensure the Steady Progress of Free Opening", and the editor-in-charge Zhang Junmei specially added an editor's note when compiling and distributing this article. In 2010, I participated in the preparatory work of the 22nd General Assembly and the 25th Plenary Session of the International Council of Museums, and on behalf of the Chinese Museums Association, I took the lead in cooperating with China Cultural Heritage News. During the conference held in Shanghai from November 7 to 12, I wrote "The Flourishing of Museums Depends on Social Harmony and Progress: Reflections on Attending the 22nd General Assembly and the 25th Plenary Session of the International Council of Museums". Looking back on this period of time, I am glad that my change of career coincided with the vigorous development of the mainland's cultural and museum industry, and these rare opportunities have broadened the field of practice and increased the understanding of work.

Aftertaste the article, thank you to the newspaper people. Objectively speaking, for the first time in my life, there are no complicated processes, twists and turns in the story and wonderful plots. However, it is an opportunity, a blessing, and a blessing for individuals. Fortunately, with the help and encouragement of the editors of China Cultural Heritage News, these experiences were transformed into work experience and elevated to rational thinking. This is a microcosm of the editors' hard work and elaborate production of thousands of "wedding dresses" for others, this is a manifestation of the editorial department's fine style of keeping the overall situation in mind, looking downward, seeking truth and being pragmatic, and this is a window for the newspaper to work around the center of the whole party and serve the overall propaganda section of the cultural and museum cause.

In 2005, I wrote "A Mentor and Friend at Work: Written in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Journal" in connection with the fact that I had read and used the "China Cultural <中国文物报>Relics News" for two years, and won the first prize of the second prize (the first prize was vacant) in the essay contest of "I and the Cultural Relics News". In January 2015, I focused on articles published in China Cultural Relics News, and compiled the knowledge gained from exploring cultural and museum work, the practice of changing jobs, and the works of friends into a 400,000-word "Perceptual Culture". Every time I read and reminisce about these articles, I will naturally flash the names of a string of friends in "China Cultural Relics News" in my mind. In the past years, they have cared, supported, and helped me in different ways, or exchanged ideas, or communicated feelings, or passed on information, or discussed writing, or asked for interviews, or revised articles, or exchanged words. This kind of communication continued until I retired for many years, and the relationship between us was the same, all of which gave me confidence and strength, moved me, and made me remember it in my heart and put it into action. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to these friends for helping me preserve these memories, for this gratification, for the wealth I have won, and for the emotions I have forged.

Looking back at the museum, I feel the changes. The unprecedented events I have experienced, the pioneering work, and the next article that records my footprints, show the development achievements of our country attaching great importance to the protection of cultural heritage from one level, and witness the gratifying changes of more scientific concepts, clearer focus, and more direct benefits to the people. Accompanied by "China Cultural Heritage News".

With the course I have walked, I really feel that the concept of cultural relics protection and protection work keep pace with the times, from the state of nature to consciousness and then to a high degree of self-confidence, the cause of cultural heritage protection has undergone and is undergoing great changes; I truly feel that the state attaches great importance to cultural construction, and incorporates the great development and prosperity of socialist culture, including the protection of cultural relics, into the national "five-in-one" construction project; I really feel the expansion and change of the connotation of the mainland's cultural relics, from "antiques" to cultural relics to cultural heritage; I really feel the changes in the power of protection and the group, from the attention of the government to the concern of the whole people, from the minority industry

the input of personnel to the active participation of the masses; I really feel the changes in the form of management and protection, the pace of governing the country according to the law is accelerating, and the laws and regulations on the protection of cultural heritage are becoming more and more perfect. These achievements and such changes are inseparable from the strength of all aspects of society, and China Cultural Relics News has also played its own role in this.

In the past 30 years, China Cultural Relics News has continued to grow and develop, from regional to national, from a tabloid to a large newspaper, and from a single print media into a comprehensive media integrating newspapers, publications and the Internet. I believe that in the future process, "China Cultural Relics News" will get better and better!

(Written on the day of commemorating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the "China Cultural Heritage News", the "China Cultural Relics News" only set up an excellent essay award in this essay contest, and this article won the award and was included in the newspaper's commemorative anthology)