
In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

author:Pillow Lever

[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

On May 8, 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu, an old painter who had woven countless landscapes with brushes and colors, wrote this obituary by hand after the death of his wife Zhang Meixi.

This is not only a farewell, but also an affectionate confession that spans more than 70 years of ups and downs, recording a story of love that has always adhered to love despite all the vicissitudes of life. Behind this simple obituary, there are hidden years they have walked together: from the young to the white-haired companions, from the war-torn predicament to the peaceful years together.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

Love at first sight: from a stormy home to a lifelong partner

In 1942, in a small art gallery in Jiangxi, 18-year-old Huang Yongyu and 20-year-old Zhang Meixi met. Huang Yongyu was just a young man who had just come to the big city from the countryside, while Zhang Meixi was born into a family of military officers and was well-educated, and was regarded by his family as a treasure in his hands.

This chance encounter was at an art exhibition, Huang Yongyu was a young artist participating in the exhibition, and Zhang Meixi was an aristocratic lady who came to the exhibition. Huang Yongyu's poverty contrasted sharply with Zhang Meixi's wealth, but Huang Yongyu's artistic talent and sincerity immediately attracted Zhang Meixi's attention.

Although Huang Yongyu's works displayed in the museum are simple, they are full of love for life and the pursuit of beauty, and this pure dedication touched Zhang Meixi. And Huang Yongyu was also deeply attracted by Zhang Meixi's elegance and wisdom. In the days that followed, Huang Yongyu began to use the power of music to express his love for Zhang Meixi.

He knew that Zhang Meixi liked music, so he began to learn trumpet, hoping to establish a deeper emotional connection with her through music. He bought a French trumpet and cut back on food and clothing, despite his own financial constraints. Whenever Zhang Meixi appeared near the art museum, Huang Yongyu blew a trumpet to salute her from afar. This unique way of showing love gradually warmed up the relationship between the two.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

Elopement: Together, we will go through difficult times

When the relationship between the two was strongly opposed by Zhang Meixi's family, Zhang Meixi decided to give up her superior life and chose to elope with Huang Yongyu to pursue their freedom and happiness. Their road to love was not smooth, and the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War made them repeatedly displaced, but this difficult time also forged their indestructible feelings.

After elopement, Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi's lives were not all smooth sailing. The shadow of war often looms over their lives, and their daily lives are filled with uncertainty due to frequent relocation and precarious work. Despite this, Huang Yongyu insisted on his artistic creation, and Zhang Meixi also supported her husband as much as she could, and the two relied on each other to fight the difficulties of life together.

From 1943 to 1945, during the critical period of the Anti-Japanese War, the two were forced to move many times to escape the war. During this life of displacement, Huang Yongyu found inspiration to paint a series of works reflecting on wartime life, which would later become an important part of his artistic career.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

At the same time, by teaching children to read and write and basic music, Zhang Meixi not only helps the children in the community, but also brings a small income to the family. After the war, Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi moved to Shanghai, where Huang Yongyu was exposed to the wider art world and gradually built a reputation in the local art scene.

Despite the financial difficulties, Huang Yongyu persevered in his work, and his work was gradually recognized by the art world. Huang Yongyu's artistic talent and persistence not only won him praise, but also brought him some opportunities to teach and exhibit, slightly improving their living conditions.

During this time, despite the huge pressure from the outside world, the relationship between Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi became stronger and stronger. They found each other's support in the face of adversity and spent the most difficult years of their lives together.

Through their unsung mutual support and sacrifice, they not only protected each other, but also preserved Huang Yongyu's precious works of art, which later became an important part of modern Chinese art.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

Hand in hand with art: from darkness to light

In all the hardships and tortures, Zhang Meixi has always been Huang Yongyu's strong backing, and the two are not only husband and wife, but also partners in art and life. After fleeing the mainland, Huang Yongyu arrived in Taiwan in the early 1950s, a period that marked a fresh beginning for his artistic career.

In Taiwan, Huang Yongyu was able to express his artistic ideas more freely and began to venture into more diverse art forms, including ink painting, printmaking, and sculpture. His works have begun to attract attention and praise from the Taiwanese and international art circles.

During his first decade in Taiwan, Huang Yongyu set up his own studio in Taipei, which not only became the core place of his creation, but also a platform for many young artists to learn and communicate. He taught ink painting and printmaking techniques, taught the philosophy of art, and had a profound influence on many young people who later became famous artists.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

His teaching approach is unique, focusing on inspiring students' creativity and personal expression, rather than simply copying traditional techniques.

In the 1960s, Wong's artistic career developed further, and his works began to participate in international exhibitions, winning several international awards. During this period, his paintings presented a unique style in the use of color and composition, combining the essence of traditional Chinese painting with the expressive techniques of modern art, and were highly praised by art critics and collectors.

Despite Huang Yongyu's notable artistic achievements, his wife, Zhang Meixi, has always played the role of a supporter in life. She manages the household while working as an assistant in Huang's studio, helping with day-to-day tasks and organizing exhibitions. Zhang Meixi's support enabled Huang Yongyu to devote himself to artistic creation without outside interference.

In the 1970s, Huang's fame continued to expand, and his works were collected by museums and private collectors in several countries. In addition, he was invited to overseas for cultural exchanges, sharing the integration of traditional Chinese art and modern expression techniques. Over the years, Huang Yongyu has not only become an internationally renowned artist, but also a disseminator of Chinese culture.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

The Little Happiness of Life: The Daily Life of Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi

Even in his later years, Huang Yongyu still maintained his love of life and sense of humor. He once bought a trumpet again in Hong Kong, and although he needed dentures, he still tried to play for Zhang Meixi and recreate the romance of the past. These small blessings constitute fond memories of their life together.

In 1970, during an art exhibition in Hong Kong, Wong Yongyu stumbled upon a French trumpet similar to his youth in an antique shop. This discovery reminded him of his first encounter with Zhang Meixi and his early love time. Huang Yongyu, who decided to buy this trumpet, hopes to be able to play her favorite melody for Zhang Meixi again.

Although he hadn't played it for years, Huang Yongyu spent some time relearning how to operate the trumpet, and he practiced every day in the studio, ready to surprise his wife. On Zhang Meixi's birthday, Huang Yongyu arranged a small private concert with several close friends and family.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

When he picked up the trumpet and played the love song of the year, although the notes may not be as perfect as before, the act itself rekindled the emotions and memories between the couple. It became a heartwarming and unforgettable moment for family and friends.

In addition to music, Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi also participated in a number of community art projects in their later years, hoping to bring art to more people. They often attend art exhibitions and cultural lectures together, and Huang Yongyu often talks about his philosophy of art and views on life at these events, while Zhang Meixi is happy to share her understanding of art and feelings about living together as a husband and wife with the participants.

In addition, Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi also actively participated in public welfare activities and donated to art education projects in many schools. They believe that art can educate and inspire the younger generation, and they hope that through their efforts, they can contribute to society. These activities not only add a sense of fulfillment to their later years, but also earn them respect and love in the community.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

Eternal Paintings: The Artistic Lives of Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi

The love story of Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi is like a long scroll painting spanning more than 70 years, integrating art, love and the changes of the times. In the years they have walked together, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, but their relationship has remained the same.

In 1978, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew across the land of China. This year, Huang Yongyu, who has been widely recognized overseas, was finally able to return to his motherland after many years of absence. This return is not only an expression of personal feelings, but also an important turning point in his artistic career.

Accompanied by Zhang Meixi, Huang Yongyu re-acquainted himself with the motherland that had undergone great changes, which injected new vitality and inspiration into his artistic creation. In the early 80s, Huang Yongyu began to hold solo exhibitions in Chinese mainland. His works integrate Chinese and Western art elements, with both the artistic conception of traditional Chinese painting and the expressiveness of modern art, which has attracted wide attention in the art world.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

Zhang Meixi played an important role in the preparation and organization of these exhibitions, and her care and insight contributed greatly to the success of the exhibitions. In 1985, Huang Yongyu accepted the invitation of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and began to teach art in China. This decision gradually shifted the focus of their lives back to Chinese mainland.

In the process of teaching, Huang Yongyu not only imparts skills, but also pays more attention to cultivating students' ability to think independently and innovate. Zhang Meixi often participates in student activities, providing care and support for young artists in their daily lives. In the 90s, with the rise of Chinese contemporary art on the international stage, Huang Yongyu's works were favored by more international collectors and art museums.

His paintings not only reflect his personal style, but also become a microcosm of the development of modern art in China. In this process, Zhang Meixi continued to support her husband, and at the same time began to organize Huang Yongyu's artistic creation over the years in preparation for the publication of a collection of paintings and retrospectives in the future.

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter

Stepping into the 21st century, Huang Yongyu, who is past his prime, still maintains his strong creativity. During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, his large-scale mural "Splendid China" was unveiled at the Bird's Nest Stadium and became an important part of the Olympic cultural program. This work embodies Huang Yongyu's deep understanding of Chinese culture and his best wishes for the development of the motherland.

Despite her advanced age, Zhang Meixi was still involved in part of the project, and the husband and wife witnessed this important moment together. In 2010, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of his acquaintance with Zhang Meixi, 86-year-old Huang Yongyu created a series of paintings with the theme of "love".

These works not only express his deep affection for his wife, but also reflect his thoughts on life and art. These paintings were later exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, touching countless audiences. In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu wrote an obituary for his wife, drawing an end to this love that spanned more than half a century with his usual humorous and affectionate brushstrokes.

However, their story doesn't end there. The love story of Huang Yongyu and Zhang Meixi, their persistent pursuit of art, and their courage to persevere in the turbulent years will forever be etched in the hearts of the history of modern Chinese art and many admirers.



The most poignant "obituary love letter"! 96-year-old Huang Yongyu said goodbye to his wife, which was his first love for 76 years. Shangguan News, 2020-05-15

In 2020, 96-year-old Huang Yongyu bid farewell to his wife, and the obituary was his last love letter