
In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

author:Pillow Lever

The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source and screenshots of the literature have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In a hazy morning light in 2019, a fate that has been watched by the whole country is about to come to an end. Zhong Yuan, a former Didi driver, was sentenced to death for a horrific crime. That summer, his actions not only took the life of a young woman, Zhao Peichen, but also changed the fate of both families forever.

He suddenly knelt down before he was executed, trying to shake the heartstrings of the executioner, hoping for a chance of survival. Is it possible for him to get this glimmer of life?

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

The farewell of the graduation season and the appointment of the party

In the summer of 2018, Zhao Peichen and her good sisters ushered in an important moment in their lives - graduating from college. On this day, they plan to get together to celebrate this turning point and toast to their new life ahead. Zhao Peichen carefully prepared for this party, she chose a sundress that she had just bought, this dress was simple and elegant, perfect for a summer dinner.

Before preparing to go out, Zhao Peichen stood in front of the mirror and began to put on makeup. She opted for a light makeup look, with a light foundation and pink blush to accentuate her youthful vibe. Her eye makeup is not too heavy, and she only uses light brown eyeshadow and black eyeliner to outline her eyes to make her eyes look brighter.

Finally, she applied a layer of pink lipstick, which made her whole person look fresh and vibrant. Zhao Peichen gently tied his long hair into a low ponytail, simple and stylish. She spun around in front of the mirror, checking her outfit for anything wrong.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

After making sure everything was perfect, she smiled at herself in the mirror with satisfaction. She felt that she was dressed perfectly tonight and could confidently appear in front of her friends.

She turned on her phone and planned to call a car to the meeting place. After selecting a destination in the DiDi app, the system quickly matched her with a black van. After confirming the vehicle information and the driver's information, she waited for the vehicle to arrive at the door. After a while, a black business car drove up to her house on time.

Zhao Peichen opened the car door and sat in the car. The interior of the car is spacious, the seats are very comfortable, and she easily places her handbag on the seat next to her. Zhao Peichen is looking forward to meeting his friends, where they will spend a pleasant evening talking about the past and the future.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

The disappeared Zhao Peichen waited anxiously

The agreed dinner time had arrived, but Zhao Peichen did not show up at the restaurant. Her friends had already arrived first, seated at a large round table with a few warm yellow lamps on the table, creating a warm atmosphere. The restaurant was filled with the aroma of delicious food, and the laughter and conversation around it was supposed to add to the fun of the party.

Friends began to pull out their phones, some tried to call Ms. Zhao, others sent her messages on WeChat. The phone rang over and over again, followed by a long wait, but no one answered. As the minutes ticked by, the originally relaxed atmosphere gradually became tense.

The waiter in the restaurant came over from time to time to ask if he could start ordering, and the friends had to order a few side dishes and drinks first, hoping that Zhao Peichen would show up during this time. They exchanged glances with each other, trying not to let each other's worries come to light, but as time passed, no one could hide their inner turmoil.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

A friend of Ms. Zhao suggested that she see if she could get some information by finding the last person she had seen. They recalled that Zhao Peichen had said that she would come in a reserved car. At this time, someone thought that they could try to contact the Didi driver to see if the driver had information about her whereabouts.

But after a few attempts, they didn't get any useful information from Didi due to their privacy policy. Nearly an hour has passed, and Zhao Peichen still hasn't heard from him. The friends were no longer able to keep their composure, and they realized that something serious might have happened. One decision was made quickly: call the police.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

The police quickly intervened with Zhong Yuan's investigation

After receiving the report, the police quickly launched an investigation into Zhao Peichen's disappearance. The police first arrived at the restaurant where the police were called, and questioned Zhao Peichen's friends in detail to learn about Zhao Peichen's last whereabouts and her personal background. Subsequently, the police sent several teams to conduct a carpet search of Zhao Peichen's residence and the area where she might appear.

A team is dedicated to retrieving and analysing surveillance footage. They first obtained street surveillance near Zhao Peichen's home, hoping to find effective clues before Zhao Peichen's disappearance. After many hours of repeated review of the footage, they finally found Zhao Peichen getting into the car in a corner of the camera footage.

The footage shows Zhao Peichen being picked up by a black business car in front of his home. The car stayed for a short time, the driver's movements were swift and professional, and the vehicle quickly disappeared into the night.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

This discovery became a key clue in the case. The police quickly retrieved the vehicle management system based on the model and color of the vehicle, as well as some information about the license plate captured through the surveillance screen. Soon, they locked down the identity of the owner of the car - Zhong Yuan, a middle-aged man with a previous record of minor criminal offenses.

The police then used Zhong Yuan's identity information to quickly launch an investigation into his background and social connections. By checking Jong Won's cell phone location information and recent traffic records, the police determined his approximate range of activities. With a late night and early morning effort, the police identified several locations where Jongwon might be hiding.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

Arrest and trial

After days of searching, a team of investigators found the black van in what appeared to be an abandoned garage on the outskirts of the city. The derelict exterior of this garage belies the fact that its interior is still in occasional use. The door locks of the depot were picked open, and it was full of various vehicle repair tools and parts, which looked very messy.

The black van was spotted parked in a dark corner, covered in a thick layer of dust, as if intentionally hiding its presence. The police quickly cordoned off the vehicle and called in a technical support team to conduct a closer inspection.

From inside the car, the police collected several fingerprints and possible DNA evidence, and at the same time, the surveillance camera system in the car was also investigated, hoping to recover useful video footage. In the simultaneous investigation, the police identified several remote areas where Zhong Yuan may have fled based on clues collected at Zhong Yuan's hiding place the day before.

After a night of squatting and carpet searching, they found Zhong Yuan in a small cabin in a remote mountainous area. At that time, Zhong Yuan was trying to destroy some possible evidentiary materials. The police took immediate action to arrest him and bring him back to the police station for interrogation.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

In the interrogation room, in the face of ironclad facts, Zhong Yuan could no longer continue to deny it. He eventually confessed to his guilt and recounted in detail what had happened. Zhong Yuan's plan was originally to force Zhao Peichen to hand over her money through intimidation in order to settle his heavy gambling debts.

That night, he drove the black business car, pretending to be a Didi driver, and picked up Zhao Peichen to leave the bustling city and drive to a remote mountain road. As the car drove along winding mountain roads, surrounded by dense trees and the occasional derelict facility, the lights and noise of the city were long gone.

Inside the car, Zhao Peichen quickly sensed that something was wrong, and she began to get nervous. After Zhong Yuan stopped, he roughly ordered her to hand over all the cash she was carrying. Zhao Peichen is a girl with a strong personality, and in the face of this sudden threat, she did not comply, but began to shout for help, trying to escape from this trap.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

She struggled to open the car door, but it was locked in advance by Jong Won. Zhong Yuan saw Zhao Peichen desperately resisting, and felt caught off guard for a while. His original intention was just to scare her and force her to hand over the money, but now things are completely out of control. All that left his mind was how to subdue the young lady in case she escaped the police.

In the chaos, Jong Won completely loses his mind, and his actions become more extreme and violent. After a fierce struggle, Zhong Yuan forcibly subdued Zhao Peichen and snatched all the cash from her purse. However, in the process, Jongwon didn't just stop at robbery.

When he saw Zhao Peichen, a young and beautiful girl, helpless and frightened under his control, even more evil thoughts were born in his heart. Driven by this twisted mentality, he raped Zhao Peichen, an act that completely pushed him into the abyss of morality.

Subsequently, in order to eliminate the trouble, Zhong Yuan made an even more cruel decision to kill Zhao Peichen to ensure that she would never have the opportunity to call the police. After being convinced that Zhao Peichen could no longer call for help, he took the final lethal action. Zhao Peichen's body was casually discarded by him in a remote mountainous area, which he thought would cover up his crimes.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

The execution of the death penalty and Zhong Yuan's remorse

On February 1, 2019, the courtroom was solemn, and on that day, the court issued a final judgment on Zhong Yuan's case. During the trial, the prosecution gave a detailed account of the entire process of Zhong Yuan's kidnapping and killing of Zhao Peichen, and provided conclusive evidence, including surveillance video in the car, Zhong Yuan's confession, and physical evidence collected from the scene.

Although the defense tried to defend Chung Won, citing factors such as his poor background and no previous serious criminal record, none of this reduced the seriousness of his crime. After reviewing all the evidence, the judge finally handed down the death sentence against Zhong Yuan.

In court, the judge solemnly read out the verdict, clearly pointing out that Zhong Yuan's actions had caused irreparable consequences, and his criminal methods were cruel, posing a great threat to social and public safety, and he was given the highest punishment in accordance with the law. With the fall of the gavel, the trial ended.

For the next few months, Chung Won was placed on death row, awaiting execution. During this period, Zhong Yuan repeatedly submitted complaints to the court through the prison side, requesting that his case be revisited in the hope that the sentence would be reduced. However, after a review by the court, all the appeals were dismissed and the verdict was upheld.

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy

As the day of execution approached, Zhong Yuan was transferred to a special facility for execution. In the early morning of August 30, Zhong Yuan was taken to the execution site. In the final moments, Zhong Yuan looked extremely nervous, his face was pale and he staggered.

In the process of being guided to the execution ground, Zhong Yuan suddenly knelt down and pleaded with the judges and enforcement officials present, hoping for a chance to be reborn, claiming that he was deeply aware of his mistake.

Jong Won's pleas echoed across the execution ground, his voice filled with despair and fear, but the judges and the executors, whose duty was to enforce the law and ensure that the verdict was carried out, was serious. After confirming that all legal procedures and regulations had been complied with, the executive officer announced the commencement of the execution.

With the execution order issued, Zhong Yuan was taken to the execution desk, and the executors made the final preparations. Within the framework of the law, Jongwon's last moment ended calmly and quickly.



[1] Yueqing girl was killed in a hitchhiker and triggered industry rectification[J].Fang Yuan,2019,0(1):19-19

In 2018, the Didi driver brutally murdered the girl in the flower season, and when he was executed, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy