
1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

author:8099999 the streets and alleys
1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

18 years of drug prohibition

Seizures of drugs were measured by tonne

More than 200 days a year, he frequently travels to and from the border

He was constantly changing identities

Go deep into the tiger's den again and again

A trip to the edge of life and death


He is Yunnan Province

Anti-drug detachment of the Pu'er Public Security Bureau

Officer Wu

1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

Successively established

1 personal first-class merit

3 times of personal second-class merit

4 times of personal third-class merit

Rated as

Advanced worker of the third round of the people's war against drugs in Yunnan Province

Top 10 anti-drug heroes of Yunnan Public Security


In the face of these honors, he said

"I just did what I had to do,

There are many people who are better than me,

There is also a need to keep learning. ”


He graduated from the Yunnan Police Academy

He went to work in the anti-narcotics detachment of the Pu'er City Public Security Bureau

It's been 18 years

Participated in the detection of more than 280 drug cases

More than 1,300 suspects were arrested

1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

More than 200 days a year are spent working outside the home

Traveling a lot, staying up late a lot, eating irregularly

This is a true portrayal of the majority of anti-narcotics police

"Go out and handle cases with open-mindedness"

During an arrest operation, his whereabouts were accidentally exposed

After transferring the base

He and his comrades go to bed every night

Tables and chairs will be used against the door of the house

Place the can on the windowsill

Just in case

Eventually, they withstood the pressure of the threat

Succeeded in dismantling a drug production and trafficking network

"You have to love to fight drugs,

Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of sacrifice! ”

He is known for being meticulous in his work

He has broken through the psychological defense line of drug dealers in major cases many times

Opened up the "last centimeter" of the case detection

1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

At the trial of a case

He found that the "driver" was talking in a slurred manner

There are many concerns

It is inferred that he wants to make meritorious service for his crimes

I am afraid that my family will be retaliated against

So, he switched ways

Talk to the "driver" and reason

In the end, let it unload its ideological baggage

An important clue was also "discussed".

This batch of goods was sold to a man named "Brother Hai".

1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

After being informed

He quickly led the task force to Sichuan

cleverly set a trap to secretly capture "Brother Hai".

A total of 11.26 kilograms of methamphetamine were seized in this case

The drug capital is 8.53 million yuan

A drug trafficking channel has been completely eradicated

In 2011, Daoguan Village, Simao District, Pu'er City

He and his comrades had been waiting here for a day and a night

As the minutes ticked by, it was dawn

That's when it happened

Several drug dealers suddenly appeared at the card point

After the police were found blocking the card

The drug dealer stepped on the accelerator to the end, ready to force the card

1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

At the last moment

He and his comrades accelerated to intercept the suspect vehicle

"Boom!" Three cars collided

The car he was driving deviated from the route

Rush to the railing on the side of the road


The tires hit the edges of the stones and burst

Didn't wait for the vehicle to stop

He and his comrades had already jumped out of the car

Open the door of the suspect vehicle

A subduing of a terrified drug dealer

Then, from the drug dealer

A loaded pistol was recovered


When arresting a drug offender in a parking lot

Identified drug offenders

Driving a vehicle in a parking lot and hitting left and right

And shouted frantically: "It's enough to kill one!" ”

It's too late, it's too soon

He grabbed a stick

The moment you dodge to avoid the impact of an oncoming vehicle

Turn around and slam the window with a stick

There was a bang, and the window glass shattered

The comrades-in-arms quickly threw themselves into the car and subdued the drug dealers

And next to the drug dealers

There was a loaded gun

1st class work x1, 2nd class power x3, 3rd class power x4! Why is he so good?

When asked

What are you most afraid of after doing anti-drugs?

"I'm most afraid that my comrades-in-arms won't come back"

Pu'er is located in the southwestern border of the motherland

There is a 486-kilometre-long border

It is adjacent to the "Golden Triangle", the world's source of drugs

Land and waterways are everywhere

Special location and environment

It was decided that Pu'er was the first line of foreign drug infiltration

It is the main front of the anti-drug struggle in Yunnan Province and even the whole country


The Pu'er anti-drug battlefield is bloody and bloody

There are many heroes on the anti-drug battlefield in Pu'er


"Be careful outside and take care of each other"

This is what the family says to him the most

I hope that they are fighting on the anti-drug front

Every time I go out on a mission, I return safely

Source: @普洱警方, "Yunnan Police" WeChat public account, Yunnan Net