
There are two empty in the family, and all generations have been poor, don't be careless, it will really have a big impact on the family's luck

author:Positive energy big mouth

As the old saying goes, "If you have two empty homes, you will be poor all your life".

This is by no means metaphysics, but it is really about the luck of a family, and the impact is very large.

Don't underestimate the two empty, although it is very common, but as long as these two places are not empty, the family will not only prosper for several generations.

So, what is the importance of these two emptiness?

What are the two empty?

There are two empty in the family, and all generations have been poor, don't be careless, it will really have a big impact on the family's luck

1. The study is empty, and the mind is empty

The study is a place of learning and reflection in the tradition, representing the cultural heritage and wisdom of a family.

If a family's study room is empty and does not have any books and school supplies, then it means that the family lacks the atmosphere and accumulation of learning, and it is difficult to cultivate talented children and grandchildren.

In modern society, although the ways and means of learning have changed a lot, the importance of the study in a family still exists.

A family with enough books and a good learning environment will help raise children with knowledge and ability, thus laying the foundation for the family to flourish.

Song Lian was born in a poor family at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he was a premature baby who was frail and sickly since he was a child.

Although his family was poor and could not afford to buy books, Song Lian's mother still encouraged him to borrow books from those who had them and copy them word by word to study.

His intelligence and studious instinct enabled him to recite ancient books at the age of six and compose poetry at the age of nine, hence the name "prodigy".

Song Lian's early life was filled with painstaking learning experiences that not only shaped his academic achievements, but also laid the foundation for him to become a great Confucian.

Song Lian understands that if the family wants to prosper for a long time, it is necessary to let the children of the family have books to read from an early age.

Later, Song Lian's study room in his house was filled with all kinds of books, so that the children and grandchildren of the family developed the habit of reading well since childhood, so Song Lian's family has been prosperous for generations.

Zhao Heng of the Song Dynasty also wrote in "Persuasion Poems": There is a golden house in the book, and Yan Ruyu is in the book.

The ancients knew that if you want to get ahead, you must read more, and you must also cultivate the habit of reading from an early age.

So pay attention to the study at home! Don't let it become "the study is empty and the head is empty".

There are two empty in the family, and all generations have been poor, don't be careless, it will really have a big impact on the family's luck

2. The kitchen is empty, and the emotions are empty

The kitchen is the place where a family relationship is maintained, and a family without fireworks will not have a sense of happiness.

The kitchen is a place to cook and enjoy good food in a traditional home, and it also represents the well-being and quality of life of a family.

In ancient times, if a family's kitchen was always empty, without any cooking utensils and food, then it meant that the family's living situation was worrying and it was difficult to live a happy life.

In modern society, the kitchen is still an important place for a family, and a kitchen full of food can bring joy and warmth to family members.

My friend Xiao Wei's family is a big family, and their home is a typical example of the thickest and warmest smoke in the kitchen.

His grandparents were very concerned about healthy eating and family harmony, and the kitchen was always full of the smell of good food and the laughter of the family.

The relationship between their family members is also very harmonious, and everyone cherishes the happy days of cooking and eating together, and very few children of the younger generation want to eat takeout.

As a result, the family's luck is very good, and it has been passed down from generation to generation and has remained happy and wealthy.

On the contrary, if a family does not pay enough attention to the kitchen, the relationship between family members will become colder.

There is bustle and hustle and bustle in the kitchen, which is the bond of communication and interaction between family members, and it is the expression of love and affection.

Be sure not to leave the kitchen empty, because the various aromas that permeate the kitchen are the smell of home, the smell of love.

There are two empty in the family, and all generations have been poor, don't be careless, it will really have a big impact on the family's luck

3. Conclusion

The study room fills a family with the smell of books and the mind with wisdom.

The kitchen makes the family warm and happy, and it is a place to heal all the troubles of the world.

The study and kitchen at home also represent an important place for the wisdom and well-being of the family.

If these two places are empty, then the fortune of a family will be affected, and the generations will be poor.

As parents and elders, we must pay attention to the environmental layout of the family and create a good learning and living atmosphere for our children and grandchildren, so that the family can be prosperous and happy.

There are two empty in the family, and all generations have been poor, don't be careless, it will really have a big impact on the family's luck

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