
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

author:Safe and clear

The Guangdong college entrance examination voluntary application began on June 28

Some scammers are also on the move

The police reminded again

These college entrance examination scams

Parents and students must be vigilant

Beware of being deceived!

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Scam 1: Modify grades

Scam Methods:

After the college entrance examination, scammers take advantage of the anxiety of parents who can't stay up, claiming that there are channels to modify the scores, sell them at low prices, pay confidentiality money, or send Trojan links through text messages, fill in the candidates' identity information, bank card numbers, SMS verification codes, etc.

Police Reminder:

1. When candidates and their families check their scores, they should look for the inquiry method and the website designated by the education department, and do not easily click on the links from unknown sources in the mobile phone text messages, let alone enter information.

2. Once the results are announced, the dust will settle, and candidates who have objections to their results can review the test papers through official channels, but it is certainly impossible to modify the results directly. Criminals seize the candidates' eagerness to study and set up a fraud scheme, so don't be fooled.

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Scam 2: "Early Admission"

Scam Methods:

The scammer pretended to be the admissions office of a university and called the victim, saying that due to the early enrollment of the institution, the victim's admission status was "free to vote", and if he wanted to be admitted to the school, he needed to pay the tuition fee in advance, otherwise there was a risk of withdrawing from the school and not being admitted. The victim is bluffed and thus deceived.

Police Reminder:

The early batch admission is mainly for candidates from military, national defense, and art colleges, and the admission work is all implemented in remote online admission, and the special computer system submits files according to the rules of volunteering and submission, and is not affected by any human factors. Any phone calls and texts received on admissions grounds cannot be trusted. Candidates can check the admission information through the official website of the Education Examination Institute, and must not "rush to the doctor" to avoid being deceived.

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Scam 3: "Internal Indicators"

Scam Methods:

The scammer pretended to be the director of the admissions office of a military academy and called to say that the school had "internal enrollment indicators" and that if the victim's child wanted to go to a military school, he had to pay a deposit first. In order to dispel the victim's concerns, the scammer also showed the victim a fake school enrollment document through QQ or WeChat, and the victim was convinced and immediately paid the deposit, thus being deceived.

Police Reminder:

Military school admissions, like admissions to other local colleges and universities, have strict procedures and regulations. There is no such thing as "internal enrollment quota" in military school admissions, and payment is the purpose of fraud, so candidates and parents should not be deceived.

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Scam 4: "Help Get" Art Admissions

Scam Methods:

There are many types of art enrollment, complex filing sorting rules and operating procedures, and the art enrollment plan outside the province must be adjusted nationwide according to the source of students, so the admission lasts for a long time. Scammers take advantage of the eagerness of candidates and parents, claiming that as long as they pay money, they can operate from it to "help get it done", or threaten candidates and parents with statements such as "no admission if you don't pay money" and "quit if you don't pay money" to achieve the purpose of defrauding money.

Police Reminder:

Art enrollment has strict restrictions such as score lines and unified enrollment procedures. Candidates can check the admission information through the official website of the Education Examination Agency to avoid being deceived.

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Deception 5: Confusing forms of higher education

Scam Methods:

Scammers deliberately confuse the difference between online education, adult education, and general higher education, claiming that as long as you pay money, you can go to college, or even a key university. After entering the school, I found that the undergraduate college I was studying was not a general higher education at all, but a form of education in the form of self-study examinations and adult education.

Police Reminder:

There are various forms of higher education, such as online education, adult education, and self-study examinations, but they are different from ordinary higher education, and the entrance threshold is relatively low. After candidates and parents get the admission notice, they must verify the admission information through official channels to confirm the type of school they are enrolled in, so as to avoid being deceived.

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Scam 6: Pretending to be a staff member of the education department to deceive

Scam Methods:

After obtaining the identity information of candidates through illegal channels, criminals pretend to be employees of the education department and other identities to defraud the deposit or handling fee on the grounds that they are eligible for "scholarship" or "college entrance examination subsidy".

Police Reminder:

When receiving a call or message from a person claiming to be a staff member of a university, education, finance, etc., and wants to issue "national grants", "return of compulsory education fees" and "student aids", candidates and their parents should take the initiative to contact the local education department or school for verification. Do not disclose the name, phone number, occupation and other relevant information of your family members at will, and insist on not disclosing it, not believing it, and not transferring money.


Qingyuan Public Security Special Reminder

The following information must not be posted on Moments

If it is used by people with ulterior motives

May be subject to "precision fraud"

The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!
The college entrance examination opens the voluntary fill-in, be wary of these scams!

Once again, I would like to remind all students

Once you encounter a college entrance examination-related scam

Please call 110 to call the police in time

I also wish you all the best

You can realize your dream of an ideal university!

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