
This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!

author:Jilin Rural Daily

A few days ago, the summer village evening activity of "Song of the Earth, Four Seasons Village Evening, Black Soil Fertile Field, Charming Pear Tree" was held in Sanhe Village, Yushutai Town. As soon as the gongs and drums sounded, the show began. Bursts of gongs and drums beat away the summer heat, square dance, two-person turn, three-and-a-half sentences and other programs are wonderful, and the town's literary and artistic backbones actively participate. Many villagers in the audience sang along while watching, and did not forget to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!
This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!

Zhao Baikun, a two-person turner, said: "Lishu is the hometown of two-person turns, and everyone can sing a few words when they turn to two, and there are even fewer performances at our doorstep, so I took the initiative to sign up to participate", he and his partner sang a two-person turn repertoire that pushed the scene to a climax and won bursts of applause.

This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!
This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!

"'Village Evening' is a particularly good stage, and I am very excited to have the opportunity to show it in front of my hometown elders." After the performance, said the villagers who were changing clothes backstage. The villagers wrote and directed, rehearsed and performed by themselves, sang new life and new fashions, and the local sound, rural customs and nostalgia were intertwined and integrated, and everyone had a smile on their faces and a light in their eyes.

This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!
This "village evening" has a pure and pure hometown sound, and the nostalgia is strong!

In the next step, Yushutai Town will continue to promote the cultural revitalization strategy, fully stimulate the endogenous motivation of the villagers, continue to promote the cultural revitalization strategy, actively plan cultural creation, focus on serving the masses, serving the grassroots, and carrying out cultural activities to benefit the people, continue to hold a vibrant "Four Seasons Village Evening", actively promote rural revitalization, and inject more cultural momentum into the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

Source: Zhuan Xiang Pear Tree

Editor: Chi Ruibing