
Father's N Marriages (Micro Novel)

author:Little dream love


Yumei has just returned from the community dance team when she bumps into a man, someone she never wants to see again in her life.

"Jade ...... Yumei! I've found you! The man walked a few steps excitedly, wanting to hold Yumei's hand, but he felt that it was inappropriate, and his two hands moved awkwardly at his side.

"Yu Yuehua! You...... What do you want? It can't be that he is seriously ill and afraid that he will not have a child to send him to the end, so he came to us Xiaojie, right? Yumei took a few steps back, for fear of sticking to something dirty, and the disgust and disgust in her words were even more undisguised.

Father's N Marriages (Micro Novel)

"I ...... I'm going to see you and Xiaojie. ”

"We're fine, we don't need you to look. If I hadn't seen you today, I would have eaten two bowls of rice. ”

"What happened back then was that I couldn't stand you two mothers, and they both said that people died and debts were gone. Yuqing died of illness a few years ago, shouldn't your resentment towards us be lessened? ”

"Jokes, people die and debts disappear, and hatred is hard to get rid of. What does Tao Yuqing have to do with me whether he dies or not, the person I hate is you! Xiaojie was only seventeen years old at the time and was in the critical period of the college entrance examination. It's good that you left your family and business and eloped with Tao Yuqing, and you haven't seen anyone for several years. Fortunately, our Xiaojie competition was not affected by you. The marriage has been divorced a long time ago, and our mother and daughter are living well, why are you going back? You're dead in our hearts long ago! ”

Yumei's restrained intellectuality in front of outsiders was swept away in front of her ex-husband. The old hatred came to her heart, and she longed to use the sharp arrow of words to stab him into a sieve.

"Your mother scolded right, scolded well! Dad is really sorry for you. Yu Yuehua didn't get a good deal in front of Yumei, and turned to sell miserably in front of her daughter Yu Jie.

He first relayed Yumei's curses to him, hoping to make his daughter soft-hearted. Then he began to confess: "My father really did something wrong at the beginning, and it is true that I have no relationship with your mother." But I shouldn't have left you behind. You needed me so much, you needed a whole home. And I'm ...... What do you think I'm doing? Yu Yuehua said as he spoke, and tears fell.

Yu Jie had never seen such a fragile side of her father, and she couldn't help but be a little moved.

Father's N Marriages (Micro Novel)

"It's all retribution! Retribution! After your Aunt Yuqing gave birth to her younger brother, she had a serious illness within a few years. I tried my best to seek medical advice but couldn't keep her. Or maybe this is the punishment that the heavens have punished me! Yu Yuehua wiped the tears from his face.

"Fortunately, you were not influenced by your father and were admitted to a good university, I heard that you still studied accounting majors, right?"

Yu Jie didn't speak, only nodded. She and her father hadn't seen each other for almost twenty years, and it was difficult for her to get close to him for a while.

"That's great! Dad's company needs talents like you, are you willing to help Dad? Yu Yuehua threw an olive branch to her daughter.

"I guess it's not so convenient. I heard that you are getting married again. I'm afraid your wife won't be able to say yes. Yu Jie slowly and carefully selected the right words to form sentences. It was difficult for her to call the person in front of her "Dad", so she replaced it with you.

"Alas, don't mention it. She just took a fancy to my money and got married through her children. And your brother is only in his teens, which is the age when someone needs to take care of him. I'm a big man, and I have to take care of business. I have to take care of my family, it's really a lack of skills! Yu Yuehua sold miserably again, and through this little effort, he could already see that his daughter still had some feelings for him. It couldn't be better to use her daughter to balance this third wife.

"I'm not very good, I'm afraid I can't help you." Yu Jie is still refusing, but obviously not as resistant as before.

Yu Yuehua threw another bombshell: Your mother always wants to send your younger brother to boarding school recently, saying that she has no time to take care of the two children. He has already lost his mother, and if he goes to boarding school, he is afraid that his personality will be more withdrawn.

When Yu Jie heard this, she touched her heartstrings. My father didn't care about it back then, and my mother sent herself to boarding school early in order to live.

Being in an unfamiliar environment at a young age, the feeling of helplessness is only known to those who have experienced it. Especially this half-brother has no real mother.

"That'...... All right. Yu Jie finally agreed.

Yu Yuehua suddenly smiled happily and said a few words in a row.

After entering Yu Yuehua's company, Yu Jiecai had something wrong. Since the stepmother is so unvirtuous, the father can divorce completely. Why are you still being coerced by her?

But when she met Hayley, her doubts were dispelled.

This is a very beautiful woman, and at the same time she is very sociable, bringing a lot of business to the company, for Yu Yuehua, she is not only a young and beautiful wife, but also an assistant in the business field.

It is impossible for such a woman to have no ambitions. Therefore, Yu Yuehua deliberately pulled her daughter into the company, the purpose was to prevent Zhou Haili from secretly taking the company's money into her pocket.

"What shall I call you?" Yu Jie looked at the woman who was a few years younger than herself and smiled awkwardly.

"In the company, just call me Mr. Zhou." Zhou Haili stretched out her hand generously, which made Yu Jie feel that she was angry.

But soon, Yu Jie pulled back a game. There was a problem with the reimbursement list of Zhou Haili's department, and she rejected it.

Zhou Haili was angry and went to Yu Yuehua to complain. He was happy to see the two women fighting, so he naturally chose to side with his daughter.

Zhou Haili hit Yu Yuehua's son Yu Ping with the idea.

Father's N Marriages (Micro Novel)

"These are all boarding schools that I have carefully selected, so you can choose one." Zhou Haili handed the school brochure to Yu Ping.

"There was a nanny for pick-up and drop-off, and there was a tutor for tutoring. Why did he have to be sent to boarding school? Yu Jie jumped out again and objected.

"These are good schools that are in line with international standards. To learn a foreign language, you have to immerse yourself in a school that communicates in a foreign language in order to learn better. ”

"In that case, it is better to send Xiaoping to study abroad, and Mr. Zhou, you will take your sister to accompany you to study. Isn't that a win-win-win? Yu Jie said with a smile.

"Xiaoping's school is imminent, and I can't leave the company's affairs for a while."

"It's important for a company to learn. The company of relatives can't be bought by any amount of money. What do you say? ”

Yu Jie pressed forward step by step, so angry that Zhou Haili had nothing to refute. Fortunately, a phone call paved the way for her in time: "Okay, I'll come right over."

She said as she left the house as she walked, and never mentioned sending Yu Ping to boarding school again.

But the war did not end. As soon as the company's annual meeting ended, Zhou Haili was struggling with Yu Jie's hair.

"This company is my business and that of your father. No matter how hard it is your turn to point fingers here. As a daughter, you don't have half respect for my stepmother, and you have provoked me in front of people many times, didn't your mother teach you to respect your elders? At this time, Hailey was no longer as dignified as when she first met, and her fingers almost poked Yu Jie's forehead.

It's no wonder that she is so angry, Yu Jie has been in the company for a year, and she has been against her everywhere, and Yu Yuehua has maintained her daughter everywhere, making her very shameless in front of people.

"Public is public, private is private. I have always respected you very much, and I have always followed the rules in the company's affairs, but I have never shown favoritism. Yu Jie looked down on a woman like Hailey who climbed into her father's bed for profit. So when he speaks, he is always respectful, but his expression is very arrogant.

This completely annoyed Hailey, and she rushed over to hit Yu Jie. Yu Jie was hesitating what to do.

There was a "snap", and a slap landed on Hayley's face. The person who did it was his father, Yu Yuehua.

"Have you made enough trouble, bullying Xiaojie in the company, and grinding Xiaoping at home. I knew you were like this, and I wouldn't have married you when you gave birth to ten! ”

"Yu Yuehua, you beat me again!" Hayley's eyes widened, and the bloodshot eyeballs were like spider webs.

"Hit you so that you know, this family, this company, who has the final say!" Yu Yuehua said confidently.

"Good! Then let's see who has the final say! After Zhou Haili finished speaking, she dialed the police.

"Why are you again! You didn't listen to what you said last time, did you? The police at the police station didn't show much surprise when they saw Yu Yuehua, and it seemed that they had often dealt with the conflict between him and Hailey.

Yu Jie went to the police station to make a record and went home. Yumei attached great importance to it, she first glanced her daughter up and down, and after making sure that she was not injured, she put a large handful of grapefruit leaves in the bathtub.

After her daughter had rested, she threw a stack of photos in front of her.

"What is this?" Yu Jie asked puzzled.

"Evidence of your dad's cheating."

Yu Jie was taken aback.

"Do you know why your dad let you into his company?"

"In order to balance Zhou Haili."

"It's more than that. If you distract Zhou Haili, he will have plenty of time to accompany his affair partner. So, you're just a pawn in your dad's mind. Yumei spoke very slowly, wanting to reduce the harm caused to her daughter by telling the truth.

"Actually, I ...... I want to mess up his life and vent my anger for you and myself. Yu Jie finally told the truth.

Father's N Marriages (Micro Novel)

"But, you see, has your presence done him any substantial harm? Instead, you became a thorn in the side of his current wife and almost got beaten. You can have a better future, and you shouldn't delay your future for revenge. Yumei hugged her daughter into her arms in distress, and Yu Jie finally cried happily, venting all the unwillingness and resentment suppressed in her heart through tears.

Yu Yuehua came to invite him a few more times, wanting Yu Jie to go back to help, but Yumei blocked him from the door.

It didn't take long for the news that Yu Yuehua was old enough to have a son. This production is naturally his affair partner.

Zhou Haili went to make trouble several times, but it couldn't change the status quo of having one more person to divide the property.

In a fit of rage, she filed for divorce.

Not long after, Yu Yuehua got married again, and many people came to the wedding, but none of his children attended.

Some people say that from this wedding, you can see the scene of Yu Yuehua doing things after his death.

Yu Jie deeply thinks so, how can a person who is not responsible for anyone have the luxury of expecting others to be responsible for him?

Father's N Marriages (Micro Novel)

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