
The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

author:Stay King Xixi

On the stage of the new issue of "Avenue of Stars", Gao Haosen and Fan Ming's hosting partners reappeared, which also means that in the eyes of the program producers, the lineup of this hosting partner is reasonable enough to adapt to the revised "Avenue of Stars" stage.

But what about the audience's evaluation?

For most audiences, the quality of the presentation of "Avenue of Stars" after the revision is not ideal, so that the reputation of the show is still in a downward trend, and with the increasing number of hosting cooperation between Gao Haosen and Fan Ming, the audience has also begun to question the host lineup.

It's just that the audience's dissatisfaction did not affect CCTV's judgment, and Fan Ming continued to appear on the hosting stage under pressure.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

Crossing over from an actor to a host is a challenge for Fan Ming, and the cross-border hosting of "Avenue of Stars" undoubtedly escalates the difficulty of the challenge again.

After all, on the stage of this show, how many powerful hosts are not favored by the market, let alone Fan Ming, who is a halfway monk?

The CCTV program team's attempt is not bold, but after the audience loses its freshness, Fan Ming's serious shortcomings in business ability are continuously magnified, so that the host who is a halfway monk bears the doubts of more audiences.

As everyone knows, they are not professional hosts, and there is no need for the audience to be so strict with them.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

The fundamental reason is why the program team will arrange Fan Ming as the host, specifically why Fan Ming will continue to be arranged as the host.

After trying three or even four episodes of the show, the producer should be able to understand the market feedback from the audience, but this feedback did not make the host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" adjusted, the new show is still Fan Ming's partner Gao Haosen, and the audience's dissatisfaction can be imagined.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

You must know that the current word-of-mouth accumulation of "Avenue of Stars" still comes from past programs, and with the continuous adjustment of the host lineup, this show has actually fallen off the altar.

Otherwise, if the show can be recognized by the audience for a long time, why will it be arranged to be revised and adjusted?

The producers need to understand this, and at the same time, they need to be more careful and attentive in the revision of the show.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

Fan Ming's appearance is a bold attempt, and this attempt is actually worth encouraging, at least to prove that the producers of "Avenue of Stars" want the show's reputation to pick up.

But after proving that Fan Ming was not an ideal choice, it seemed a little irrational for the program team to continue to reuse him.

In the case of not being favored by the audience, Fan Minh's continued hosting hurt not only the reputation of the show, but also his personal reputation.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

From the perspective of the market, "Avenue of Stars" adjusts the host to either arrange for Zhu Xun to return to work, or arrange young hosts to be trained.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

Zhu Xun's return to work can at least ensure the quality of the show's performance as a host, so that the atmosphere of the show will not be led by the nose by an actor, and Gao Haosen will not be able to dominate the stage at the moment.

If you have young faces, you will hope for them and give them jobs to help them grow.

The host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" has not been adjusted, and the reputation of the show continues to decline

Either way, it looks like a better fit than Fan Minh staying on stage.

The so-called ruler is short, inch is long, and the freshness that Fan Minh brought on the stage of "Avenue of Stars" has been exhausted, and it is time for him to leave the show.

If you want the host lineup of "Avenue of Stars" not to be questioned by the audience, the program team still needs to find candidates from among the professional hosts.

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