
Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50


50 years old is a "watershed" in the age stage of women, and there are obvious differences in the status of different people at this age. Some people completely let go of themselves and show a greasy aunt; Some people are self-disciplined and hard-working, and they are still elegant and temperamental.

Obviously, Dong Qing must be the latter, and in his own way proved to the world that age is not a "stumbling block" on the road to beauty, and if you know how to "anti-greasy", you can grow old elegantly!

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

Aside from the identity and aura of the host, Dong Qing is also an out-and-out "fashionista", her dressing is not fashionable, but she pays attention to elegance and decency, which perfectly shows the foreign style that a 50-year-old middle-aged woman should have.

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

Women who have poetry and books in their stomachs, dress simply and generously, are elegant and decent, and women who cultivate both inside and outside can show an indifferent and calm temperament, and have become role models for middle-aged women!

1. Dong Qing's 3 "key points" for wearing skirts, middle-aged women must keep in mind!

Skirts are a must-have item in women's outfits, and middle-aged women over 50 years old must keep in mind the selection and matching points in order to show a more elegant and decent temperament.

(1) Without stockings, bare legs look thinner

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

Many women like to wear stockings when wearing skirts, thinking that it is more fashionable to show thin legs, but in fact, if they don't have a good sense of proportion, they are easy to wear kitsch. You might as well learn from Dong Qing, wear a skirt directly with bare legs, and appropriately increase the exposed skin of your legs, which will be thinner visually, and the overall shape will not look redundant and cumbersome, and the temperament will be more elegant.

(2) The skirt length is not up to the knee, and the ankle/calf is preferred

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

For a 50-year-old middle-aged woman, first of all, from the perspective of age, it is not suitable to wear a short skirt that shows the knees, and the under-knee skirt can make the temperament appear more elegant and decent. Secondly, in terms of shaping, most middle-aged women have the problem of thick legs and unstraight legs, and wearing a skirt that reaches the ankle/calf position can just enhance the strengths and avoid the weaknesses and optimize the shape.

(3) Emphasize the waist effect, and the color should not be too fancy

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

The loose fit "covers the flesh and looks thin", which is not suitable for skirts, because if the skirt is too loose, it will be visually more inflated. Try to choose a skirt with a cinching waist effect, combined with a solid color style, visually reduce the sense of expansion, the vertical proportion is thinner, and the explicit waistline also divides the body proportions.

Second, the skirt is not worthy of sneakers, and it is more advanced with these 3 kinds of high heels

Skirts with sneakers emphasize comfort, but ignore the sense of fashion, and it is easy to look cheap and tacky. For middle-aged women, wearing a skirt with high heels is more temperamental and aura.

(1) Pointed-toe heels

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

When choosing high heels, you are very particular about the design of the toe cap, which directly affects the shaping effect and the beauty of the shape. Compared with the sense of suddenness of the square toe, the ordinary, pointed-toe style of high heels with round toes is conducive to elongating the vision, making the legs appear more slender, and with the skirt that properly exposes the skin of the legs, the overall shape is more conducive to shaping, looking thin and foreign.

(2) Strappy heels

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

Strappy heels combine the design features of sandals, with a strap design from the instep to the ankle, which visually helps to flatter the foot and elongate the leg for a taller and slimmer effect. The selection emphasizes the simplicity of the color scheme, and does not decorate the elements with bells and whistles, otherwise it will look rustic and tacky.

(3) Fishmouth heels

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

If the foot shape is thick and the toes are not particularly delicate, you can choose fish-mouth high heels to promote the strengths and avoid the weaknesses and modify the foot shape. This kind of high heels can emphasize the sense of design in the selection, such as the style with flower element decoration, which can highlight the fashionable and foreign shape, and the overall style will not look too mature and old-fashioned.

Third, don't perm the aunt's head, Dong Qing's 3 hairstyles are worth learning

Why is it not recommended for 50+ women to perm their aunts' heads? Because the dense small rolls are too old-fashioned, they do not modify the face shape, and it is easy to increase the greasy feeling. Dong Qing's 3 hairstyles are worth learning from middle-aged women.

01. Short neck hair

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

After a woman reaches middle age, although she is capable of cutting her hair short, if she does not have the right hairstyle, she is also prone to look dull and old-fashioned. Dong Qing's short neck hair, the length is just right, not old or tender, with natural big curls to increase the fluffiness of the shape, which can not only modify the face shape, but also enhance the temperament. Remember not to cover your forehead with bangs, the big light is more elegant and atmospheric.

02. Ball head

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

Older women can also try some hairstyles with their own age-reducing effects, which can reduce their visual age while also showing their fashion taste. The pill head does not pick the age, both girls and middle-aged women can control it, it is very fashionable to tie a ball head with your hand, and you don't need to tie it too tightly on both sides.

03. Coiled hair

Dong Qing personally demonstrated: the skirt does not match stockings, sneakers, does not burn the aunt's head, and there is no greasy feeling when it reaches 50

The choice of hairstyle also depends on the occasion, if you are on a formal occasion, you can try to style your hair in a coiled style, which is full of elegance and spirit. Leave a certain length of hair, increase the perm curl appropriately, increase the height of the top of the skull appropriately, avoid looking too straight, combined with exquisite makeup, the visual age is more than 10 years younger.

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, it will be deleted immediately)

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