
Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined


In the ever-changing fashion circle, the fashion trend has been changing, and the matching method between single items has gradually conformed to the trend of the entire fashion circle, from basic to fashion, and then to the "basic + fashion" mix, which has become an Internet celebrity outfit that everyone follows.

Recently, a new way of wearing has become popular, called "T-shirt + black silk", the upper body is basic, the lower body is fashionable, and the mix and match shape is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined!

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

The simple style attribute of the T-shirt can just weaken the overly sexy genetic style of black silk, neutralize the overall styling temperament, and will not give people the impression of frivolity and kitsch.

So, when wearing a T-shirt with black silk, how to perfect the outfit to show fashion and luxury?

1. 3 wearing misunderstandings of "T-shirt + black silk", see if you have stepped on thunder?

Myth (1): Black silk with sneakers is cheap and tacky

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

Although "T-shirt + black silk" cleverly neutralizes the style attributes of the single product, if you step on the minefield in the collocation, it will still look full of disobedience and lower the overall temperament.

Black silk with sneakers underneath is a misunderstanding that many girls are easy to fall for, thinking they are sexy and fashionable, but they are actually cheap and tacky, because the style of black silk and sneakers is too conflicting, and the combination is too inconsistent.

Myth (2): The bottom shirt is missing, showing long legs, but too sexy

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

When many girls wear T-shirts with black silk, they like to choose a loose T-shirt with a long style, using its version and tailoring characteristics to achieve the effect of "the bottom is completely missing", only exposing the legs and black silk.

Although this way of wearing can show long legs and is more friendly to small people, the overall style is too sexy, but it is easy to give people a sense of kitsch and dust, which will affect personal temperament.

Myth (3): Choose fishnet socks, delicate earth, not foreign

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

In the selection of black silk, some girls in order to make the shape more eye-catching, like to match the fishnet black silk, although the style is unique and novel, but with a T-shirt is not good-looking, it is not foreign enough, proper delicate soil.

In addition, the black silk of the fishing net is not suitable for summer wear, and it is easy to dry the legs directly into a net after wearing it for a long time, black and white, which looks unsightly!

2. When wearing a T-shirt with black silk, master 3 techniques to make the look more thin and fashionable

Technique (1) Tuck the corners of the clothes to optimize the proportions of the body

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

Although black silk can modify the shape of the legs and visually create the effect of showing the length of the legs and showing the thin legs, it is important to pay attention to the integrity of dressing, and you must also know how to optimize the shape of the upper body when wearing a T-shirt.

Tuck the hem of the T-shirt into the waistband of the pants or skirt to indicate the position of the waistline, elongate the leg line, and wear the proportions of the body, so as to better play the fashion characteristics of the item.

Technique (2) Appropriately increase the upper body to expose the skin, emphasizing the lightness and slenderness

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

Because the black silk itself has sexy style attributes, it is necessary to stop at showing skin in moderation, if the skin is exposed too much, it is easy to look kitsch and rustic.

The upper body T-shirt can be shortened to appropriately increase the waist and abdomen to expose the skin, emphasize the slenderness of the figure, balance the style and temperament, and the overall appearance will be lighter and thinner.

Technique (3) Layer white socks to weaken the sexy style

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

If the lower body only wears black silk without socks, it will lead to a lack of cohesion with the shoes, and it will also increase the sense of wind and dust of the shape.

Therefore, you can try this year's popular wearing method "black silk superimposed on white socks", weaken the sexy style, inject youthful and girly elements, and the fashion completion of the overall shape is higher.

3. The 3 styles of "T-shirt + black silk" can be interpreted by ordinary girls

01. Youth Girl 风

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

Break the prejudice and misunderstanding of black silk, as long as it is matched properly, you can still wear a sense of youth and girlishness. Cartoon print pattern T-shirt with pleated skirt, blessed with girly elements, can just weaken the excessive sexiness of black silk; Shoes with leather shoes, loafers and Mary Jane, age-reducing and fashionable.

02. Sweet and cool hot girl style

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

With the resurgence of millennial style in recent years, when wearing a T-shirt with black silk, you can also use the style as a carrier of inspiration to show a sweet and cool hot girl look. A loose T-shirt with a denim skirt shows a youthful vitality on the fit and fabric, layered with black silk and white socks, and low-top martin shoes, and pink hair perfectly interprets the image of sweet and cool.

03. Dark punk style

Recently, there is a popular way to wear it, called "T-shirt + black silk", which is fashionable and shows long legs, which is more foreign than imagined

In the contemporary fashion circle, the cool female image has become a kind of popularity, neutral + cool, showing a more diverse beauty. Black T-shirt with leather skirt, plus black silk with leather shoes, a large number of leather elements highlight the dark friend gene style, All Black shape seems simple, but there is no lack of fashionable high-end, beautiful and sassy.

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, it will be deleted immediately)

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