
Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

author:Golden Sunshine Literature

Impressions of traditional culture display panels

Jia Fengze, the fourth primary school in Xixia County

Instructor: Wang Jihui

We like the intangible cultural heritage around us very much, they have walked through the long river of history, with thousands of years of accumulation, to surprise us and make us happy.

This week, our school also held a traditional culture display activity, we visited the oracle bone inscription, and showed how the oracle bone was discovered. There are also oracle bones played by characters who are vivid and extremely vivid; There are also some handicrafts - tie-dye; The eight great medicines in life are: honeysuckle, prunella, xinyi, dogwood, bellflower......

What impressed me the most was the lifelike face, as soon as I talked about the face, I thought of a song - "Rap Face": the blue-faced Dou Erdun thief royal horse, the red-faced Guan Gong battlefield sand, the yellow-faced Dian Wei, the white-faced Cao Cao, the black-faced Zhang Fei, called Chirp......

Each face represents a certain character trait. Black face, representative figure - Bao Zheng. Describe people as impartial, upright; Red face, the representative figure - Guan Yu, describes people who are loyal, brave, upright and full of blood; The representative of the purple face - Xu Tingzhao, describes the person as upright, steady and calm; The blue-faced representative - Dou Erdun describes people as strong and brave and good at fighting......

Facial makeup is an important part of the art of Chinese opera, the face mask is rich in color, each color has a profound cultural connotation, the color of the face mask not only adds a vivid image to the character, but also conveys the character characteristics of the character in silence.

There are so many intangible cultural heritages in our country, which are the pride and wealth of our people. Each of us needs and has an obligation to protect them.

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

Unforgettable traditional culture panel reading activity

Li Kexin, the fourth primary school in Xixia County

Instructor: Wang Jihui

A few days ago, Mr. Wang took the whole class to participate in the traditional culture exhibition board reading activity, and this activity opened my eyes: there are "The Meaning of Face Color", "Tang Dynasty Story in Tang Sancai", etc., among which the most memorable one is "Medicine in the Kitchen".

Our ancestors believed that medicine and food were both part of nature, that is, "medicine and food are of the same origin". Many of the foods we eat on a daily basis have medicinal properties.

Onions, ginger, and garlic are often found in the kitchen and can make the food we eat more palatable, but they also have medicinal properties. Green onions can be published to pass the yang and relieve the surface of sweating; Ginger has the effect of dissolving cold, stopping vomiting in warmth, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough; Garlic has a broad-spectrum antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, and has strong antiviral ability.

You can also see lotus leaves in the kitchen, from the lotus leaves you will immediately think of the slim lotus flowers in the pond, "lotus leaves He Tiantian", "dragonflies have already stood on the head", what a beautiful poem! If you only think of its beauty, then you are underestimating it, lotus leaves and lotus flowers have the effect of dispelling temperature and stopping bleeding, dispelling heat and wind; Lotus seeds are the seeds of lotus, which can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, nourish the spleen and stop bleeding; What about Lotus Heart? Although the lotus heart is very bitter, it helps to clear the heart and calm the mind.

Let's talk about tangerine peel, if you look at it, you will say that it is not orange peel. When stewing meat in the kitchen, it can play a role in removing the smell and improving the freshness. If you lick a bite of orange peel, you will feel very bitter, but orange peel can be made into tangerine peel, which has the effect of regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, drying and warming phlegm. The network-type fiber between the orange petal and the orange peel is called the orange channel, which has the effect of circulating qi and circulation. Orange kernels should have been seen, sometimes we may accidentally eat it, sometimes we may throw it away, in fact, it is also a traditional Chinese medicine, it can relieve pain, dispersal of knots.

What do you think? I don't know if I don't see it, but I'll be shocked when I see it. I learned a lot about traditional culture in this exhibition, and I hope that the school will hold this kind of exhibition in the future!

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel


Four elementary schools and four classes in the urban area Wang Shuhan

Instructor: Wang Jihui

"Great! It's incredible! I see! …… Such sounds are endless, and it turned out to be the exclamation of the students when they looked at the exhibition panels.

I learned a lot of knowledge while watching: such as the inheritance and development of Facebook, the great Eight Great Medicines, and the search for the "medicines" around us.

Let's start with Facebook. Faces come in red, black, white, yellow, purple, green, blue, and pink. The representative of the red face --- Guan Yu, showing his bravery as loyal to the city. The black representative ---- Bao Zheng shows his majesty and integrity. The white representative figure --- Cao Cao shows his deep and suspicious, the blue representative figure --- Dou Erdun shows his fortitude and bravery, the yellow represents --- Dianwei's strength and bravery, and the purple representative figure --- Xu Yanming shows his uprightness and composure; The green representative character --- Cheng bites gold, representing his toughness and recklessness, and the pink representative character --- Lianpo, representing his loyalty and bravery.

Let's talk about the eight great medicines, dogwood is our Xixia specialty, its flesh has the effect of nourishing, invigorating the stomach, invigorating qi and blood; Honeysuckle is a flower and a medicine, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying; Xinyi is also known as magnolia, Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, is the hometown of Xinyi in China, which has the effect of dispersing wind and cold, clearing the nose and so on; Tang gardenia is a fruit and medicine, after the gardenia falls, it will bear fruit, and the fruit can clear heat; The famous Wan Ai, also known as mugwort, can be used as medicine and edible. Some people say: Chinese medicine will only be used when you are sick, but that is not necessarily. Ginger arborvitae leaf shampoo contains ginger and arborvitae leaf extracts, and comfrey balm contains comfrey, parsnip, angelica, and angelica. Soak your feet in wormwood. The toothpaste at home is called Tianqi toothpaste, which can relieve gum problems.

After watching this exhibition, I suddenly realized that in my life, there are rich and colorful traditional Chinese cultures, they are the treasures of the motherland and our pride, and we need to pass them on from generation to generation!

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

It's a lot of fun

Four primary schools and four classes in the urban area Wang Yutang

Instructor: Wang Jihui

In the afternoon, I watched the traditional culture and art exhibition boards in our school, which are easy to understand and exquisite...... I was fascinated at first sight!

First of all, I looked at the "Looking for Medicine Around Me" panel. Through this panel, I learned about the drug "Tian Qi". Panax notoginseng, also known as notoginseng, stems, leaves, and flowers can be used as medicine. It is sweet, slightly bitter, warm, and has the effect of stopping bleeding. It can also be used to make toothpaste, Tianqi toothpaste can relieve gum problems. For example, if there is bleeding teeth or a bad smell in the mouth, the problem can be solved by using Tianqi toothpaste. I have to say, Tian Qi is really very useful!

I saw ginger and arborvitae leaves again. The shampoo at home came to mind, and my mother told me that because she often loses her hair, she has to use this shampoo containing ginger and arborvitae leaves, which can not only relieve itching, but also protect her hair and prevent hair loss. Traditional Chinese medicine has made great contributions to the Chinese nation and has also had a great impact on world civilization.

After reading traditional Chinese medicine, let's take a look at the folk art "tie-dyeing". Tie-dyeing, known as hybrid cloth in ancient times, is an ancient hand-printed and dyeing process of mainland folk. And as early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty, this craft was very mature. After dyeing, the fabric is unfolded to reveal the previously designed patterns, which are very beautiful and have a natural, unique aesthetic. Tie-dye has always decorated people's lives with its unique and simple natural beauty. Tie-dye is now a national intangible cultural heritage.

This activity was really interesting, it broadened my horizons, not only let me understand all kinds of folk arts, but also know the great contribution of Chinese medicine in life!

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

Impressions of traditional culture display panels

Wang Pengsen, the fourth class of the fourth primary school in the urban area

Instructor: Wang Jihui

The long river of history is flowing endlessly, and the Chinese nation has undergone 5,000 years of vicissitudes of life, and it is a pity that how many traditional cultures have been forgotten by people. In order to preserve these fine traditions, the school organized a traditional culture exhibition, which was really eye-opening for me.

The oracle bone script is a very ancient script and is the root of excellent traditional culture. In 1899, the official Wang Yirong fell ill with malaria. One of the Chinese herbs prescribed by the doctor is engraved bones. He was an expert on gold and stone, and he was very interested in this kind of carving, and he deciphered the records of merchants on them, so he was known as the "father of oracle bones". The oracle bone inscription is an important traditional culture in China, and the oracle bone inscription has promoted archaeology, philology, linguistics, etc. At the same time, it has great cultural value. The oracle bone inscription is also the earliest Chinese character, and ancient people used it to record things. At that time, oracle bones were also used for divination, such as the weather conditions in ten days, whether there would be disasters, and whether there would be a good harvest of crops...... In short, the oracle bone inscription is of great significance to traditional culture, and the oracle bone display board is so eye-opening for me.

In China's non-heritage culture, there is a kind of dragon made of mud, called Sancai Dragon. It is very demanding in its production. Prepare 500 grams of clay and form a clay ball of different sizes for later use. Roll out the dumplings into a dumpling wrapper as thick. Make a dragon body like a dumpling, and use a wooden knife and pottery needle to make patterns and tails. After making the head, it is firmly bonded with mud. Make dragon claws, carve the details, dry them for the first time, and burn them for the first time. Apply glaze, enter the kiln again, and you can get out of the kiln. The three-color dragon is a traditional folk culture, but now because of the production process, and become almost disappearing, I feel deeply saddened for this, the three-color dragon is so beautiful, we must inherit it.

The traditional culture exhibition is really an eye-opener for me, and in the future, we must let more people know about it and pass it on.

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

Perception of intangible cultural heritage

The four primary schools and four classes in the urban area are Ren Zhenen

Instructor: Wang Jihui

Intangible cultural heritage, in fact, is the traditional culture passed down from generation to generation by people of all ethnic groups, today, let's walk into the world of traditional culture with me!

"A rope and an empty bamboo, shake it happily." It's about empty bamboo. It is made of bamboo and wood, and the wheel of the empty bamboo is hollow, so it is called empty bamboo. As it rotates, the gas vibrates in the wheel cavity and makes different sounds as it passes through the whistle. It is said that the hollow bamboo evolved from the spinning top, and it was first played on the ground, and later people used ropes to shake and play with it. In different places, the name of the empty bamboo is also different, some places are called empty bells, some places are called gourds, and some places are called wind gourds.

Everyone is familiar with Facebook, we are familiar with black faces, white faces, red faces, blue faces and so on. So do you know which characters each color of face represents? The representative of the black face is Bao Zheng, who is an honest and selfless official, a famous Qing official in the history of the mainland, deeply loved and supported by the people, representing justice, selflessness, and integrity. The representative of the red face is Guan Yu, Guan Yu is a famous loyal and righteous person in the history of the mainland, even at the critical moment of life and death, he can be loyal and unswerving, representing integrity and blood. The representative of the white face is Cao Cao. Cao Cao was a well-known politician and military strategist in the history of the mainland, with extremely high political wisdom and military talent. But at the same time, he is also a sinister and cunning person, usually representing the treacherous, suspicious, and scheming villain. The representative of the blue face is Douerdun. Dou Erdun is a hero of the Qing Dynasty who resisted foreign enemies and defended his homeland and country, representing a strong and courageous character.

There are not only so many intangible cultural heritages, but also Tang Sancai, Sanxingdui, tiger head shoes, oracle bone inscriptions, tie-dyeing ...... It's up to you to explore these traditional cultures!

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

Impressions of traditional culture display panels

Wang Ziyi, four primary schools and four classes in the city

Instructor: Wang Jihui

In the long history, the mainland has many unforgettable traditional cultures.

Today, our school has launched a traditional culture exhibition, which includes cultural relics, legends, literary arts, etc.

Tiger head shoes are a kind of folk crafts with unique shape and local flavor. Once upon a time, there was a woman in the village who was skilled in embroidery. Legend has it that the fish she embroidered could swim when she saw water, the flowers she embroidered attracted butterflies and bees, and of course, the shoes worn by the children were different. One day, there was a monster in the village who specialized in eating children, and all the children in the village were taken away, but the children of this family were unharmed, and later people noticed the tiger head shoes on the children's feet. In people's hearts, the tiger has the meaning of driving away evil spirits and avoiding disasters, peace and auspiciousness, and people began to follow suit, and children wearing tiger head shoes have been passed down to this day. In addition to tiger head shoes, there are also tiger head hats!

Then I went to watch the face mask, the black face represents the impartial, upright character - Bao Zheng, the black face represents his majesty and justice, the red face represents the character - Guan Yu, the purple face represents Xu Yanzhao, the white face represents - Cao Cao, the yellow face - Dian Wei, and the blue face - Dou Erdun. Let me marvel at the wonder of faces.

I also knew that the eight great medicines are honeysuckle, Xinyi, prunella, gardenia, dogwood, wanai, tung bellflower, and Yu salvia. I have read the legend of honeysuckle, which has been a good medicine for clearing heat and detoxifying since ancient times. What shocked me was that there was medicine in the kitchen, the lotus root is a treasure all over the body, it has the effect of clearing heat and dissipating heat, strengthening the spleen and stomach, clearing heat and soothing the nerves, and the lotus flower can dispel temperature and stop bleeding, and dispel heat and wind. The lotus pod has the effect of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, and the lotus leaf is a traditional Chinese medicine, which can clear the heat and dispel dampness. Garlic can detoxify and reduce swelling, and can also kill intestinal parasites. In addition to the medicine in the kitchen, we have medicine by our side, ginger arborvitae leaf shampoo, which has the function of strengthening and reducing hair breakage and hair loss. Lavender essential oil that can improve sleep. Tian Qi is a traditional Chinese medicine, often bleeding gums or people with bad smell in the mouth can use it, comfrey paste has the effect of repairing skin damage.

Today's exhibition board reading activity allows us to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

Contributed by Wang Jihui

Editor: Li Junwei

Review: Li Xinke, Li Yong

Impressions of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" exhibition panel

Golden sunshine, let your dreams fly

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