
It's not that you can't understand the reason, but you can't change your bad habits

author:Yuan Dadao
It's not that you can't understand the reason, but you can't change your bad habits

In the process of growing up, the most painful experience is not to suffer setbacks, but to accept setbacks.

Suffering is passive, generally speaking, either there is no way, or careless, so there is a classic truth of eating a trench and growing a wisdom.

Acceptance is active, and taking the initiative to accept pain is for better adaptation, which sounds like a reasonable spiritual trade,

But then the question arises, is it the pain itself that is adapted to the acceptance of suffering?

In other words, the reason why you have to adapt to one thing is because the impact of this thing on you is inseparable and always exists.

If you don't adapt, you will be ostracized, and even have a serious negative psychology about survival itself.

So what we adapt to is pain, does that mean,

Is the environment in which we live itself a pain that cannot be changed?

It's not that you can't understand the reason, but you can't change your bad habits

If it is really impossible to change, then accepting the pain itself means a total compromise.

What does a comprehensive compromise mean? To give a very specific example, for example, the current mainstream of thought will lead people to perceive the "demand" of the problem of spending as a positive attitude.

Spending money is reasonable, and there is a lot to be done,

Doesn't cost money? It's up to you to do it yourself.

There are those who are encouraged, there are those who are discouraged, there are those who are supportive, and there are those who are opposed, so if you are encouraged to spend more money,

What is not encouraged, I am sure my friends have already experienced.

It is often impossible to be rational with the ideas of all parties who put money in the first place and shout for this behavior, after all, no one listens to the voice that is too rational, and no one believes in the true objective attitude.

Therefore, it is necessary to add materials.

I've heard a saying before, for example, some dishes are very heavy, or there are many compound flavors, and people will have a stimulating feeling of refreshment when they eat them, so the reason for this is to increase the demand of diners for heavy flavors, and on the other hand, it is not excluded that the ingredients themselves may lack freshness.

The heavier the taste, the heavier the refreshing feeling, but the health problems caused by these heavy flavors are all left behind.

It's cool, what else are you doing?

As for the freshness of the ingredients, there seems to be a harmonious cognition of "the same", as long as you can eat it, you can cool it.

All other questions, stand aside!

As long as the things in the entrance can be cool, then back to the topic just now, as long as the things in the brain are cool.

So, for the sake of a cool word, in order to let people have a spiritual pleasure,

Then there is a clear "Avenue of Stars" in the direction of the stimulation of spending money.

There is a road, there is a direction, there is a wind, there is a torrent.

The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying, and it doesn't matter whether the clouds are black or white,

The important thing is that when the wind comes, the clouds will fly with it.

The trend is like this, and the people who follow it come one after another, and there are more people walking together, and the idea that the people who are not of our race will have different hearts will become a kind of confrontation in their positions.

The outcome of the confrontation is the inevitable result that no one can convince the other party, but the wind is still there, and the clouds are still flying, those who don't need to think about problems with their brains, and those who think completely independently are destined to have completely different results.

At this moment, the four words of different paths and the same end are temporarily invalid.

Some people have a difficult path, but they know that if they don't take this road, life will be even more difficult.

And some people walk very easily, happily, comfortably, and the difficult road is under their feet, but as long as they can get a refreshing feeling in their minds, even if there are many people who fall, they are fearless.

The core of the different paths cannot be the same,

Not only can't,

It's even more unworthy.

It's not that you can't understand the reason, but you can't change your bad habits

Many of today's truths will change with the change of position, paranoid truths can also be brainwashed, and rational truths can correct people's hearts, but these provide "value-added functions" to the truth itself, and people have high and low cognition.

Or as mentioned above, some people don't think about problems with their brains, and some people only use their brains to make judgments.

The former's attitude towards the latter is a disdainful dislike, what they can't understand is why there are always people who want to go against "most of us", and singing against the tune is a vice in their eyes, it is a disgusting existence, so these people always spare no effort to use their brains, follow the trend and follow the general trend,

Ask those who are different from you, why don't you blindly follow them?

Why are you sober?

Is there any point in doing this?

For the latter, when they saw the former's attitude towards themselves, they became more determined in their approach.

In the eyes of the other party, one's own behavior is a bad habit, and only blind obedience and unconditional trust are the truth.

But they did not get a real reward for their choice, but those incorrigible existences in their eyes were able to practice their own way of survival step by step in this torrent of public opinion.

In that case, who is qualified to define bad habits?

Those who define bad habits are reasoning,

Or is it suppressing those who are different from them?

In this different way, we cannot end together,

Survive in a world where you can't go together,

I'd rather test myself immaturely,

And don't believe accusations that seem ripe.