
Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

author:Bai Xiwen

Today, Toyota demonstrated its electrification technology at the Guangzhou Science and Technology Open Day, and criticized domestic new energy companies for only playing routines and not engaging in technology!

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

Toyota believes that in the current field of new energy vehicles, many brands are working to improve the range by increasing the battery capacity and fuel tank size. Although the battery life on the books has increased, it actually saves neither fuel nor electricity, and it also wastes battery resources.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

What's more terrible is that high-density batteries lead to frequent spontaneous combustion accidents, from spontaneous combustion of new energy vehicles to spontaneous combustion of 4S stores, which fully reflects the development routine of large batteries and large fuel tanks.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

Toyota, on the other hand, has taken a unique technological route. For example, GAC Toyota's fifth-generation intelligent electric hybrid dual-engine technology does not rely on large batteries, large motors and large fuel tanks, but realizes the high efficiency of small batteries and small fuel tanks through the three extremely balanced technical advantages, becoming the best choice in the hybrid era.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

In the development of new energy vehicles, safety has always been one of the most important considerations for Toyota. Toyota's intelligent electric hybrid dual engine uses a small battery with a capacity of only 1.12 kWh, and through the battery management strategy of shallow charging and discharging, the safety of the battery is greatly improved, and risks such as spontaneous combustion are avoided.

This is also evidenced by the safety record of GAC Toyota's hybrid vehicles, with 26 million Toyota hybrid vehicles achieving zero fires, zero explosions, and zero leaks, demonstrating extremely high reliability.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

In addition, thanks to the small battery and overall lightweight design, the intelligent electric hybrid dual engine also performs well in braking performance. The braking distance of all hybrid models is controlled within the ideal range, providing a more solid safety guarantee. This balance of performance and safety makes the intelligent electric hybrid engine not only perform well in power and fuel consumption, but also have a reliable guarantee for the user's driving safety.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

Different from hybrid vehicles with large batteries and large fuel tanks, the balance between power and fuel consumption has also achieved industry-leading results. For example, many plug-in hybrid vehicles, as long as they get on the high speed, the fuel consumption is ridiculously high, as long as the power is exhausted, the fuel consumption of the feed is much higher than the official calibration fuel consumption.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

However, in Toyota's fifth-generation hybrid technology, the vehicle can maintain ultra-low fuel consumption in the full speed range. Whether it is driving in the city or at medium and high speeds, the fuel consumption performance is always stable, and the fuel consumption level can reach the same level of plug-in hybrid vehicles that is difficult to match in urban and high-speed working conditions. Taking the Leiling hybrid as an example, its fuel consumption is 20% lower than that of the plug-in hybrid model of the same level in high-speed conditions, and the fuel consumption advantage is especially obvious at high speeds.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

Of course, in Toyota's electrification strategy, the intelligent electric hybrid engine is not the only technological innovation. At this year's Technology Day, Toyota unveiled the progress of next-generation electrification technologies, including four types of next-generation battery technologies: performance lithium batteries, popular lithium iron phosphate batteries, high-performance lithium-ion batteries, and all-solid-state batteries. From 2026 onwards, these battery technologies will gradually be introduced to the market, providing electric vehicles with longer range and faster charging speeds.

Among them, the performance lithium battery is expected to be launched in 2026, with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers and a fast charging time of only 20 minutes. Popular lithium iron phosphate batteries and high-performance lithium-ion batteries will be launched in 2026-2027 and 2027-2028 respectively, further improving the performance and popularity of electric vehicles. The all-solid-state battery, which has attracted much attention, will be put on the market in 2027-2028, and its fast charging time will be shortened to 10 minutes, and the range will reach more than 1,000 kilometers.

Toyota slammed domestic new energy: only routines and no technology

It can be seen that Toyota's counterattack has been brewing for a long time, when all domestic car companies are concentrating on pure electric vehicles, Toyota has nothing to say, and now all car companies are transforming to hybrid vehicles, it seems that they have come to Toyota's home field.

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