
Of the three famous generals that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat desperately, one was defeated by Guan Yu and the other was killed by Kong Ming


In the minds of many people, Zhao Yun in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is brave and daring to fight, his martial arts are super strong, and he is invincible all over the world! As everyone knows, although Zhao Yun is strong, he can't win these three famous generals with all his might, one of them died by Guan Yu, one was defeated by Zhang Fei's father-in-law, and the other was killed by Zhuge Liang, do you know who they are?

Of the three famous generals that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat desperately, one was defeated by Guan Yu and the other was killed by Kong Ming

The first famous general that Zhao Yun could not defeat

In fact, the first famous general that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat despite all his efforts was Wen Chou! Why? Let's take a look at the Battle of the Rock River!

Gongsun Chan originally plotted with Yuan Shao to plot Jizhou, but Yuan Shao used conspiracy to take Jizhou in advance, and also killed Gongsun Chan's younger brother, so Gongsun Chan and Yuan Shao turned their faces, and the two sides fought on the bank of the Pan River.

In the head-to-head duel, Gongsun Zhan's army was even stronger, and once beat Yuan Shao to the point of embarrassment, but in terms of top generals, Gongsun Chan was not Yuan Shao's opponent. When Yuan Shao sent the top fierce general Wen Chou, the situation reversed instantly, and the fierce generals under Gongsun Chan were all beaten down by Wen Chou, and even Gongsun Chan himself was chased and killed by Wen Chou and was almost captured alive!

At the moment of danger, a white-robed young man appeared, blocked Wen Chou, and fought with Wen Chou for fifty or sixty rounds without a win, which was shocking! And this white-robed young man is Zhao Yun!

Judging from the description of the original text, Wen Chou and Zhao Yun fought for 60 rounds, and no winner or loser was decided. But in the eyes of many people, because Zhao Yun was still a young general at that time, his combat effectiveness must not be at the peak, so on the surface, Zhao Yun and Wen Chou fought without a winner, but in fact, the victory and defeat have been divided, and Zhao Yun is even more powerful!

People who like Zhao Yun generally believe that Zhao Yun is stronger than Wen Chou, but if you look at it from an objective point of view, in fact, Zhao Yun and Wen Chou are likely to be a tie! Why? Because Wen Chou had already taken turns fighting before fighting Zhao Yun, he had lost a lot of strength!

Of the three famous generals that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat desperately, one was defeated by Guan Yu and the other was killed by Kong Ming
Original text: Zan walked into the battle, and Wen Chou Pegasus entered the Chinese army, and clashed back and forth. There are four strong generals under Zhan, and they will fight together; was shot by Wen Chou, poked one will dismount, and all three will leave.

Before fighting with Zhao Yun, Wen Chou had a fierce battle with Gongsun Chan and his four strong generals, and in the process, he was also interspersed with other enemy troops. And Wen Chou was able to tie with Zhao Yun in the case of great physical loss, which shows how strong Wen Chou's strength is! To put it bluntly, Zhao Yun at that time was not at the peak of his martial arts, and how could Wen Chou's martial arts be at the peak? The two of them are just half a pound and eight taels!

Zhao Yun couldn't beat Wen Chou, but in the Battle of Yanjin, Wen Chou was killed by Guan Yu, which made many people unacceptable, because no matter how strong Guan Yu was, it was impossible to kill Zhao Yun?

In fact, Guan Yu's battle to kill Wen Chou had a lot of cattiness! Judging from Wen Chou's strength, there are not many people in the world who can defeat him, let alone kill him, although Guan Yu is strong, he is still almost meaningless! The battle of Yanjin was completely Luo Guanzhong's deliberate death of Wen Chou in order to set off Guan Yu's strength, so we don't have to dwell on Wen Chou's death! This is like Gao Ran, who once tied Xu Chu, but was killed by Zhao Yun in one move, this is completely Luo Guanzhong's intention to set off Zhao Yun......

Of the three famous generals that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat desperately, one was defeated by Guan Yu and the other was killed by Kong Ming

The second famous general that Zhao Yun could not defeat

The second famous general that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat despite all his efforts was Lu Bu!

Lu Bu is known as the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, and his strength is completely undoubted! Before the Tiger Prison Pass, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei couldn't beat Lu Bu together, just ask, in the whole world, except for Lu Bu, who has this ability? Will Zhao Yun be able to resist the siege of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?

Another angle. As the overlord of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao is well-informed, and has experienced countless fierce generals in his life, and he has a very accurate vision for people. When facing Lu Bu, Cao Cao's evaluation was "This person is not a person who can win", which means that Lu Bu is too strong, and there is no one who can defeat him alone. And when evaluating Zhao Yun, Cao Cao said so.

Original text: Cao said: "The real tiger general!" I should give birth to it. Then he ordered Pegasus to report everywhere: "If Zhao Yun arrives, no cold arrows are allowed, as long as those are caught alive." ”

Judging from the original text, after Cao Cao saw Zhao Yun's strong martial arts, although he praised Zhao Yun as a tiger general, he did not think that Zhao Yun's martial arts had reached the point of invincibility, because after praising Zhao Yun, Cao Cao immediately added a sentence, saying that he wanted to capture Zhao Yun alive and let his subordinates not release arrows! Obviously, compared to Lu Bu's "not one person can win", Zhao Yun's "I should be born" is a little bit worse, Zhao Yun is not Lu Bu's opponent!

However, having said that, the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms are really one thing and one thing, although Lu Bu is extremely strong, he has also been repelled by Zhang Fei's father-in-law, and Zhang Fei's father-in-law is the famous Xiahoudun!

In the battle of Puyang that year, Lü Bu pursued and killed Cao Cao, so that the generals of Cao's camp did not dare to resist, but it was Xiahoudun who appeared, stopped Lü Bu, and successfully covered Cao Cao's withdrawal. Judging from the description of the original text, Lu Bu and Xiahoudun fought until the evening, and he was never able to break through Xiahoudun's defense, and in the end he could only sit back and watch Cao Cao evacuate, and was forced to retreat in frustration, which amazed everyone!

And Zhang Fei's wife is Xiahou Yuan's niece, and Xiahou Yuan is Xiahou Yuan's brother, so in terms of seniority, Zhang Fei still has to call Xiahou Yuan a father-in-law!

Of the three famous generals that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat desperately, one was defeated by Guan Yu and the other was killed by Kong Ming

The third famous player that Zhao Yun could not defeat

The third famous general that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat even with all his best efforts was the vulture bone! The vulture bone is a fierce general of the Southern Barbarians, and it is also a killer weapon in the hands of Meng Shu!

Back then, Meng Huo was defeated by Zhuge Liang several times, and he was cornered, so he had to use the killer weapon - vulture bones! It is said that this vulture bone is one zhang and two feet tall, much taller than Zhao Yun, and even big men like Lu Bu and Guan Yu cannot compare with it. In addition to this battle, the mount of the vulture bone is still a more powerful elephant than the war horse, and under the oppression of the elephant, the war horse can hardly confront it!

In addition to the overall form that is stronger than all the fierce generals, the vultures also have another skill that is overwhelming, that is, it comes with invincible defense! Most generals have to wear helmets and armor when fighting, and sometimes when the two sides fight fiercely, they have to take off their helmets or armor to reduce their respective burdens and improve their combat effectiveness. For example, in the Battle of Weishui, Xu Chu took off his armor to fight Ma Chao in order to improve his combat effectiveness; In the battle of Jiameng Pass, when Zhang Fei fought to the heat, he took off his helmet to fight against Ma Chao. This all shows that armor will limit the combat effectiveness of a general!

And the vulture bone doesn't need to worry about the armor, because the vulture bone has its own scale armor all over its body, and his skin is indestructible, and no matter how much the sword cuts, it can't hurt him in the slightest! In this comparison, the weight of the vulture bone will be much lower than that of other fierce generals, and his combat power will be able to explode more fully!

It is precisely for this reason that when Meng Shu moved the vulture bone out, the situation was reversed in an instant, and even the fierce general Zhao Yun did not dare to confront the vulture bone head-on! There's no way, the vultures are too strong! In the end, it was Zhuge Liang who stepped out and used extremely deceitful strategies to lure the army of vulture bones into an ambush circle by sacrificing his own longevity, so that he could be killed!

Of the three famous generals that Zhao Yun couldn't defeat desperately, one was defeated by Guan Yu and the other was killed by Kong Ming


In general, although Zhao Yun is strong, he can't win against these three famous generals! These three famous generals were: Wen Qiu, Lü Bu, and Vulture Bone, whose Chinese Ugly died in Guan Yu, Lü Bu was defeated by Xiahou Xuan (Zhang Fei's father-in-law), and Vulture Bone was killed by Zhuge Liang.

In addition, what other fierce generals do you know that Zhao Yun couldn't win even if he tried his best?

(This article mainly refers to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

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