
Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

author:More than 30,000 years.

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

My name is Wang Jianguo, I am 55 years old, and I have just retired from a state-owned enterprise. On the day of my retirement, I deliberately put on a brand new suit, put on a tie carefully selected by my wife, and said to myself in the mirror: "Wang Jianguo, you are free!" ”

I have silently recited this sentence in my heart countless times. In my more than 30 years of professional career, I have worked diligently and promoted from an ordinary technician all the way to a department head. Now, I can finally unload my burdens and go to realize my dream of traveling the world when I was younger!

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

My wife, Zhang Liping, is not interested in my retirement plan. She is three years younger than me, not yet of retirement age, and still does the housework and grandchildren every day. Seeing me planning the travel route with great interest, she couldn't help but pour cold water: "You go out to play alone, who will take care of you?" You don't care about so many things at home? ”

"I've got it all arranged!" I patted my chest confidently, "I signed up for a tour group, and the food, accommodation and transportation are all arranged, and the tour guide will take care of you, so you can rest assured!" Besides, I'm at this age, do I still have to be taken care of like a child? ”

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

Zhang Liping wanted to say something, but was blocked by me with a sentence of "I have already decided". In fact, I knew in my heart that she was not worried about me going out alone, and she was even more worried that I was playing with ambition and was unwilling to take care of the family affairs anymore.

In order to dispel her concerns, I swore a promise: "When I have had enough, I will come back to accompany you well, help you take care of your grandchildren, and do housework, okay?" Zhang Liping sighed helplessly and acquiesced in my decision.

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

On the day of departure, I woke up early to pack my bags, and I was as excited as a child. Although Zhang Liping didn't say anything, she still checked my luggage and stuffed my backpack with all kinds of medicines and snacks.

"When you get over there, don't be reluctant to spend money, eat and drink well, have fun, and don't treat yourself badly." Zhang Liping admonished, with a hint of reluctance in her tone.

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

"Got it, don't worry!" I smiled and patted her hands, dragged my suitcase, and walked out of the house without looking back.

My first stop was Yunnan, where the four seasons are like spring and the scenery is beautiful, and it has always been a dream place for me. The tour group was very well arranged, we visited the old town of Lijiang, admired the magnificence of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and rode by the Erhai Lake, feeling the comfort of the breeze.

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

The fatigue of the journey did not dampen my enthusiasm, but made me more excited. Every night, I posted the photos and videos I took to my friends, and I received a lot of likes and comments.

"Lao Wang, your retirement life is too chic!"

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

"I really envy you, you can travel the world freely!"

"Old classmate, you have lived the pinnacle of life!"

The envy and praise of my friends made me even more proud, and I felt as if I had returned to the vigor and enthusiasm of my youth.

Recently. On the eighth day of the trip, I suddenly received a call from my son, and his tone was anxious: "Dad, come back quickly, Mom, she is sick!" ”

I panicked and hurriedly asked what was going on. It turned out that Zhang Liping had been hiding the fact that she was not feeling well in order to let me travel with peace of mind. It wasn't until that morning that she suddenly fainted at home that she was found by a neighbor and taken to the hospital.

"What did the doctor say? Mom is doing now? "I was so anxious that I couldn't wait to fly back to Zhang Liping immediately.

"The doctor said that my mother was overworked, coupled with a bad mood, which led to acute gastroenteritis and needed to be hospitalized for a few days for observation." The son said, "Dad, come back quickly, the family needs you now." ”

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

At that moment, all my interest and joy vanished, replaced by deep self-blame and worry. I hurriedly asked my guide for leave and booked the earliest flight home.

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

When I got home, I went straight to the hospital, and when I saw Zhang Liping who was weak on the hospital bed, my heart felt as uncomfortable as if I had been pricked by a needle. Her face was pale, her lips were chapped, and when she saw me returning, she barely managed to squeeze out a smile: "You're back..."

Retired at the age of 55, without a baby and ignoring his wife, he vowed to travel all over the beautiful scenery in 5 years, but he went home in less than half a month

I held her hand, choked and speechless. Zhang Liping patted the back of my hand lightly and comforted: "I'm fine, it's just an old problem, just rest for a few days, don't worry." ”

I knew she was comforting me and didn't want me to worry. The doctor told me that Zhang Liping had been working hard for the family for all these years, and that she had become ill from overwork, and that this time she suddenly fell ill because she was worried that I was alone outside, coupled with the heavy housework and excessive pressure.

It was then that I realized how selfish and naïve my previous thoughts were. I always thought that I should enjoy life after retirement, but I ignored the feelings of my wife and family. I pursued the so-called freedom and happiness, but I put all the burden on Zhang Liping alone.

In the next few days, I stayed by Zhang Liping's side every step of the way, taking care of her diet and daily life. I wiped her body, fed her, told her jokes, and hoped to make her happy.

Zhang Liping looked at my busy figure, and tears gleamed in the corners of her eyes: "Lao Wang, I'm worried about you..."

"It's me who is bad, I shouldn't have left you alone." I held her hand and sincerely apologized, "In the future, I will take good care of you and never let you be wronged again." ”

Zhang Liping's condition is gradually improving, but my mood is still heavy. This experience made me deeply realize that the responsibility of the family and the company of the wife are far more important than personal dreams and freedom.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I took the initiative to take on all the housework and offered to help my son and daughter-in-law take care of their grandchildren. I put all my travel plans behind and threw myself into my home to make up for my debt to my wife and family.

Zhang Liping smiled with satisfaction when she saw my change. I know that I have finally found the most precious thing in my life - family and responsibility.

The road of life is still very long, the scenery is beautiful, but companionship is the most affectionate confession.

Statement: The headlines of this article were first published, and plagiarism must be investigated! The picture and text are from the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement!

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