
Wary! Recent ......

author:Linyi Hedong release

Fiery July and August

Proper tourist season

I believe that many friends have plans to travel

The ticket was booked successfully

Pack your bags and get ready

That's when you receive it

"Airline customer service" phone call, text message

The other party accurately reported yours

Identification and flight information

And informed

"Your scheduled flight was cancelled for any reason

We can help you refund and change your ticket free of charge

You can also apply for compensation of 300 yuan"

What do you do at this time?

Wary! Recent ......

This is the case

Don't panic! Don't be gullible!

There have been a number of recent incidents

Cases of fraud on the grounds of "ticket refund and change".

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Wary! Recent ......
Wary! Recent ......

Case 1

Recently, Mr. Li, a citizen, received a call from the airline's "customer service", informing him that the flight booked by Mr. Li needed to be transferred due to weather conditions and that he would need to refund a subsidy of 300 yuan. Mr. Li believed it and clicked on the link sent by the other party and opened a website called "China Airlines". Subsequently, on the pretext of verifying the bank card information, Mr. Li was asked to scan the bank QR code sent by him and enter the specified authentication code. After Mr. Li completed the operation according to the instructions of the other party, he found that he had transferred more than 40,000 yuan to the other party's account, and then the other party said that the authentication failed and asked him to re-scan the code for authentication.

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Case 2

Recently, Ms. Chen received a call from the airline's "customer service", saying that the ticket she purchased could not take off due to aircraft failure, and she could be helped to change the ticket for free. Ms. Chen didn't think much about it, so she downloaded a video conferencing software and joined the meeting according to the customer service instructions. Through screen sharing, the agent checked her mobile payment app, social media and mobile banking. According to the customer service prompt, Ms. Chen opened the mobile banking, entered the authentication code on the designated interface, and filled in the verification code, and then Ms. Chen found that more than 70,000 yuan on the bank card had been transferred, so she immediately called the police.

Wary! Recent ......

So about the "ticket change" scam

What exactly do scammers do?

How do we deal with it?


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Case Analysis

Fraudsters pretend to be airline staff, contact victims by phone calls and text messages, and gain trust by accurately stating the victim's identity information and flight information.

At the same time, on the grounds of "ticket refund and change" claims, the victim is required to log in to the designated website or download the designated conference APP for screen sharing, guide the victim to transfer money, or collect personal information to obtain bank account numbers and verification codes and then transfer funds remotely.

How to cope

Please book air tickets through official channels, as personal flight information may be leaked through other channels, and even phishing websites may occur, resulting in economic losses.

When you receive a call or text message that your flight needs to be changed or refunded, you must verify it through the official phone number or APP, and do not believe the link or contact information in the other party's text message.

The refund does not need to pay other fees before the refund, and the refund is generally returned to the original payment channel.

If you are deceived or encounter suspicious circumstances, please pay attention to protect the evidence and report to the police immediately.

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Police remind

"Ticket Refund & Change"

Please be sure to log on to the airline's website

or the ticketing platform

Remember not to click on links that you don't know

Do not download video conferencing software at will

Don't share your screen with strangers

Wary! Recent ......