
One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

author:Sunny days are entertaining

In June 2024, it will be hard controlled by a "Ink Rain Clouds", and then a "Story of Roses".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

After watching it heartily and violently until the end, the audience was dumbfounded.

I haven't carried it in June, who will fill the visual emptiness next?

Not to mention that CCTV knows the audience best, after "The Story of the Rose", "Executive Judge" took over.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

It will be broadcast on June 27, and today the central eight will broadcast 10 episodes.

is a political and legal drama that focuses on judges handling cases, and a group of judges who implement the final judgment of the court.

"The Executive Judge" became popular as soon as it was broadcast, and became the "Internet mouthpiece of the executor" in the mouth of netizens.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

It has the potential to become a "CCTV dark horse drama".

It's just why do people say, "I want to fast forward when I see Yang Zishan"?


"One drama, one love", the basic disk of CCTV's "dark horse" of "Executive Judge"!

Nowadays, people are more and more fond of watching CCTV anchor dramas.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Not to mention anything else, just the high-quality hit dramas that will be released frequently in 2024.

"From South to North", "Flowers", "City in the City", "Wind Chaser", "The Story of Roses", ......

These dramas have a variety of themes, a variety of actors, and a variety of styles of the times.

also has one thing in common, that is, excellent actors + excellent plots, which makes people want to stop.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Among these many theme dramas, political and legal dramas are actually not so "appetizing to the audience".

Older audiences like to watch family dramas and period dramas; Young audiences like to watch costume dramas and urban dramas.

Men like military dramas, and women like romantic dramas......

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Although this division of "likes" is not absolute, it is also in line with the public choice.

As for the political and legal themes, it is a "crack drama", which is not actively mentioned.

But as long as the quality is good, the focus is on reality, and the shooting is "real and sticky", it can still open low and go high, attracting the attention of a large number of audiences.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

For example, "In the Name of the People", "Roving Procuratorial Team", "Hurricane", "The Bottom Line", ......

It's just that have you noticed that behind the high-quality political and legal dramas that are popular with the public.

Most of them have the shadow of the "national team".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The "national team" is out, and it can control the story from the aspect of "knowing the subject matter and content best" and shoot the real details.

Second, they can "move towards refinement", grasp the scale and depth of the script, keep an eye on the production, and shoot high-quality products with high standards.

Grasp the plot of the story, and then grasp the production quality, isn't there a necessary element for a good hit drama?

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The political and legal themes are the foundation, and 16 realistic execution cases are reproduced.

"Executive Judge" focuses on a dare to expose, dare to explore, combine human feelings and legal principles, dare to shoot, and shoot well.

The plot is amplified at the beginning, first there is a "house sublease case", and then a "pony hiding case".

The previous case was not over yet, and the "filial son suing his father" was handed over again.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Without those repeated foreshadowing, cases appeared one after another, the audience's body and mind were mobilized, and their emotions were quickly immersed.

I forgot about the toilet and the water, and it wasn't until today's broadcast that everyone got out of the story.

The plot makes the audience want to stop, why can't "Executive Judge" "start low and go high" and become a "dark horse"?

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The plot won a unanimous "standing ovation" from the audience, and then watch the "love" that every TV series should highlight in every TV series.

In "The Executive Judge", the plot unfolds from childhood to earth.

Use small people to draw out big people, and use big events to refract the social status quo of small people.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

"Big and small" are interspersed with stories to tell, the big people's "hands and eyes reach the sky", and the small people's "mouths can't speak".

It is difficult for enforcement judges to enforce the law, and the difficulty lies in the fact that there are small things behind the big things, and the cuts are continuous, and the rationalization is chaotic.

The executive judge is tired of execution, tired of big things to be solved, and the emotions of small people must also be taken care of.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it
One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The executive judge should put fairness and justice in the "last mile" of reality.

Integrate the law into the fireworks of the market, and tell what is the axiom.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Use ordinary stories to talk about the problem of "how to cure the old lai".

There are also shared bicycle deposits that are not refunded, female college students are forced to take out "Luo" loans, and divorce property division.

The rich second generation was arrested for driving into someone, shouting "Mom, call the old man to save me" and other incidents......

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Every case directly hits the pain points of the society and grasps the "feelings" that ordinary people can share.

"Executive Judge" has become the basic disk of CCTV's popular dramas, can't it be stable?


actor, "Executive Judge" is another guarantee that "Dark Horse Drama" will become a "dark horse drama"!

After talking about "drama and love", and then look at the cast of "Executive Judge", a collection of powerful old, middle-aged and young people, it is absolutely tough enough.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it
One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

In fact, "Executive Judge" had a big wave of popularity before the broadcast, and it was due to Luo Jin.

Because Luo Jin is now releasing a signal to the audience by acting on TV, that is, he cherishes his feathers, "rather than more essence", he wants to take the road of "wanting good dramas rather than too many dramas".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

In the early years, "Beauty Scheming" and "Carat Lovers" will not be mentioned.

Take a look at "Settle Home", "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes", "The Long River of the World", and "Scout Heroes" in recent years......

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The scripts that Luo Jin received were all of quality assurance, and his performances were really better than the other.

is in the entertainment industry, he is handsome, his family is happy and his wife Tang Yan doesn't make any scandals.

He and his wife are working hard to act in a good drama that is "worthy of being an actor", how can they not please the public?

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

People like it, and they are naturally willing to watch his dramas, and when they see it, they find that he is not only a good person, but also a good actor.

Not only did he act well, but there were also many powerful people in this drama who played with each other, which was enjoyable to watch, so why don't you stay and take a look?

Luo Jin plays the role of "Qi Lin", who was transferred by the court to work in the Executive Directorate.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

"Qi Lin" believes in "justice of results", and Chu Yun (Yang Zishan) of the Executive Board insists on "justice of the process".

The disagreement of ideas led to frequent conflicts between them.

There are internal conflicts, but the external image of "Qi Lin" is very positive. Dressed in a judge's uniform, he had a serious expression and a determined look in his eyes.

He has the courage to act in the execution of cases, and he is also very individual.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

He will maintain harmony with "Chu Yun" on the surface, but in fact, he will not let the competing "Qi Lin" play life.

In the face of "Chu Yun's" questioning, he will be clear and reasonable.

When the other party pressed forward step by step, he chose not to bear it, exploded emotionally, and the green tendons on his head collapsed, which showed how much emotion he substituted.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Luo Jin is brilliant, and the other actors are not inferior.

Sarina, it's not an exaggeration to call it an "old drama bone".

In the section where she saw off in "The World", just by looking at her eyes, she asked how many people were not infected and left tears?

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

This time is different from the kind and kind "Mother Zhou" in "The World".

Sarina plays an "aunt" who dares to "work against the court" in "Executive Judge".

It seems to be strong, but in fact, it is full of bitterness, pick up the broom and pull it, is the people's life breath coming?

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Huo Qing, an actor who can play "I'm tired" with just his eyes.

He plays the father of an executed person in the play.

The father was physically and mentally exhausted by his own unconscious son.

If you can't manage your own children, then don't feel distressed and let the state take care of it.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

When he told the judge that as long as his son was "in", he would pay the compensation as soon as possible.

No kidding, his forehead is full of the words "poor donkey skills".

There is also the developer "Chen Qilun" played by Zhang Xilin, who illegally occupies the houses of nail households in the village.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

They did everything they could to prevent the execution judge from tracking down, created a shady scene, and stretched out the "protective umbrella" to block the wails outside.

He said defiantly to the judge "Qi Lin": "A good dog, you can only recognize one owner forever!" ”

He played a profiteer who defied the law until the audience was laughed at, and gave him the title of "pure prison male god".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Looking forward to the ending of him entering the prison to receive a boxed lunch, Zhang Xilin is an actor with a thousand faces.

Outside of Zhang Xilin, House Bin, the performance is called a relaxation.

plays the role of the court leader "Wang Tonghui", whether it is to forcibly round the field and transform into a "smirking uncle".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Still don't agree with each other and leave the scene.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Or make it clear what is at stake, and ask "Qi Lin" and "Chu Yun" to put aside their prejudices and effectively cooperate with the aura of leadership.

House Bin can naturally show the characters, which is really an "effective plus distribution angle......

Of course, many powerful supporting roles will appear in the next episodes.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

After watching the first few episodes alone, the audience was eager to look forward to the next content.

The actors and the plot add up to a "quality assurance".

"Executive Judge" ranked second in the country in ratings on the first day of its launch, second only to the popular military drama "Haitian Eagle" on CCTV.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The ratings are good, the audience has received rave reviews, and the network is hot, but there are a number of discordant channels in the middle.

"When I saw Yang Zishan, I couldn't help but fast forward!" - What's going on?


Today's audience is becoming more and more unacceptable to "artificial faces"!

In "The Executive Judge", he wears a straight dress and combs his hair in a messy way.

Yang Zishan looks domineering as a whole, and she also has the bearing of a strong woman.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

can look good from a distance, but up close, netizens say "she seems to be out of harmony"!

It's not that she doesn't look good, but her "artificial face" is not like that in a rule of law drama.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

The whole face is full of traces of "artificiality", and many places look "weird".

This is Yang Zishan, "Zheng Wei" in "To Youth", and "Meng Lijun" in "Twenty Years Old".

"No one can surpass Zheng Wei played by Yang Zishan!" "No one can have more aura than Yang Zishan's Meng Lijun!"

Until now, there have been comments from netizens to Yang Zishan.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Pure facial features, small dimples, fawn-like eyes, fresh and natural temperament, and intimate feeling.

It is this "purity" and "purity" that have made Yang Zishan stand tall in the entertainment industry.

But in recent years, Yang Zishan seems to be "not like" Yang Zishan.

The reason is, she moved her face!

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

In the past, Yang Zishan's face was a little round, and the whole person looked cute and lovely.

In the past, Yang Zishan's nose was a little big, but it was very recognizable, and her whole face was very natural.

But now her appearance doesn't seem to be much different from many Internet celebrity girls.

And moving her face is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is that Yang Zishan is a little "not moving well".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

In "The Executive Judge", the audience can see it obviously.

Yang Zishan's eyes and nose are one big and one small, her mouth is a little strange, her mountain roots are much higher, and her nose is pointed.

And the chin has also become longer and sharper, and the traces of this "adjustment" are really obvious.

When most netizens saw her changes, they couldn't help but shout "pity".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

Because the actor has to face the high-definition camera, once he moves his face, his expression will be a little unnatural.

The expressions are unnatural, and many of the characters' emotions are transmitted to the audience, which will make the audience feel "overexerted", or "strange".

It is precisely because of this that many netizens feel that it is contrary to harmony and that it affects the perception.

I didn't want to watch Yang Zishan's play, and felt that the use of "Internet celebrity faces" in legal dramas was simply "faulty".

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

However, netizens "want to fast forward as soon as they see Yang Zishan's role".

Except that she was not accepted by the audience after she became an "artificial face".

and her interpretation of the role, which is not very accepted by the audience.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

"Chu Yun" is a judge and a messenger who guards and realizes the justice of the people.

But her attitude towards the masses was said by netizens to be "very problematic".

Don't give the masses a good face, always keep a rigid face, as if the judge is a person who can't smile by nature.

Impatient and cold-blooded with the masses, shouting at every turn, only saying that he is from the court, do not obstruct official business.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

In addition, "Qi Lin" is her colleague, even if the concept is not compatible, there is no need to act like an enemy.

Moreover, even if you want to highlight the sassy feeling of a "strong woman", it must be in line with reality.

Which subordinate can question his boss, speak with "disgust", and be full of strength?

is vividly out of tune, and the leader has to be careful when talking to her, which is reasonable?

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it


"Artificial face" and the character set given in the script, plus Yang Zishan's own understanding and interpretation of the role.

In the end, as soon as the drama "Executive Judge", which had just the right momentum, was broadcast, there were more embarrassing voices.

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

As for whether it will be because the audience is "dissatisfied" with an actor.

and "dragged down" the passionate performance of a group of powerful actors, and "messed up" the reputation of this political and legal drama that focuses on social pain points.

We'll probably have to wait and see......

One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it
One person ruined the whole show! When "plastic surgery" is mixed into a legal drama, even Luo Jin can't save it

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