
"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

author:Cheerful cheese Yl

The main theme of CCTV began to make waves again.

In the hit broadcast of "Executive Judge", I thought that there would finally be a big drama that would bring a shock to the main melody drama, but unexpectedly, all the expectations were given to the next drama.

With Qi Lin coming to the Executive Board to assist Chu Yun in handling cases together, Qi Lin's growth and transformation in the road of judges ushered in new challenges.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

In order to investigate the evidence, Qi Lin unexpectedly entered the racecourse and was met on the spot, but fortunately, Chu Yun led the group to arrive in time and successfully escaped.

Qi Lin has just entered the Executive Bureau with twists and turns, being injured and being trained, and has ushered in more and more challenges on the road of judges.

Qi Lin, played by national second-class actor Luo Jin, is a young judge with a sense of justice, responsibility, and gratitude.

Raised by his aunt and uncle since he was a child, when he heard that his aunt was in trouble and was imprisoned, he hurriedly ran over, and when he learned that he could not visit, he was very anxious on the spot, and finally could only ask his superiors to see his aunt.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

When I saw my aunt for the first time, my emotions eased down a little, and when I knew that my aunt copied the guy with the judge, how could I blame my aunt for copying the guy?

Worried to blame, anxious to calm, Qi Lin's mood kept changing, his worries as a nephew, and his attitude as a judge came out.

Knowing the contradiction between Zhang Rui and his father and sister, Qi Lin came to test and persuade Zhang Rui to reconcile, but the other party sighed helplessly and was obsessed with the three million demolition money, but despite this, Qi Lin was moved by emotion.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

Qi Lin tried to understand the specific situation, and inquired in detail about the situation after the family was separated, Qi Lin began to persuade peace, because during the law enforcement period, he was wearing a plain clothes, and while observing Zhang Rui's expression, he tentatively asked questions, and gave opinions, his eyes were sincere, his tone was calm, and he even helped to carry things and hold the bags together.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

In the hospital, Zhang Qing pointed to the cordyceps on the note and said that it was very expensive, Qi Lin bent down and approached, carefully examined the words on the paper, and when Zhang Qing was emotional and said that he was interrogating people, he hurriedly denied it, looked at the old man, and said sincerely no to Zhang Qing's eyes.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

In front of Zhang Rui and Zhang Qing, Qi Lin was always wearing civilian clothes, and his gestures were not a judge's posture, his speaking posture was cautious, his tone was friendly, and the more emotional others were, the softer and lower his voice became, and his down-to-earth expressions and movements, Yanran persuaded both sides to make peace as a friend.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

The owner of the luxury car that caused the accident, "Tanuki for the Prince", wanted to get rid of the compensation, Qi Lin led everyone to the recycling yard and compared the models one by one.

Qi Lin at the scene wore a formal suit and tie, went to business as a judge and identity, rummaged through the scene one by one, meticulously matched the data, and finally cracked the clues.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

On the private side is the down-to-earth spirit of ordinary people, and on the work side is the judge's awe-inspiring, conscientious and responsible attitude, humility and sincerity in the face of the masses, and unswerving determination in the face of the leadership, which is reflected in Qi Lin, interpreting the multi-faceted image of the character.

Over the years, the drama has gradually become Luo Jin's comfort zone, and the fit with the character and the matching degree with the plot have become more and more proficient in the continuous running-in.

After Luo Jin's transformation, the number of appearances in the main drama is getting lower and lower, and the performance in historical dramas, spy war dramas, and now the first drama of the rule of law drama is bright enough.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

did not disappoint, Luo Jin starred in "Executive Judge", from the inside out, the image of the judge was shaped.

Luo Jin's appearance is upright, and his innate appearance and temperament of the personnel in the system make him close to the image of the soldiers and officials in the drama.

Luo Jin's face has traces of precipitation over the years, a sense of vicissitudes left by the investigation of cases, and an energetic state full of energy for each case.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

Wear a formal suit, tie and tie, and outline the righteous body shape in the system that fits the waist, and the identity of the judge is convincing.

Luo Jin has been challenging works of different genres for so many years, never acting in order to cater to the market and maintain his personality, dare to throw away the burden of idols, and create new roles in his works, and now his comfort zone continues to spread in all themes.

In "An Home", Luo Jin carries the fighting spirit of the little people, is methodical in the fierce competition, has the correct values of life and career, and uses performance to carry the huge power that ordinary characters can inspire, and supports the real life atmosphere of the whole story with Sun Li.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

In "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes", Luo Jin's roles are not very many, but he can be relaxed and natural with every rival of Zhao Liying.

In the play, the eyes that like happiness are full of innocent hope, the face is full of expectation, the appreciation and admiration of a woman do not need to be told in words, the admiration on the face is everywhere, and the emotional performance is in place.

In "The Long River of the World", the characters have been transforming, caring about the world, giving priority to the worries of the world and the suffering of the people, and the characters broke through the shackles in the society at that time, and constantly transformed to highlight the great deeds of the protagonist and show a blood-boiling story.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

No matter what work he is in, Luo Jin's performance does not collapse at all, and the big and small corners show the unique personality of the characters in his performances.

An actor's acting skills are important, and the overall presentation of a drama is equally important. There is no doubt that Luo Jin's performance is good enough, but he can't be dragged down by bad dramas.

In the past two years, the overall reputation of the rule of law drama has been insufficient, and the appearance of new dramas cannot win the popularity and reputation, but some loopholes cannot attract attention in the first time.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

In "Executive Judge", there are quite heated discussions in many episodes, such as the house mortgage signature issue in the first episode, and then Qi Lin went to the racecourse to find the main drama, Chu Yun targeted Qi Lin everywhere, etc., the logic of the overall rule of law, and the perspective of the story make the audience have different opinions.

The president played by Yang Zishan is the most controversial about the fit between his appearance and the character, and since the hit broadcast, the external image of the protagonist of the character is not recognizable enough to make the identity of the president established, and secondly, in many plots, the ups and downs of Yang Zishan's performance are not enough to express, so that the emotional mobilization of the role of Chu Yun is not high.

The success of a drama comes from all aspects of performance, and it is not the performance of a certain actor, Luo Jin's "textbook" performance cannot be dragged down by bad dramas.

"Executive Judge": Luo Jin brings a "textbook" performance of a national second-class actor

In the last spy war drama, Luo Jin's performance was also remarkable, the drama itself was detached from the actual presentation, and he couldn't bear the bad reviews, coupled with the negative reputation of the heroine, Luo Jin lost a chance to become popular.

This time, in the rule of law drama, it is also the drama and the partner who have been complained about, and it can only be said that Luo Jin's road to the drama is bumpy.

The drama overturned again, and Luo Jin's good acting skills were finally held back by the vision of picking the script, and it seems that the next drama will have to turn over.

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