
On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

author:A little moon and a half son who loves 8 hexagrams

Tang Yan, who was born in 1983, is 40 years old, and after she got married in 2018, she focused on her family for a period of time.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

This is okay, Tang Yan's career fans begged grandpa to sue grandma, and finally waited for her to return to business. I have to say that her state is really very good, and there are always people who associate women's aging with having children. But Tang Yan came back after giving birth to a child, and it seems that her state is still very first-class in 85 Hua Dan.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

Even when she was caught being photographed in October when she was pregnant before, she maintained her very good state, and it can be seen that a good relationship can really achieve each other.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

You must know that in the past, Tang Yan was still a love brain, and she gave up a lot of her career for her ex-boyfriend Qiu Ze at the time. Qiu Ze is recognized as a flattering Japanese and does not like the mainland. So when he fell in love with Tang Yan, he didn't take it very seriously. When Qiu Ze was outside with all kinds of warblers and swallows, no matter how busy Tang Yan was filming, she would also find time to do housework, cleaning, and even brush the toilet for Qiu Ze! She also spent a lot of money on Qiu Ze, and also used her own resources to help Qiu Zela endorse and make appointments.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

has done so much Tang Yan, and he still can't get a single disclosure from Qiu Ze! It's really no matter what kind of beauty you are, you should meet a scumbag or a scumbag. During the time she was with Qiu Ze, Tang Yan's state was not so good to the naked eye, so there was not much to say about the emotional injury, Tang Yan should have broken her heart for him at that time!

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

In the process of falling in love, Tang Yan even did things to hurt herself for Qiu Ze, she must feel stupid in retrospect. But fortunately, she finally cut off the love thread and left the scumbag. (Digression, how can a person like Qiu Ze be so popular with women?) His wife is a super beautiful Xu Weining! )

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

During this period, she had already lost confidence in love, and when the amnesiac met another amnesiac person (Luo Jin), they actually sparked a spark of love! Luo Jin was also seriously injured in his love with the nursery, so the two of them who had been hurt by love knew how to warm each other better.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

Tang Yan and Luo Jin were just friends at first, and they met through cooperating in the filming of the drama "Gone with the Wind". After "Gone with the Wind", they began a magical relationship, and then they successively collaborated on "X Female Agent", "Carat Lovers", "Splendid Lovers", etc., with more and more contact, they are naturally together!

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

In 2018, the short eight words they posted on Weibo exploded the entertainment industry - I am the bride, I am the groom.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

Later, although Tang Yan said in an interview that after getting married, she and Luo Jin have always been together less and more apart, they are both separated from each other, and occasionally they will get together when they have holidays. The child has always been with himself and his grandfather. Luo Jin doesn't need to care about the children, he just needs to concentrate on filming. After this interview was broadcast, the relationship between Tang Yan and Luo Jin was rumored to be married, but I think ah, Luo Jin is estimated to be another Monday in the entertainment industry, hahaha, it turns out that this track is so crowded.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

I don't think you need to listen to too many sounds, you just need to see to believe. Seeing Tang Yan's current state, she is really as gorgeous as a flower. I believe that if you are in an unhappy marriage, it is difficult to maintain such a good thing.

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!
On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

At present, every time Tang Yan attends a public occasion, everyone can't help but praise her for being in very good shape, and praise Luo Jin for being the best gardener, after all, the saying that a lover is like raising flowers is not something that is said casually.

Recently, Tang Yan has been out of the circle with the TV series "Flowers", she got rid of the shackles of the heroine of idol dramas, and let us see her acting skills. In the entertainment industry where 85 flowers have generally grown, Tang Yan has finally not fallen behind!

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

Although Tang Yan did not win this year's Magnolia Best Actress, her acting skills have been affirmed by everyone, no matter how you look at it, it is a good thing!

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

In other words, do you still think that Tang Yan and Luo Jin's marriage is unhappy? Leave a message to interact with it~

On Luo Jin's dual identity: a good Chinese actor + the best gardener in the entertainment industry! Tang Yan has picked up a treasure!

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