
She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

author:International Student Daily
She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her
She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

This is probably the most distressing news in recent days.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Screenshot from Weibo Yesterday, Suzhou issued an announcement posthumously awarding the title of "Righteous and Courageous Model":

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

The picture comes from the online announcement, which reads:

At about 16 o'clock on June 24, Hu Youping found someone with a knife at the bus stop of Xindi Center, Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone, and immediately rushed forward to stop him. When others were facing a serious threat to their lives, Hu Youping disregarded his personal safety, stepped forward, had the courage to fight against illegal and criminal acts, and prevented more people from being harmed, showing the noble quality of being brave and fearless and upholding justice, and effectively promoting social righteousness. "This morning, the Japanese Embassy in China expressed its condolences on the passing of Hu Youping.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Screenshot from the Internet, things have to start a few days ago.

On June 24, a 52-year-old unemployed person attacked a Japanese mother and son with a knife in the Suzhou High-tech Zone. The injured Chinese were seriously injured in the process of stopping the suspect from committing the crime.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

The picture comes from the Internet, among the two Japanese nationals, one is hospitalized and is not life-threatening; The other one was discharged from the hospital on the same day. According to the media, eyewitnesses described at the scene that when the suspect committed the murder, Hu Youping stopped the suspect and was stabbed and fell to the ground, and the son of the injured Japanese adult was able to take the opportunity to escape. Witnesses saw that Hu Youping first grabbed the suspect, then hugged the suspect from behind, and the suspect stabbed her with his backhand, causing her to fall to the ground and continued to chase and stab, when she was subdued by citizens, passing drivers and patrol officers on the road. Witnesses said: "If the suspect had not been stopped at that time, more people would have been injured." In the process of stopping the suspect, Hu Youping was seriously injured and was sent to the hospital for rescue, and unfortunately passed away on the 26th.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

The graph comes from the network

01 The death of a good man who saw righteousness and courage due to serious injuries makes people feel extremely sad. In the face of the knife-wielding assailant, an ordinary person subconsciously stepped forward to protect others at a critical moment, and such a righteous act is touching. In the face of violence, there is no distinction between Chinese and foreigners, only the struggle between justice and crime. After Ms. Hu's deeds were released by the media, netizens expressed their admiration and condolences:

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her
She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Screenshot from the Internet In addition, Japanese media such as NHK, ANN, etc., also reported on the incident.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Screenshot of Japanese media report Japanese netizens also expressed their admiration, before the news of Ms. Hu's death from serious injuries came out, many Japanese netizens prayed for her health and repeatedly expressed their gratitude to her.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

The picture comes from the official account Tokyo New Youth, no matter when and where, condemning violence against innocents and admiring righteous and courageous deeds are universal values. However, although the case is still under investigation and the suspect's motive for the murder is not yet clear, the matter will become much more complicated when it involves injuries to foreigners. In the past few days when things have been fermenting, in the midst of admiration and mourning, there have been very few discordant voices:

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Screenshot from the Internet This is undoubtedly a distorted interpretation, which is not only disrespectful to the victims in the case, but also a blasphemy against the righteous acts of the rescuers. Crimes of violence against women and children are intolerable at all times. Caring for women and children, protecting the weak, and acting courageously are universal values. In the aftermath of the incident, there was no doubt that there was a consensus to condemn the violence. Today, according to media reports, many Suzhou citizens went to the station and spontaneously laid flowers for Hu Youping.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Overall, China remains one of the best countries in the world in terms of security. According to data from China's Ministry of Public Security cited by the media, in 2023, the number of criminal cases filed and the number of public security cases investigated and dealt with by public security organs nationwide will decrease by 12.9% and 9.7% respectively compared with 2019, with 0.46 homicides per 100,000 people. China has one of the lowest homicide rates, the lowest criminal crime rate, and the fewest gun explosion cases in the world. I believe that foreign bloggers who have traveled in China recently have a deep understanding of this.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

In Suzhou, there are many foreign companies stationed here, and there are also many foreigners who live, live and work here. Since last year, with the introduction of policies such as "144-hour visa-free", more and more foreigners have come to China to travel, study and live in China, and experience China's warm and friendly environment.


This year, more and more people are finding that their cities are "overcrowded" with foreigners.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Starting from the second half of 2023, the mainland has introduced a series of favorable policies, including "144-hour visa exemption".

In addition, starting from May 15, foreign tour groups that take cruise ships and are received by domestic travel agencies can enter the whole group without a visa from the cruise ports of 13 cities.

The results are immediate. Countless foreigners have poured into China for "special forces-style tourism".

In the first quarter of 2024, the number of foreign arrivals and departures reached 13.074 million, an increase of 305.2% year-on-year, and it has recovered to 92.46% of the data of the same period in 2019.

On TikTok and YouTube, "China Travel" has become a new traffic password, and as long as you wear the label of China travel, video traffic will skyrocket.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Most of the foreign tourists end up becoming the "tap water" of China's scenery, food, and culture, and are excited about their own harvest in China.

在国外博主拍摄的中国旅游视频里,出现率最高的词就是“never expected”“not what we expected”(出乎意料)。

This is because, for a long time in the past, what they learned about China from the Western media, was "packaged".

Many foreigners have heard that China is not safe, and when they first arrive in China, they will carry their backpacks on the front to prevent them from being stolen and robbed.

But they will soon find that they are overthinking.

A foreign blogger did a "social experiment" in Shanghai, where he put an Apple computer and some cash on a café table, then left, using a stealth camera to see if it would be stolen.

An hour later, not to mention that no one stole it, no one even looked at it.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

How safe is China? It is a degree that amazes even foreigners.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

As the popularity of the videos posted by bloggers has risen, more and more foreign netizens have learned about China and called China a "dream country" in the comment area.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

For the majority of ordinary people, it is the best state to live their own lives in a down-to-earth manner, jointly maintain a stable and harmonious social order, and help the people around them when they have spare energy. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this afternoon, a reporter asked about the case in Suzhou.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

Screenshot from Weibo: Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that he expressed condolences for the unfortunate death of Ms. Hu Youping and expressed condolences to her relatives. Suzhou City will posthumously award Ms. Hu Youping the title of model of righteousness and bravery. "I think this Chinese woman embodies the kindness and bravery of the Chinese, and reflects the spirit of the Chinese who are brave in doing justice and helping others."

Comprehensive media news from People's Daily, China News Network, The Paper,, Tokyo New Youth and other media.

She bravely sacrificed her life to stop the gangsters, and the Japanese embassy lowered the flag at half-mast for her

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