
The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Japan, and Zheng Yixin's performance was worrying, triggering a battle for Olympic qualification

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The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Japan, and Zheng Yixin's performance was worrying, triggering a battle for Olympic qualification

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The unexpected defeat of the Chinese women's volleyball team and Zheng Yixin's "back to the pot".

The Chinese women's volleyball team, which carries the infinite glory and dreams of the Chinese people, recently suffered an unexpected Waterloo, leaving the field in the finals 1/4, what is even more regrettable is that the opponent of this defeat is the old rival Japan team, and it ended hastily with a swept attitude, for a while, disappointment, doubts, and resentment spread among the fan base, and Zheng Yixin, who appeared as a substitute, became the target of public criticism and was pushed to the forefront of public opinion

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Japan, and Zheng Yixin's performance was worrying, triggering a battle for Olympic qualification

It is true that in this crucial game, the overall performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team was unsatisfactory, and both offensive and defensive ends failed to play at the level they should have, and Zheng Yixin's performance was indeed unsatisfactory, with no achievements on the offensive end, and the only two smash points could not cover up her loopholes on the defensive end, especially at the critical moment of the game, her one-pass mistake directly led to the opponent's continuous scoring, laying the groundwork for the final defeat

After the game, Zheng Yixin became the target of criticism from fans, and was named "the worst response", "Olympic sinner" and other titles, some people believe that her poor performance buried the hope of the Chinese women's volleyball team to advance to the next round, and even ruined the entire team's qualification to enter the Paris Olympics, so Zheng Yixin really has to bear full responsibility for this defeat? Is she really "carrying" so much pressure?

Judging from the data, Zheng Yixin: Is it really the "culprit"?

It is obviously irrational and unfair to blame a certain player for the loss of a game, we need to calmly analyze the game process in order to draw a more objective and fair conclusion, from the data level, Zheng Yixin's performance in this game is indeed not good, but she is not the only player who has performed abnormally, other players in the main lineup have also made mistakes to varying degrees, the offensive efficiency is low, and the defensive end is full of holes, which is the fundamental reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team has fallen into a passive situation

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Japan, and Zheng Yixin's performance was worrying, triggering a battle for Olympic qualification

Judging from the process of the game, Zheng Yixin was under huge psychological pressure after coming off the bench, and when the team was behind, she was eager to prove herself, but it led to deformed movements and frequent mistakes, and the opponent obviously seized this point, frequently using serve and offense to pressure her, further aggravating her psychological burden, and finally forming a vicious circle

Therefore, it is obviously biased to blame Zheng Yixin for the defeat of the Chinese women's volleyball team, we need to realize that volleyball is a collective sport, and the performance of any player will be affected by the overall state of the team

The "spirit of the women's volleyball team" should not stop at victory: look at the game rationally and tolerate the growth of the players

The reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team can prosper for a long time is precisely because the "women's volleyball spirit" it carries inspires generation after generation, and this spiritual core is not only reflected in the quality of tenacious struggle on the field and the will to never give up, but also in the face of setbacks The precious quality of positive reflection, unity and forging ahead

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Japan, and Zheng Yixin's performance was worrying, triggering a battle for Olympic qualification

The loss of a game cannot erase the hard work and dedication of the Chinese women's volleyball team over the years, and it cannot deny the value and potential of Zheng Yixin as an excellent athlete

For Zheng Yixin, this game is undoubtedly a valuable experience, which makes her more deeply aware of her own shortcomings, and more soberly aware of her responsibilities, and believes that in the future training and games, she will work harder to improve her technical level and psychological quality, and repay the expectations of fans with a more mature performance

From "backing" to "growing": the Chinese women's volleyball team needs more patience and support

The Chinese women's volleyball team is in a critical period of alternating between the old and the new, and the growth of young players needs time and space, and they need patience and support from fans and the media

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Japan, and Zheng Yixin's performance was worrying, triggering a battle for Olympic qualification

We should believe in the coaching team of the Chinese women's volleyball team, believe that they can formulate reasonable tactics according to the characteristics of the players, and help them play their best in the game, and we should also believe in the girls of the Chinese women's volleyball team, believe that they can overcome the difficulties in front of them, continue to carry forward the "women's volleyball spirit", and create brilliance in the future arena

Although this game ended in defeat, we saw the shortcomings of the Chinese women's volleyball team and the potential of the young players, and I believe that in the coming days, the Chinese women's volleyball team will be more united, fight bravely, and bring us more surprises and touches

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