
Check in with your bags! Another high-quality rental housing project of Taurus is new

author:Palm Taurus

On June 28, according to Jiaozi Commercial Management, the "Jiaozi Jingyu" Yuren North Road store project is about to be launched.

Check in with your bags! Another high-quality rental housing project of Taurus is new

"Jiaozi Jingyu" Yuren North Road Store project is positioned as a "new talent apartment", all rooms are finely decorated and a full set of original design, from the two main aspects of vision and experience to do a more scientific, more in line with the aesthetics of young people.

Check in with your bags! Another high-quality rental housing project of Taurus is new

The room is equipped with basic furniture and household appliances such as sofas, coffee tables, shoe cabinets, wardrobes, refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters, etc., to meet the conditions of moving in. In the selection of household appliances, all large brand household appliances are used, the quality is more guaranteed, and the stay is more secure.

Check in with your bags! Another high-quality rental housing project of Taurus is new
Check in with your bags! Another high-quality rental housing project of Taurus is new
Check in with your bags! Another high-quality rental housing project of Taurus is new

According to reports, downstairs there is a comprehensive living space of Jiaozi Commercial Management "Jiaozi Time" for insurance, including canteens, supermarkets, cafes, shared reading, conference rooms, basketball courts and other living facilities, providing a space for young people struggling in Chengdu to effectively solve the life supply and meet emotional value.

At present, there are still a small number of houses in "Jiaozi Jingyu" (Star Rail Store) to meet the needs of moving in. "Jiaozi Jingyu" (Tiangao Road store), (Tianze Road store), (Jinzun Third Street store), (Honghua West Road store) are also about to be rented.

The concept of rental housing is gradually becoming familiar to the public, and there are many questions that arise. Please pay attention to the general public

The application requirements for rental housing are as follows:

1. Individuals who have reached the age of 18 and have full capacity for civil conduct;

2. There is no self-owned housing in the district (city) or county where the house is rented and there is no other way of housing security in Chengdu.


In addition, it is emphasized here: "Any mention of charging "qualification fees", "agency fees", "channel fees", "name change fees", etc., is a fraud. Any claim that it can be "bought outright" or "rented before sold" is fraudulent. "Chengdu affordable rental housing qualification application is not limited to household registration, social security and income, and at the same time, the housing is only rented but not sold, and the general public is warmly reminded not to be deceived. (Shi Xiu, Jiaozi Business Management, text/photo)

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