
The triplets of the Song family are on the show, with an average height of 175 at the age of 12, and "Mingugu" is the tallest and most handsome!

author:Entertainment Hitchhiker 666
The triplets of the Song family are on the show, with an average height of 175 at the age of 12, and "Mingugu" is the tallest and most handsome!

Song family triplets

"You Quiz" officially released the trailer of the upcoming Song family triplets, and this full video will be broadcast in July.

Then a number of group photos were also released, and Song Yiguo and his three sons were guests and took many photos with the fixed MC Liu Jae-seok and Cao Shiho. After seeing the group photo, the most eye-catching thing was the height of the triplets.

The triplets of the Song family are on the show, with an average height of 175 at the age of 12, and "Mingugu" is the tallest and most handsome!

Song Yiguo and triplets

The triplets of the Song family grew up stormy and are now 12-year-olds. In the public trailer, the triplets walked in humbly in turn, and seeing the growth of the triplets, Cho Se-ho and Yoo Jae-seok were surprised!

In the photo of the triplets with Yoo Jae-seok and Cho Se-ho, it is obvious that the height of the three of them surpasses that of Cho Se-ho, and they will soon catch up with Yoo Jae-seok, with an average height of 175.

The triplets of the Song family are on the show, with an average height of 175 at the age of 12, and "Mingugu" is the tallest and most handsome!


When the triplets were still a little young, Song Yiguo took them to participate in the reality show "Superman is Back", the triplets were so cute, and they gained a lot of fans at once.

Don't look at them as triplets, but they have their own characteristics and completely different personalities. But one thing in common: cute, playful. Seeing them, the audience in front of the screen will inadvertently show an aunt smile, the triplets of the Song family are really charming!

The triplets of the Song family are on the show, with an average height of 175 at the age of 12, and "Mingugu" is the tallest and most handsome!


Of course, although the three of them are very popular, many netizens know about them. However, there must be some netizens who have only heard of South Korea, the Republic of China and Banzai, but they can't recognize it.

So, take a look at the picture above, it's already marked. The one who looks most like Song Yiguo should be Dahan and Long live, and the Republic of China looks the most like his mother. Don't think about it, it can be seen from the name given by the parents that their family is very patriotic, and lo and behold: "Long live the Republic of Korea", how loud this slogan is!

The triplets of the Song family are on the show, with an average height of 175 at the age of 12, and "Mingugu" is the tallest and most handsome!

Song family triplets

Now that I've grown up, I didn't expect that the Republic of China is now the tallest, thinnest and most handsome, when I was a child, the head of the Republic of China was the largest among the triplets, and now it has become the smallest! Banzai, the lightest at birth, turned out to be the strongest.

Otherwise, how could that sentence be like this, "Children are the same every day, and they change every day", really, except that the facial features are generally the same, it really changes too much, but what attracts people's attention the most is their height, right? Occasionally, Song Yiguo shares their photos, but most people's impression of them is still the cute baby period, so it is still very surprising to see the average height of 12-year-old triplets of 175.

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