
Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

author:Hana Tsukiyo 11
Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

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Returning to the screen after a seven-year absence, the triplets grew up stormy, detonating expectations

Do you still remember the "Republic of Korea Wan" triplets who sprouted all over the network in those years? Born in 2012, they gained aunt fans from all over the world with the super popular variety show "Superman is Back".

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

In order to allow the triplets to grow up healthily like ordinary children, father Song Yiguo chose to take them out of the program recording in 2016 and faded out of the public's field of vision, since then, triplets rarely appear in public, only occasionally father Song Yiguo shares their recent situation through social media, every time they see photos, everyone will sigh at the amazing growth rate of triplets, and in the blink of an eye, they have changed from a cute little group to a handsome young man

The triplets made a surprise appearance in the national variety show and interacted happily with Yoo Jae-seok and Cao Se-ho

Seven years have passed in a hurry, and the once "national cute baby" has now grown into a young man, and the popular Korean variety show "Y Q O T B", co-hosted by national MC Yoo Jae-seok and funny artist Cho Se-ho, released a teaser video on the official social media, and the triplets who have been away from the screen for a long time made a surprise appearance, which immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

In the trailer, the triplets are wearing uniform program costumes, full of youth, and it is difficult to hide their excitement, they interact cordially with the hosts Liu Jae-seok and Cao Shiho, the atmosphere is relaxed and happy, full of laughter, and the reappearance of the triplets has also made countless netizens call "Ye Qinghui", and they have expressed their expectations for the broadcast of the show and want to see their demeanor

The height is close to that of his father, and Song Yiguo's superior genes are enviable

In addition to the expected performance of the triplets, their "storm growth" has also become the focus of everyone's attention, as can be seen in the trailer video, the height of the triplets is already very superior, standing next to Cao Shiho, who is officially 172 tall, the triplets are obviously taller, and can even be comparable to Song Yiguo, the father who is 185 tall

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

Such a superior height gene has also made many netizens envious, and everyone has speculated that the triplets may inherit their father's mantle in the future and develop in the entertainment industry, and many netizens said that no matter what path the triplets choose in the future, they will always support them and wish them to grow up healthy and happy

Before the show was broadcast, netizens left messages to express their expectations

The "Y Q O T B" program team invited triplets to participate in the recording this time, which undoubtedly captured the nostalgia of the audience and satisfied everyone's curiosity about the current situation of triplets

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

Under the teaser video released by the show's official social media, netizens left messages to express their expectations, some lamented the changes in triplets, some recalled the time when they were chasing the show, and some said that they couldn't wait to see the show broadcast

From the "national cute baby" to the growth of sunshine teenage triplets

Time flies, and the triplets who once brought us countless joys have now grown into teenagers who can take charge of themselves, and it can be seen from their performance in the show that they are confident and generous, talk decently, and show a good upbringing and positive mental outlook

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

I believe that in the coming days, the triplets will continue to grow up healthily and happily, and write their own wonderful chapters on their own life paths, let us look forward to their wonderful performance in the show, and also wish them to be able to bravely chase their dreams and create their own brilliance on the road of life in the future

The future development of triplets has led to speculation about whether to enter the entertainment industry, which has sparked heated discussions

With the surprise appearance of the triplets, their future development direction has also become a hot topic of discussion, with such a high degree of national popularity and popularity, coupled with outstanding appearance conditions, many people speculate that the triplets may follow in their father's footsteps in the future and enter the showbiz development

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

In fact, the father of the triplets, Song Yiguo, is a famous Korean actor, and his mother Zheng Shengyan is also a judge, growing up in such a family environment, the triplets have a certain contact and understanding of performing arts since they were young, coupled with their own lively and cheerful personality, as well as good performance in front of the camera, if they really choose to enter the showbiz in the future, I believe they will also achieve good results

Song Yiguo's educational philosophy was praised, respecting children's growth and giving them free choice

There are also many people who believe that the future development path of triplets should be chosen by themselves, and parents should not interfere too much, and it can be seen from Song Yiguo's previous interviews that he is a very enlightened and respectful father who respects his children's ideas, and he once said that he hopes that triplets can freely choose what they like, whether it is to become an actor, a doctor or a scientist, he will fully support it

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

Song Yiguo's educational philosophy has also won the appreciation of many netizens, in today's competitive society, many parents hope that their children can win at the starting line, and plan their future life path for them from an early age, but in fact, every child has their own talents and hobbies, only by letting them choose freely, can they maximize their potential and get real happiness and success

Looking forward to more possibilities for triplets to live a wonderful life in the future

No matter what path the triplets choose in the future, I believe they will shine on the stage of their own lives, let us bless these three lovely children together, I hope they can grow up healthy and happy, bravely chase their dreams, and live a wonderful life, and welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and expectations for the future development of the triplets!

Big surprise! The triplets of the Song family record Yoo Jae-seok variety show! The net exclaimed and crushed Cao Shiho

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