
Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

World Game Exchange

2024-06-30 11:25Creators in the field of games

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Exchange.

The LCK Pro League Summer Tournament played a T1 home show match yesterday, and T1 used the home field for the first time against the KT team, but they didn't expect to overturn directly, and the opponent let them chase two after the first city.

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

The content of this match also reminded the audience of the final of the S12 World Championship.


In the first game, KT showed a very good competitive state, BeryL took the lead in the three-minute encounter battle to help KT directly play a 0-for-2 start, and KT also successfully controlled the rhythm of Xiaolong, T1 Ueno, known as the goofy melon duo's on-the-road cooperation, failed to beat KT again, causing T1 to fall into a disadvantage.

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

But in the 25-minute Dragon Soul team battle, although KT won the Dragon Soul, Deft's EZ made a mistake and was pulled back by the scorpion, T1 played a wave of 0 for 2, and then the ancient dragon team battle Deft died again and was pulled back by the scorpion, and T1 won directly with a wave of ancient dragons.

In the second game, the KT top laner selected his signature hero Rambo, and Zeus completed the counterpoint single kill in the early stage with a scorpion, but the team battle was empty, and in the crucial 14-minute team battle, BeryL decisively opened the team first to cooperate with Rambo's big move, and directly played a wave of 0 for 4 team battles.

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

The follow-up T1 team seized the opportunity to kill AD in the Xiaolong group, but PerfecT's Polon Bo went around and ended the battle directly after the crazy barbecue, and Pyosik played very well in this game, especially in the team battle with a big move to avoid Luo R and then flash Q in the back row to make a great contribution, BeryL is also very decisive in opening the group, that is, Deft's performance is very poor.

Faker made a huge mistake, and Brother Genshin punched hard

At the beginning of the tiebreaker, Faker made a huge mistake in the small cannon, and when he was chased by the opposite first-class group in the middle lane, A reflexively added a flat A to E after his quick footwork, missing the opportunity to open the distance, and pretending to be a wave, but KT didn't eat this set, BeryL directly punched and flashed to Q, but Faker didn't flash.

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

After being hung as a passive, he chose to flash over the red buff wall, and was directly flashed by Deft to play a passive to complete the kill.

This wave of Faker will not die if there is a wave of choice, and the situation of the first-level regiment that was pursued all the way by the opposite side can send a blood is also a big surprise to the audience.

First of all, Faker doesn't have anything if he learns a W.,Secondly, Faker can walk without reflexively hanging E.,The third BeryL flashed to Q.,Faker didn't react and dodged with flash.,Three details of the opening game were directly processed and a blood was sent away.,After handing over the flash, the line is too deep.,There was a mistake again and was killed by the opponent's GINK.。

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

In this game, T1 Nakano was blown up, and in 10 minutes, he was forced to pick up the group and was hit 0 for 2 by KT, and in 15 minutes, Pyosik Xiaolong Group slashed three kills in anger, almost killing the game, but Deft stepped up again to help T1.

In the key small dragon team battle, Deft went directly down to the wall to eat Zyra's skill and died, and T1 played 0 for 4 to win the big dragon.

Pyosik grabs the dragon at the god level, and T1 pays the price at home

T1 After winning the big dragon in a wave, the economy of the two sides returned to the same running line, in the final ancient dragon battle, Pyosik was restricted in the position, directly forced the big move to snatch the ancient dragon, helping the KT team to win the key team battle and finally end the game, it can be said that in this round of the game, the lower road Deft is more than crazy, but Nosuke is really strong, and he just carried KT back.

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

Compared with the performance of ten people on both sides in this game, I personally think that in addition to the lower lane ADC, the performance of KT's other four positions is higher than T1, and I don't know what happened to KT in front, with a poor record of 1-4, it seems that they have every chance to get a good result, and I hope they can usher in a wave of outbreaks through the victory of this game.

Deft, the first dance king of LOL, also made the audience call unbearable, this contestant can now be said to be dragging KT's hind legs, after the end of this year, Deft can really consider ending his career as a dance king, if KT changes to another ADC on the road, it may really take off.

Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

T1 paid a huge price on their first home game, and Faker's mistake in the third game was really confusing, and several of his teammates didn't look right.

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  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard
  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard
  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard
  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard
  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard
  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard
  • Faker gave a blood at the beginning, and LCK broke out in an upset! Deft danced violently, and Brother Genshin struck hard

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