
Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

author:Interesting history

In the long course of history, emperors, as the kings of a country, their life and death often affect the fate of the entire country. However, some emperors died in an unusually peculiar way, which is embarrassing. Below, let's review the ten poor emperors who died strangely in history.

1. Qi Huangong: A generation of overlords, he was starved to death

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Qi Huangong, the head of the Spring and Autumn Five Tyrants, is praised for his cultural and martial arts. However, in his later years, Duke Qi Huan suffered a palace coup d'état and was placed under house arrest in the deep palace by favored ministers Ji Diao, Yi Ya and others. During his months-long captivity, Qi Huan was starved to death. A generation of overlords has ended up like this, which is embarrassing.

2. King Shang: tyrannical and unreasonable, self-immolation and death

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

King Shang, the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty, was known for his tyranny and unreasonableness. He favored Daji and brutalized Zhongliang, causing chaos in the world. Under the crusade of King Wu of Zhou, the Shang Dynasty fell. Knowing that the tide was turning, the king of Shang set himself on fire in a palace and died. Although his death was tragic, it was also a retribution for his tyranny.

3. Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty: The Prince of Benevolence, died of fright

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Liu Ying, Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, was the eldest son of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty. After he ascended the throne, he implemented benevolent government and won the support of the people. However, under the influence of his mother, Empress Lü, the struggle within the court became increasingly fierce. One night, Liu Ying was suddenly frightened by the palace maid's screams, causing a heart attack and dying of fright. A generation of benevolent monarchs died of fright, which makes people sigh.

4. Emperor Wu of Liang: Believed in Buddhism, was besieged by the enemy and starved to death

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Emperor Wu of Liang Xiao Yan, the founding emperor of the Liang Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He believed in Buddhism all his life and greatly promoted Buddhism, which led to the decline of national strength. In the Hou Jing Rebellion, Emperor Wu of Liang was besieged by the enemy army in Taicheng, and the food in the city was exhausted, and he was finally starved to death. It is really sad that a generation of emperors should starve to death because of their faith.

5. Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty: A wise king, he was angry to death

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Tuoba Hong, was an outstanding emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty. He carried out the reform of sinicization and promoted national integration. However, in his later years, he favored Feng Run, the sister of the Empress Dowager Feng, which led to civil strife in the palace. In order to compete for favor, Feng Run actually framed Emperor Xiaowen's favorite retainer Gao Zhao for rebellion. Emperor Xiaowen was furious and put Gao Zhao to death. However, Gao Zhao's family took the opportunity to launch a rebellion and besieged Emperor Xiaowen in the palace. Emperor Xiaowen died of illness in anger and despair at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve. It is a pity that a generation of wise kings should die of anger because of their own selfish desires.

6. Emperor Wen of Sui: The founding emperor was strangled to death by his son

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of Sui, was the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty. He put an end to the division of the North and South Dynasties and achieved another great unification in Chinese history. However, in his later years, he triggered a palace coup d'état by deposing the crown prince. Yang Guang (i.e., Emperor Yang of Sui) and his ministers Yang Su and others launched a rebellion and put Emperor Wen of Sui under house arrest in Renshou Palace. Soon after, Emperor Wen of Sui died violently in the palace at the age of sixty-four. According to historical records, Emperor Wen of Sui was strangled to death by his son Yang Guang. It is really embarrassing that a generation of founding emperors ended up like this.

7. Xia Jingzong: Brave and good at fighting, he was cut off by his son and died of fright

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Xia Jingzong Li Yuanhao was the founding emperor of Western Xia. He fought valiantly and defeated the armies of the Liao and Song dynasties. However, in his later years, he caused civil strife in the palace by favoring his concubine Norishi. In order to compete for the throne with his son Ning Lingge, the joint minister did not hide Pang and others to launch a rebellion. During the rebellion, Ning Lingge cut off Li Yuanhao's nose. Li Yuanhao died of fright at the age of 46. It is really regrettable that a generation of British lords died tragically due to family strife.

8. Akihito: The Prince of Generosity, who died of obesity

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi was the fourth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was generous and benevolent, and treated his courtiers and the people very well. However, he had a fatal flaw - obesity. Due to excessive obesity, Akihito's physical condition deteriorated day by day. During a hunting trip, he fell to the ground due to exhaustion, resulting in a heart attack. It is a pity that a generation of generous kings died of obesity.

9. Ming Xizong: Unconscious, fell into the river and drowned

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Ming Xizong Zhu Youxiao was the fifteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was mediocre, indulged in carpenter's work and fun, and ignored the government. During a trip to the lake, Ming Xizong accidentally fell into the river. Because he couldn't swim and there was no one around him to rescue him, he ended up drowning in the lake. It is ironic that a generation of emperors should die in such a funny way.

10. Qingrenzong: The king of Shoucheng, was killed by thunder

Ten poor emperors who died strangely in history

Qingrenzong Aixinjueluo Yanyan (i.e., Jiaqing Emperor) was the seventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty. During his reign, the Qing dynasty's national power gradually declined. However, Emperor Jiaqing himself was a gentleman who kept his successes and had no major faults. However, on July 25, 1820, Emperor Jiaqing died suddenly of illness in the summer resort of Chengde. According to folklore and wild history, Emperor Jiaqing was struck by lightning in a summer resort and died. It is unbelievable that a generation of kings of the past has passed away in such a bizarre way. However, this has also become a strange case in history, which will remain in people's memories forever.

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