
There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo

author:Qingjiangpu family
There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo
There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo

In the depths of Liushuwan in Huai'an City, there is a family with an ink-drenched couplet hanging on the lintel, "The still water flows deeply, and the fish plays with lotus leaves." The male owner of this house is named Jin Hongbao, and he is my cousin, because among the brothers, he is the second, and I call him the second brother of Hongbao. Hong Bao's second brother is of medium stature and slightly thin, but he has a face full of smiles. Just like the word "treasure" in his name, he is a living treasure in the family, and he can bring laughter wherever he goes. I was the envy of his affability and sociability. He seems to have a natural ability to be close to people, and even strangers who meet for the first time can feel the warmth of his old friend after a moment of conversation. This ability makes him comfortable in interpersonal communication, as if he is an old friend who has been reunited after a long absence, cordial and sincere.

However, the second brother of Hong Bao is most proud of his love for fishing. In my opinion, this is not only a hobby of his, but also a manifestation of his attitude to life. Whenever the morning dawn or the sun set, he would pick up his fishing gear and walk through the dense forest and along the winding path to the Yellow River not far away. There, whether it was a scorching summer or a snowy winter, he sat for half a day. At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and the hustle and bustle of the outside world was cut off, leaving only the murmuring of water and the sound of fish breathing to accompany him. Look at him, the posture of fishing, is so focused and calm. Holding a fishing rod, looking at the water, there is no distraction. Sometimes, he will gently shake the fishing rod, as if in a silent dialogue with the fish underwater; Sometimes, they wait quietly, and patience is like the water of an ancient well, unfathomable. This scene reminds people of the poem of the Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli: "The little lotus has only shown its sharp corners, and a dragonfly has already stood on its head." "I think that in the eyes of Hong Bao's second brother, every moment of waiting is a reverence for nature and respect for life.

There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo

I once asked him, "Is fishing really that fun?" Is it worth the wait for half a day, and sometimes nothing? The second brother Hong Bao smiled, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and began to tell me the mystery of fishing. He said: "Fishing is not only a simple matter of catching fish to improve one's concentration, it is also a kind of spiritual exercise, a kind of pursuit of inner peace." When you sit by the water, at one with nature, you will find that all your worries are gone with the wind, leaving only peace of mind. He continued: "The process of fishing is like the process of life. Sometimes, we work hard and don't seem to get anything in return; Sometimes, just wait quietly and the opportunity will come quietly. It is important that we maintain a peaceful mind and enjoy the process itself, regardless of the outcome. Listening to his words, I seemed to be touched by an invisible force, and my heart surged with unprecedented insights. Hong Bao's second brother's words are like a ray of sunshine in spring, illuminating a corner of my heart. I began to understand why he saw fishing as an art, a philosophy of life. When I think about it, I think that in his world, every fishing is an opportunity to talk to nature and myself. Not only that, but the second brother of Hong Bao also shared this love with the people around him. In his house, whether it is the freezer or the water tank, it is occupied by all kinds of fish, and he always generously shares these fruits with his family and friends, so that the happiness can be passed on. What's more, when he went to Suzhou to visit his children and grandchildren, even though he was in a different place, he never forgot his hobby. The local residents were attracted by his fishing skills and came to seek advice, and the second brother of Hong Bao was always willing to teach people to fish, and the selflessness and enthusiasm moved these unknown people. Through in-depth communication with Hong Bao's second brother, I gradually realized that fishing is not only a sport, but also a way of life and an attitude towards life. As the ancients said: "If you are not indifferent, you will not have a clear ambition, and if you are not quiet, you will not be far-reaching." In the busy pace of life, we may need to find our own "fishing moment", find the spiritual home in tranquility, so as to better face the ups and downs of life.

Hong Bao's second brother is so persistent about "fishing", like a melodious melody, echoing in my heart for a long time. It made me realize that the real joy of life is often hidden in those seemingly ordinary moments. Fishing is such a beautiful way to slow down, calm down, and feel the true meaning of life. In the days to come, I also hope to be like Hong Bao's second brother, with a quiet and tenacious heart, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I can maintain an optimistic attitude and enjoy every moment, because there is a kind of exercise called fishing.

There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo
There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo

About the Author

There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo

Wang Yongbo has walked on the "country road" and has also worked hard in the competent bureau. In the end, because of the character of "shyness in the pocket" and "not bending over for five buckets of rice", he returned to the origin of work and life. His personal works include "Tracks", "Traces" and "Footprints". Recently, in order to pass the time in "sunset", in addition to exercising physically and mentally, he occasionally publishes articles in literary journals, platforms and radio.

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There is a kind of exercise called fishingWang Yongbo