
They have always reused veterans, why did they suddenly choose post-00 players before the Paris Olympics

author:Xiao Fang said the ball

In the world competitions, especially experienced veterans can often play a huge role, and in the Chinese men's table tennis over 35 years old Ma Long is to get the opportunity to participate in the Paris Olympics, but for the echelon construction of Chinese men's table tennis The coaching staff is also reusing young players in the Paris Olympics, the only post-00 main Wang Chuqin wants to play three roles in the Olympic Games, and in the men's table tennis of the foreign association, they suddenly chose a post-00 player before the Olympic Games.

They have always reused veterans, why did they suddenly choose post-00 players before the Paris Olympics

In fact, there is a foreign association men's table tennis that is more important than the Chinese men's table tennis, they are the main opponents of the Chinese men's table tennis South Korean men's table tennis, this Olympic cycle to the Chinese men's table tennis The most threatening players, respectively, 29-year-old Zhang Yuzhen and 32-year-old Li Shangzhu and 27-year-old Lin Zhongxun, the three players are not only the top three core of the Korean men's table tennis, but also a strong contender for the South Korean men's table tennis Paris Olympic quota.

Zhang Yuzhen's overall performance in this Olympic cycle is the most stable, and he must be the first candidate for the men's singles and men's team at the Paris Olympics, Li Shangzhu is the most threatening to Chinese men's table tennis, but the overall strength of the Olympic cycle is not as good as Lin Zhongxun, so the original Paris Olympics Korean men's table tennis is Zhang Yuzhen and Lin Zhongxun won the men's singles and men's team places, and Li Shangzhu will only get one men's team place, but before the Paris Olympics, the Korean men's table tennis list was temporarily adjusted.

They have always reused veterans, why did they suddenly choose post-00 players before the Paris Olympics

When the Paris Olympics were approaching, the South Korean men's table tennis decided to choose a post-00 player, which also made a great change in the original Olympic list, and the Korean men's table tennis chose Zhao Dacheng, who was only 21 years old, and naturally one person from the original list of participants would be replaced, and the veteran Li Shangzhu originally got the Olympic men's team quota was replaced by Zhao Dacheng.

And the South Korean men's table tennis is entrusted with a greater responsibility for Zhao Dacheng at the Paris Olympics, in the list of South Korean men's table tennis Olympic participants that has been announced, Zhao Dacheng and Zhang Yuzhen have both won the men's singles and men's team quotas of the Paris Olympics, and after the Korean men's table tennis suddenly enabled the 21-year-old Zhao Dacheng, except for the change in the list of participants who unexpectedly and completely missed the Paris Olympics, it was Lin Zhongxun, who originally got the Olympic men's singles and men's team quotas.

They have always reused veterans, why did they suddenly choose post-00 players before the Paris Olympics

Because Zhao Dacheng was suddenly selected by the South Korean men's table tennis, Lin Zhongxun also lost the men's singles quota for the Paris Olympics, and now Lin Zhongxun can only participate in the men's team competition of the Paris Olympics.

Last year's Goa Star Tournament Zhao Dacheng defeated the world's No. 1 Fan Zhendong in the case of backwardness, including Zhao Dacheng's competition results in the past year are also the most stable in Korean men's table tennis, left-handed play Zhao Dacheng not only has the advantage of the line, but also is a rare forehand balanced player in Korean men's table tennis, and the Paris Olympics is also the first time that South Korean men's table tennis has reused a young player in this way.

They have always reused veterans, why did they suddenly choose post-00 players before the Paris Olympics