
A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

author:Ta Tu said

"I also did this to give my daughter a complete home, and the child can't live without his mother."

This is Wu Zaibin's heartfelt words when he came to his wife's grave after falling in love, since his wife Yan Hongwei died, he also plans to never marry again for the rest of his life.

But looking at his 4-year-old daughter, Wu Zaibin suddenly changed his mind, although he couldn't let go of his wife in his heart, but people can't be resurrected after death, he can only force himself to make changes.

Less than a year after Yan Hongwei's death, Wu Zaibin found a new girlfriend.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

Open life

Yan Hongwei was born in an ordinary family in Jinzhong, Shanxi, and although her parents were not educated, they knew the importance of reading.

From primary school to junior high school, Yan Hongwei's grades are always among the best, she not only studies hard, but also often helps the family do farm work.

Her efforts were not in vain, and during the college entrance examination, Yan Hongwei was admitted to Nanjing University of Science and Technology with excellent results, becoming the first college student in the village to go out of the mountains.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

The moment she stepped into the gate of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Yan Hongwei felt that her life had turned a new page, and she was dizzy of the new things in the university, and she was hungry for knowledge.

However, learning is not the whole of Yan Hongwei's college life, in order to enrich her life, she joined the school's street dance club, where she not only released her vitality, but also met her true love Wu Zaibin.

Wu Zaibin is a sunny and handsome boy, the two sparked a spark of love in the dance, and their common hobby made them closer and closer.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

In the four years of college, they studied together, danced together, and planned the future together, and when they graduated, they both had clear goals, Yan Hongwei decided to continue their studies, and Wu Zaibin was ready to enter the workplace.

With a thirst for knowledge, Yan Hongwei embarked on the road of studying for a doctorate, which was not a smooth road, and he often needed to stay up late to do experiments and write papers.

But she never thought of giving up, because she knew that this was the only way to a better future, and at the same time, Wu Zaibin also worked hard in the workplace and quickly gained a firm foothold in the chip industry.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

In 2011, Yan Hongwei finally got her coveted doctorate, and she got her wish to get a teaching position at a university in Shanghai and became a university teacher.

This year, she and Wu Zaibin finally achieved positive results and set up their own small family in Shanghai, both of them have stable jobs and high incomes, and their lives seem to be happy and happy.

In 2014, they ushered in a new surprise, the birth of a lovely daughter, the arrival of a little life, made the family full of laughter.

Yan Hongwei has to take care of her daughter in addition to work, although it is hard, she feels that this is the happiest life.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

However, who would have thought that a turning point in fate was quietly coming?

In the spring of 2017, Yan Hongwei's body began to be abnormal, at first, she didn't care, just because she was too tired from work, until the examination report came out, everything changed, and when the doctor told her that she had advanced triple negative breast cancer, Yan Hongwei felt that the sky was about to fall.

At the age of 33, it is the best years of her life, she has a successful career and a happy family, but why is it her, why does fate play such a cruel joke on her when everything is just on the right track?

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

A joke of fate

Triple negative breast cancer is in the advanced stage, and this diagnosis is like a hammer, smashing Yan Hongwei's heart. The 33-year-old had never imagined that such a bad fortune would befall her, tears blurred her vision, and she couldn't even read the expression on the doctor's face.

On the way home, Yan Hongwei's mind was blank, she didn't know how to convey the bad news to her family, let alone how to face the future.

Pushing open the door of the house and seeing Wu Zaibin playing with his daughter on the carpet, Yan Hongwei finally broke down and cried.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

Wu Zaibin, who learned of his wife's condition, immediately put down his work and devoted himself to taking care of his wife, and they began a long and arduous road of treatment, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, Yan Hongwei experienced unimaginable pain.

Her long black and bright hair had fallen off, her skin had become dull and rough, and her body was getting thinner and thinner, but her eyes were still steadfast, because she knew that she still had too many worries to let go.

During the treatment, Yan Hongwei still insisted on working, she didn't want the students to see the abnormality, and she would dress up carefully before each class, put on a wig, and put on light makeup.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

After class, she would rush to the hospital for treatment, which was a torment for her, but she never thought of giving up.

However, fate does not seem to intend to give Yan Hong a slight respite, although she actively cooperated with the treatment, the cancer cells still spread wantonly in her body, the results of each re-examination are disheartening, and various treatment options in China do not seem to be able to prevent the deterioration of the condition.

Just when Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin were almost desperate, they heard about the advanced treatment methods at MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

In order to survive, in order to watch their daughter grow up, Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin decided to do everything they could to go to the United States to seek medical treatment.

They sold their house in Shanghai, borrowed money from friends and family, and finally scraped together the cost of going to the United States.

In the summer of 2018, with a desire for life and hope for the future, Yan Hongwei embarked on a flight to the United States.

On the plane, Yan Hong looked at the sea of clouds outside the porthole, her heart was full of complicated emotions, she didn't know whether what was waiting for her would be hope or disappointment, and she didn't know if she could see her daughter grow up.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

180,000 hopes and despair

MD Anderson Cancer Center is known for its advanced treatments, but at the same time, it is also prohibitively expensive, and Yan Hongwei's first blood routine test cost more than 6,000 yuan, which made them nervous.

The cost of subsequent examinations and treatments poured in, and they quickly depleted all the savings they had brought.

During their time in the United States, Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin lived a frugal life, they lived in cheap motels, ate the simplest food, and spent all their expenses carefully.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

Just when they could barely support it, their parents in Shanxi reached out again, and the old couple scraped together and remitted tens of thousands of yuan to them. The money was a blessing in disguise and allowed them to continue their treatment in the United States.

After nearly a month of comprehensive examination, the MD Anderson Cancer Center finally gave a diagnosis, however, this result was different from the diagnosis of doctors in China.

Doctors in the United States thought that Yan Hongwei's condition was not so serious and recommended an ER-positive treatment regimen, which surprised and confused Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

With the 180,000 yuan report, Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin returned to China, however, after careful study, domestic medical experts did not agree with the American diagnosis.

In order to continue the treatment, Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin came to Hong Kong to buy medicines, a course of treatment requires three boxes of medicine, which can be used for two months, and the price is as high as 90,000 yuan, which is undoubtedly a huge expense for them who have exhausted their savings.

But with a desire for life, Yan Hongwei insisted on taking the medicine for two months, however, when she went for a follow-up examination, she found that the lesion not only did not shrink, but continued to increase.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

This result was like a bolt from the blue, completely shattering their last hope.

To make matters worse, Yan's cancer cells began to metastasize to the liver.

Just as they were planning for the future, at the beginning of 2019, they received the desperate news that Yan Hongwei's cancer cells had metastasized to the brain.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

This means that even the most advanced medical technology will not be able to save her life.

Faced with this cruel truth, how should Yan Hongwei and Wu Zaibin accept it?

The interweaving of love and responsibilityIn March 2019, Yan Hongwei's life was like a candle in the wind, swaying.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

She chose to return to China, hoping to spend her last days in the company of her family, and Wu Zaibin stayed by his wife's side every step of the way, taking care of all her needs.

Their youngest daughter, who had just turned 5, couldn't fully understand why her mother was always in bed and why she couldn't play with her like she used to.

Although Yan Hongwei's body is getting weaker and weaker, her will is getting stronger and stronger, and she began to organize her belongings and write a letter to her daughter, hoping that one day in the future, these words can convey her love for her daughter.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

She also recorded some videos about her life experience and insights, hoping to leave some precious memories for her daughter.

At the last moment of her life, Yan Hongwei was most at ease with her little daughter, she was worried that after she left, her daughter would lack the nourishment of maternal love.

She repeatedly told Wu Zaibin that she must take good care of her daughter and give her enough love, Wu Zaibin always nodded silently, with tears in his eyes, and promised to do it.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

In May 2019, Yan Hongwei finally left this world, and she walked peacefully, as if she was just asleep.

Wu Zaibin held his wife's hand tightly, tears flowed silently, from now on, he will face the world alone and take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of his daughter alone.

After losing his wife, Wu Zaibin's life has changed dramatically, from a chip engineer who can only make money, to a full-time dad overnight.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

He often feels at a loss in the face of his daughter's crying and missing her mother, he doesn't know how to comfort a little girl who has lost her mother, and he doesn't know how to deal with the daily chores of the family.

However, in order to fulfill his promise to his wife, Wu Zaibin began to learn to be a good father, and he learned to comb his hair, tie his shoes, and cook.

He struggled to balance work and family, waking up early to send his daughter to school every day and accompanying her to do homework and tell stories in the evening, and although the process was difficult, he gradually found his rhythm as a single father.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

However, fate always seems to like to surprise people, and in 2021, some netizens found some interactions with Wu Zaibin on social platforms and speculated that he might have a new relationship, and the news quickly spread online, causing huge controversy.

Some people accuse Wu Zaibin of betraying his deceased wife, others think that he has the right to pursue new happiness, and in the face of the flood of doubts and abuse, Wu Zaibin chose to remain silent.

Because Wu Zaibin started a new relationship, it was not entirely for himself, because the role of a mother cannot be lived without in a child's life.

A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse

For single fathers, life is also very difficult, and having a woman in the family will definitely give the child some care and make the family more complete.


A 33-year-old female doctor spent 180,000 yuan to fight cancer in the United States, and a year after her death, her husband fell in love with a nurse