
Worried about a mole turning into a malignant melanoma? It is important to pay attention to it in 3 places

author:Doctor Director He
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When it comes to moles, I'm sure everyone is familiar with them, and generally we refer to pigmented nevi - an abnormal manifestation of the skin development process. Almost everyone will have it in their lifetime, and more than one. In the vast majority of cases, moles lie there obediently, and at most they are aesthetically affected. But it also has scary moments, and that is cancer.

Due to the strong ability of nevus cells to regenerate and replicate, if stimulated and cause gene mutations, cancer may become malignant melanoma. This type of melanoma metastasizes easily, deteriorates quickly, and is usually found at an advanced stage. Unfortunately, the treatment effect of malignant melanoma is not ideal, and the mortality rate is high. Therefore, early detection and monitoring are very important.

Moles on the palms and soles of the feet

Melanoma is more common in yellow people in the extremities, such as the palms and soles of the feet. These areas are susceptible to friction and pressure due to frequent use, and these physical irritants may increase the risk of moles becoming cancerous. Moles on the palms and soles of the feet are often enlarged or deformed by friction, making them more susceptible to external stimuli. In order to prevent these moles from becoming cancerous, it is recommended that you regularly check the moles in these areas and observe changes in their shape, color, and size.

In addition to regular check-ups, choosing the right footwear and gloves is key. For example, wearing shoes and socks that are breathable and avoiding wearing high heels and hard-soled shoes for long periods of time can reduce pressure and friction on the soles of the feet. Using a hand cream to keep the skin on your hands moisturized can also help reduce irritation and friction from palm moles. Reducing friction and pressure is an effective way to protect moles in these areas.

Worried about a mole turning into a malignant melanoma? It is important to pay attention to it in 3 places

Moles in the belt area

The belt area is also a high-risk area for mole cancer. Moles in the belt area are susceptible to irritation due to constant friction and pressure. In particular, the waist, abdomen and buttocks, which often rub against clothing, have a higher risk of moles becoming cancerous. To reduce this risk, it is advisable to choose comfortable clothing and avoid wearing tight belts and pants.

It is also very important to check the moles in the belt area regularly. Especially when changing clothes, carefully observe the skin changes in these areas. If you notice an unusual change in the shape, color or size of the mole, you should seek medical attention and have a professional examination. Your doctor may recommend a biopsy to determine the nature of the mole. If abnormalities are found, early intervention can greatly improve the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the risk of cancer.

Worried about a mole turning into a malignant melanoma? It is important to pay attention to it in 3 places

Moles under the fingernails

Moles under the fingernails are the hardest to see, but they are also one of the most important areas of concern. Since these moles are hidden under the fingernails and are not easily spotted, their changes are often overlooked. A mole under the fingernail that becomes cancerous usually appears as a change in nail color, such as black or brown streaks or spots. If you find an unexplained color change under the fingernails, or if the nails themselves are deformed or thickened, you should pay attention.

In order to monitor moles under the fingernails, it is advisable to regularly check the nails of the fingers and toes, especially carefully when cutting the nails. Paying attention to changes in nail color is key, and if you notice unexplained black or brown streaks, it's important to seek medical attention. Your doctor may recommend a nail bed biopsy to confirm whether there is a risk of cancer. Early detection and treatment are important means to prevent the malignant transformation of subungual nevi.

Worried about a mole turning into a malignant melanoma? It is important to pay attention to it in 3 places


The ABCDE rule is a simple and effective way to tell if a mole is malignant. This law consists of five criteria, each of which represents a possible sign of malignancy.

A stands for Asymmetry, i.e., the asymmetry of the two halves of the mole; B stands for Border, i.e., the edge of the mole is irregular or fuzzy; C stands for Color, that is, the color of the mole is uneven and there are many colors; D stands for Diameter, i.e. the diameter of the mole is greater than 6 mm; E stands for Evolving, i.e. changes in the shape, color, and size of the mole. Through the ABCDE law, it can help us to preliminarily judge the changes of moles.

When performing a self-examination at home, it is advisable to carefully observe the skin under good lighting, especially the high-risk areas mentioned above. Use a mirror or ask a family member to help inspect hard-to-see areas. If you notice any changes that meet the ABCDE criteria, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible for evaluation by a professional dermatologist. Early detection of abnormalities can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the risk of cancer.

Worried about a mole turning into a malignant melanoma? It is important to pay attention to it in 3 places

Risk factors

In addition to the specific location, other high-risk factors require special attention. Genetics is an important risk factor, and if there is a family history of melanoma, the risk increases significantly. Long-term exposure to the sun is also an important factor, as UV rays can damage skin cells and increase the risk of moles becoming cancerous. Sun protection is particularly important.

For effective sun protection, it is recommended to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day, especially when going out during periods of intense UV rays, always apply sunscreen and reapply every two hours.

Wearing sun-protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses can also provide additional protection. These measures are especially important for people who regularly engage in outdoor activities. Regular skin check-ups are also an effective way to prevent melanoma, allowing for early detection of potential risks and timely measures.

Worried about a mole turning into a malignant melanoma? It is important to pay attention to it in 3 places

How to deal with the risk of cancer

To cope with the risk of mole cancer, regular skin examinations are essential. Choosing an experienced dermatologist for a thorough examination can detect any abnormal changes in a timely manner. For those with high-risk factors, such as those with a family history of melanoma or a large number of moles, an annual professional skin exam is recommended.

Using sun protection not only prevents the malignant transformation of moles, but also reduces the risk of other types of skin cancer. When choosing a sunscreen, in addition to paying attention to the SPF value, you should also choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that can protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Proper use of sunscreen is also key, and should be applied 20 minutes before going outside the house and reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.

If you notice any abnormal changes in your mole, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible for professional diagnosis and treatment. Your dermatologist may recommend a biopsy to determine the nature of the mole. If malignant melanoma is confirmed, early surgical excision usually yields good results. For advanced or metastatic melanoma, a combination of treatments, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, may be required.

Only through correct diagnosis and timely treatment can you effectively control the disease and protect the health of yourself and your family. Getting into the habit of having regular skin checks, taking effective sun protection measures, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are important steps in preventing melanoma. I hope that everyone can pay attention to their own health, detect problems in time, and intervene early to make life healthier and better.

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