
In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

author:Hiromai Painting

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The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

On the occasion of the autumn harvest in September 1970, General Hong Xuezhi, under the "escort" of the guards, arrived at the Shengli Farm in Jinbaotun, Inner Mongolia.

Although the general had great military achievements, he had no special treatment, and when he arrived here, he lived in the same earthen tile house with the educated youth Sun Yanfeng and ate in the collective canteen.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Hong Xuezhi and Sun Yanfeng took a group photo

At first, the general did not assign specific tasks, but he consciously took on the responsibility of cleaning the compound of the Military Management Committee, and said to himself while sweeping the floor: "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?" ”

The leaders of the military management committee were embarrassed to see this scene, so they assigned the general a difficult task - raising pigs. Sun Yanfeng was also arranged to raise pigs with the general.

Because of the limited feed, the 50 piglets often did not have enough to eat, so they arched the pigsty and ran out to spoil the crops. There are often pictures of generals and educated youths chasing pigs in the fields on the farm.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Sun Yanfeng didn't do any work, and he was tortured very hard by the piglets, but Hong Xuezhi said humorously every time: "This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage, and even General Ben doesn't take it seriously." ”

Within a few days, the general came up with an idea.

After the implementation, the pigs no longer arched the pigsty, but became docile and grew very fat. Sun Yanfeng was proud of this change and deeply realized that:

General Hong is really three hundred and sixty lines, and he is the champion of the line.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Hong Xuezhi

Farm work, unforgettable

In 1970, he was arranged to Jinbaotun Farm in Inner Mongolia, where he met a group of lovely people and made a precious memory.

Soon after arriving at his destination, he became roommates with Sun Yanfeng, a young man who cut into the queue.

In front of these young people, Hong Xuezhi is much older, so when he first came here, the leaders and the people around him kept their distance from him.

It takes time and opportunity for an outsider to blend in with an unfamiliar and collective environment. Fortunately, Hong Xuezhi was very witty and quickly found an opportunity.

There is a young man named Wang Guojian in the processing company, I don't know what kind of disease he has, his hair suddenly fell out, and no one can find a solution. The big guys on the farm were worried about him, but there was nothing they could do.

Fortunately, Hong Xuezhi has no shortage of methods in his mind.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

He found some crushed garlic and sesame oil and stirred them together, and the smell was a little tangy.

Then, he carefully packed the mixed things in gauze, which could no longer be seen in their original faces, and then put them on Wang Guojian's head, rubbing them back and forth.

While rubbing, he also paid attention to Wang Guojian's feelings. It will not stop until the person feels the scalp is hot and he also sees the redness of the skin.

Others don't understand the principle of this practice, so they can only wait and see what happens with the attitude of a dead horse as a live horse doctor.

Just over a month later, a surprise happened. Wang Guojian's bare head slowly grew hair.

During the treatment, Hong Xuezhi insisted even more than the patient, and he would not forget the gauze massage every day. Now that he sees the effect, he is happier than anyone else.

Wang Guojian is very grateful to him, and the old employees of the farm, as well as a group of educated youth, are all impressed by him and are willing to get close to him. With his personality charm, he gained a group of friends.

In Sun Yanfeng's words, in labor, Lao Hongtou is a very humorous person. When you get along with him, others will feel relaxed and happy, and there will be no psychological burden at all.

When there is nothing to do, everyone is willing to gather around him, listen to his stories, and talk to him.

Soon after arriving at the farm, Hong Xuezhi often went to sweep the compound with a broom because he couldn't be idle, and the leader was unable to get off the stage.

There was no way, so the leader asked Hong Xuezhi and Sun Yanfeng to be in charge of the 50 pigs on the farm, and the opening scene happened.

Hong Xuezhi not only knows how to fight, but also has his own set of pig raising.

He asked Sun Yanfeng to go to the winery every day to pick three barrels of distiller's lees and come back, and then mix the distiller's lees with pig food.

Because the sake lees contain a small amount of alcohol and the smell of wine, pigs love to eat it very much, and what is even worse is that every time the pig eats it, it falls asleep.

Over time, these pigs not only stopped making noise but also became fatter and fatter.

In addition to the farm, General Hong Xuezhi also cared about the local people. For a long time, he couldn't see the people starving and being wronged.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

One night, he was walking with Sun Yanfeng, and when he walked to a cornfield, he saw that the staff was driving away a group of villagers who were picking corn.

Seeing such a situation, Hong Xuezhi was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked Sun Yanfeng why.

It turned out that in order to protect the land and crops of the farm, the leaders specially arranged guards to protect the resources of the farm. Ordinary people come to pick up things, and they naturally need to be driven away.

But Hong Xuezhi couldn't understand this law.

Ordinary people didn't steal or rob, they just picked up the corn that fell to the ground, isn't that okay? Besides, they didn't destroy the crops and infrastructure on the farm, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with them.

In order to protect the rights and interests of the people, he decided to go to the leaders of the farm to discuss it.

When Sun Yanfeng heard it, this was terrible. Hong Xuezhi's identity is originally a bit special, and at this time, it must be better to have more than less. If it wasn't necessary, he still hoped that Lao Hongtou wouldn't get into trouble, after all, he was very worried about this stubborn old man.

However, as he understood, Lao Hongtou had a stubborn personality, how could he compromise.

He still found the director of the Military Management Commission and discussed this issue with the other party, hoping that the farm could revoke this regulation and make it convenient for others and himself.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

He was quite sincere in his role as a soldier to persuade him, and the duty and mission of a soldier is to defend the country and serve the people. No matter when and where, military personnel should put the common people in their hearts.

During the revolutionary years, the masses of the people provided the Communist Party with help that should not be ignored or forgotten. They enthusiastically joined the army, supported the front line, led the way for the soldiers, and delivered supplies to the soldiers.

Military personnel and the masses should maintain close ties and maintain deep affection.

Now, the folks are just here to pick up the produce that has fallen to the ground and is not wanted on the farm, and they should not be evicted.

The director of the Military Management Commission was moved by his words and thought about relaxing the restrictions of the policy. Since then, all the hungry farmers in the neighborhood have been able to come to the farm to pick up corn without fear of breaking the rules.

After this incident, Lao Hongtou's image in the hearts of the surrounding fathers and villagers has become extremely tall. Everyone was full of praise for him and thanked him for fighting for the opportunity for everyone.

Revisiting the old place is deeply moving

Under the concern of Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and other national leaders, Hong Xuezhi left the farm and returned to Beijing in 1977 to return to the army.

After that, he struggled in his new post, and also picked up his good job in logistics, and made great contributions to the construction of the General Logistics Department.

Although every day, his heart will be filled with family and country affairs, but there is always the softest place, which is a farm, Sun Yanfeng and a group of old friends.

In 1999, the old general was 86 years old, still enduring illness and physical discomfort, and personally went to the farm to visit everyone he knew.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

The old people on the farm were so happy to see Lao Hongtou come back. More than 20 years have passed, and it has not become a barrier between them, and Lao Hongtou and his friends are still very close.

In front of these people, he is not a founding general, not a cadre with outstanding merits, but a kind old Hongtou.

Seeing the familiar little mute in the crowd, General Hong Xuezhi was very happy. He pulled the little mute to his side and took a picture with the other to keep a memory.

Not only that, but he also specially told the leaders of the farm to take good care of the little mute.

He will never forget the pile of mushrooms in front of his house.

When I was working on the farm, once, Hong Xuezhi and Sun Yanfeng went out together and saw the little mute standing at the door waiting for his uncle. He can't speak, he's more reserved most of the time, he's frozen and doesn't know how to express it.

In Hong Xuezhi's eyes, the little mute became a very pitiful child. His lips were already purple from the cold, and his body was shaking uncontrollably, looking extremely thin.

Lao Hongtou didn't say a word, returned to his room, took out a particularly precious military raincoat, and put it on the little mute's body.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Now that the weather is so cold, with a raincoat, this kid can finally get an extra layer of barrier.

The little mute couldn't speak, just smiled, and his smile was extraordinarily sincere, as if it could move people's hearts in an instant, and it had the purest power in the world.

When Hong Xuezhi didn't know it, the little mute had actually been thinking about how to repay him.

When he saw him go to the mountains to pick mushrooms, the boy thought of a way to repay in the best way he could.

At Hong Xuezhi's door, a bunch of mushrooms were suddenly placed, all of them were fresh mushrooms, which looked very attractive. These things were sent by the little mute.

Since then, whenever it rains, he can always see mushrooms at his door.

He felt sorry for this child who couldn't express himself, and after he left the farm, he still thought about him.

Because of his busy work, he couldn't return to the farm, so he asked his son to come forward on his behalf and go to Jinbaotun Farm to visit everyone and take care of the little mute.

Over the years, the weight of this place in his heart has not diminished by half a point. The farm workers, the elders and the villagers, were also regarded by him as his relatives.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

It is precisely because of his deep love that he will return here at the age of 86. Whether it's satisfying his wish or regretting it, all in all, after he goes back, his heart will be at ease.

Of course, to be able to see him again in person, the hearts of the big guys are also filled with joy.

Legendary admiral, role model father

Hong Xuezhi is a legendary general, from participating in the revolution to officially retiring, he has created countless feats and achievements. On the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea, his steel transportation line is naturally an example for soldiers in the army to learn today.

His legend is also reflected in the fact that he was awarded the rank of general twice.

In 1955, in the national awards, Hong Xuezhi was awarded the rank of general because of his outstanding achievements and outstanding contributions, and he was the founding general.

After 33 years of ups and downs, in 1988, he was again awarded the rank of general. This time, he was the first of all the generals.

Being awarded the same rank twice, this can be both an honor and a controversy for him. Someone once asked him whether the two rank of general meant that he had been stagnant for 33 years.

Regarding this point, Hong Xuezhi is very calm.

"For people like us, fame and fortune are not important," he said. Most importantly, what we have contributed to the country and what services we have provided to the people. ”

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Don't talk about getting, only talk about paying, military rank is just recognition, it can't represent anything.

His original intention is also an important reason why he can become a legendary general.

For children who devote themselves to the cause of the construction of the motherland, he is a leader and a role model on the road of their own growth.

As a father, he empowers his children with endless power.

In the process of children's growth, he will always ask them to maintain a positive way of thinking, grow up independently, have the courage to take responsibility, and dare to dedicate themselves.

There was one thing that made a deep impression on his eldest son, Hong Hu.

Guangming Daily published an article about the lives of poor college students in Beijing's universities. Due to their limited financial resources, they are unable to participate in various activities organized by the school, and they often encounter difficulties in their daily lives.

Seeing this news, Hong Xuezhi was very sad. Colleges and universities are the cradle of talents, and if talents are limited by their economic ability and have no way to get comprehensive growth and training, this will be a loss for the country.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

So he decided to pay out of his own pocket to sponsor 8 poor students from the old revolutionary base area of Peking University.

The grandparents and fathers of these students had made contributions to China's revolutionary cause. The place where they were born and raised, the old revolutionary area, has always been a place where Hong Xuezhi is concerned.

Now he can use his strength to help these poor students, and he also feels that it is very worthwhile.

His great love is reflected in action, but silence is a state that he often expresses. He did such a big thing, but he did not allow media reporters to publicize it, and he was not willing to give any interviews related to it.

Low-key, plain, this is his style all along, and nothing can break this style of life.

Under his guidance, the children also learned to say one point and do ten points. Contributions to the country and society should be embodied in practical actions, not empty slogans.

His children have always practiced this style and are worthy of his teachings.

When holding family meetings, Hong Xuezhi will also take the trouble to instill in his children the principles of being a person and doing things. Despite some nagging, he still hopes that the children can remember that crooked doors must not be touched, and they must follow the right path at all times.

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

A father's love is as deep as a mountain, and it can also soothe people's hearts like a stream of water. Moisturizing things silently, this is exactly what a role model father does.


In 2006, the legendary general Hong Xuezhi finished his life.

No matter whether he climbed to the top or fell to the bottom, he never changed his mind and was always loyal to the party, the motherland and the people.

His wholehearted dedication to the cause, his heartfelt love for the people, and his unique personality charm can always be reflected in all aspects of the details.


Admiral Hong Xuezhi and I at the Frontier Farm, Party History Expo, No. 10, 2005, 54-56, 3 pages

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

The history of the party is learned

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Communist Party of China News Network

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Party building network

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

The legend of General Hong Xuezhi, the only one in the world who has been awarded the rank of general twice. People's Daily Online Founding Generals Memorial Hall [2014-07-8]

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage

Which founding general is called the "six-star general" in the People's Liberation Army.People's Daily Online [2016-12-7]

In 1970, Hong Xuezhi was sent to the farm, and when he worked, he said with a smile: This group of 'Zhu Bajie' is really difficult to manage