
Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?

author:Pauling long shot

On the morning of June 26, there was a clash between hawkers and chengguan law enforcement officers in Guangzhou. The two sides escalated from a verbal confrontation to a physical altercation, which eventually resulted in a chengguan law enforcement officer being hit in the head and bleeding to the ground.

Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?

The video shows that the vendor piled up several bags of food (presumably fruit) in front of his shop, and met two chengguan law enforcement officers who asked him to remove a few bags of food. In the process, the vendor picked up a bag of food and threw it in front of the chengguan, then picked up a shovel and hit the tall chengguan on the head with the shovel handle......

Judging from the video, the hawker was quite sensible at the moment of anger, first, he did not use a shovel and shovel head, but only used a wooden shovel handle; The second is that it was only hit once, and it was not hit a second time. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

In addition, it can be seen from the video that although the beaten chengguan is taller than the hawkers, after being beaten, he did not fight back, showing the most basic restraint.

Tube and tube are always a pair of contradictions.

From the perspective of urban management, there are so many things piled up in front of the store, not to mention whether they occupy the road, at least it looks indecent, affecting the appearance of the city.

And in the eyes of the peddler, why should I put something in front of my shop for the time being? And it didn't occupy the road (as it should be in the video).

Due to the different cognitive perspectives, it leads to contradictions.

And because both parties did not pay attention to the tone of their speech, they pointed at each other with their fingers, and almost pointed to each other's nose recently, which eventually caused one party to lose control of his emotions.

Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?

Although there are some things that cannot be used well, in this case, it is better to use the "what if".

If the chengguan had been reasonable from the beginning and had personally helped the hawkers move things away, would there have been a fierce clash of words?

If the hawkers could understand the difficulties of the chengguan work and the responsibilities of the hawkers, would they take the initiative to cooperate with their law enforcement and agree to move the items as soon as possible?

Judging by the results, it is clear that neither side is doing very well. Maybe it's because the weather is hot and the mood is easily irritable and impulsive!

This is reminiscent of the nickname "Rabbit Traffic Police" on duty by the West Lake in Hangzhou. The reason why all the drivers who violate the rules are very obedient to her law enforcement and have no complaints, not only because she is a beautiful policewoman, but also because she pays great attention to her law enforcement words, and she is kind, reasonable, and humane in her severity.

From a management point of view, sometimes "soft law enforcement" has a better effect than "rigid law enforcement".

Things have already happened, and it doesn't seem to make much sense to explore the process of what happened.

The most concerning or surprising thing is the views and evaluations of the majority of netizens on this matter.

From the perspective of the general public's psychology, there should often be more sympathy for the "victims". As far as this incident is concerned, the urban management law enforcement was beaten with blood, and it should receive more sympathy and condolences from netizens, but the actual situation is the opposite, most of the people "sneered" at the injured chengguan, and there were very few people who criticized and condemned the beaters.

Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?

Why is there such a perception that seems to be "right and wrong"? Could it be that the majority of netizens really lack the concept of right and wrong?

A netizen's comment seems to tell the truth: "The reputation of the chengguan is too stinky, and when encountering such a phenomenon of scolding and not fighting back, there are few public opinion who speak to the chengguan."

The sentence "the reputation of chengguan is too stinky" exposes the people's views and contradictions on chengguan, which have gone beyond the category of individual to individual, but have developed into the opposition of group to group.

It should be said that this is not a good sign.

It is true that the public's evaluation of chengguan is related to the brutal law enforcement of some chengguan that has been almost impersonal in the past two years. For example, the Spring Festival couplets in the shops were torn off before the Spring Festival holiday was over, the flower baskets in front of the doors were forcibly removed on the day the shops opened, the peasants who went into the city to buy watermelons were forcibly punished at three or four o'clock in the morning, and the hawkers' stalls were forcibly overturned and the hawkers' weighing poles were broken, and so on. All these little by little have been accumulated, so that the words "cold-blooded", "barbaric" and even "bandits" are used in the evaluation of chengguan, and this "vicious circle" is still "snowballing"......

Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?
Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?
Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?

Strictly speaking, such a term is also unfair when used in the evaluation of the entire urban management team.

It should be said that urban management has played a great role in the management of the city's business environment and appearance. The vast majority of comrades in the chengguan team insisted on the supremacy of service and impartially enforced the law, and some endured humiliation in the face of the scolding and humiliation of individual unreasonable vendors, reflecting a high level of professional ethics. It is hard to imagine that at this stage, if there is no chengguan in the city, I don't know what the appearance and order of the city will become.

But there is an old Chinese saying that "a piece of rotten meat is spoiled, and a pot of good soup is full".

It should be admitted that in the ranks of urban management, there are some people, or a considerable number of people, whose overall quality is quite far from the expectations of the people, and they lack the idea of "serving the people wholeheartedly" from the depths of their minds, and some of them just "want to be brilliant when they have power"; they think about how to make themselves more majestic all day long, how to get a little "oil and water" on the merchants, and how to get a little "cheap" on the merchants, and their "moral purpose" is to "serve the renminbi wholeheartedly." Such people are undoubtedly the "black sheep" of the urban management team.

In this sense, how to purify the contingent of urban management, how to strengthen the quality of the contingent of urban management, how to improve the professional ethics of the contingent of urban management, and how to establish a good image of the entire contingent of urban management have become a very urgent task that the government must take seriously.

If there is no sober understanding of the current situation of the chengguan contingent and no specific improvement measures, the antagonism between the entire chengguan contingent and the people will become stronger and stronger, and there will be more and more incidents similar to the chengguan and the people beating each other and causing fierce clashes or bloodshed, which will then have a serious impact on the overall image of the government, and the consequences will certainly be very serious.

It is said that Zibo in Shandong Province has done a very good job in strengthening the construction of the urban management contingent and how to give better play to the role of the urban management contingent. There, the relationship between the chengguan and the residents is harmonious and intimate, and the city's appearance and business environment are very good. Since there is such a good example, why don't other cities "learn from the experience"?

Why did the injured chengguan not receive widespread sympathy?

In short, the fact that the chengguan was injured but did not receive sympathy is not only the matter of the individual person who was beaten, but also the matter of the entire team. It is hoped that the relevant departments can look at the essence from the surface, draw inferences from one case and investigate the problem, and earnestly make the urban management contingent an excellent law enforcement contingent with a fine work style, strict discipline, dedication to the people, and service-oriented.