
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

author:Books are knocking

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead, and the one who can bear the light is the real face

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Nowadays, the beauty of the popular atmosphere is no longer limited to the appearance conditions, and under the influence of makeup, scenes, natural conditions and other aspects, people feel the beauty of artistic conception.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

But this aesthetic sense is beautiful, but it makes people feel unreal.

And due to the overall increase in social pressure and anxiety, many people have begun to have a hair loss crisis, and they need hairstyle modification even more.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Others are born with a high hairline.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

It wasn't until several photos of Lin Yun recently appeared on the hot search that the audience once again saw the lethality of real beauties, without the modification of hairstyles, and all relied on facial features and facial lines to carry all the appearance.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

The most important thing is that the hair is completely combed, and a skull is unusually full, which is directly a 360-degree beauty without dead ends.

In this regard, some netizens said: It is worthy of being a beauty carefully selected by the star, and her appearance is really resistant.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

And this time, Lin Yun's bright style is out of the circle, once again allowing the audience to see the charm of real beauties, and see too many beauties with a sense of atmosphere and makeup.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

After Liu Yifei's "The Story of Rose" was broadcast, some netizens sighed: She once again unified the aesthetics of domestic entertainment.

Before that, there has always been a popular saying: Half of the men in the world like Liu Yifei and half like Fan Moubing. It can be seen that everyone recognizes the appearance of these two people.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

It is true that they are definitely different types of beauties, but there is no doubt that they are all real beauties.

Liu Yifei has had many bright shapes, and the high cranial crown from the front has created a perfect head and face effect, and it is also very perfect from the side and back.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

In the early years, although her facial features were still very immature, the high-quality bone conditions made her add a touch of purity under the blessing of the bright shape.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Later, the collagen faded, the bone phase advantage became more obvious, and all kinds of bright shapes came easily, and there was no defeat.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Although Fan Moubing is no longer in the entertainment business, the legend of her beauty in the entertainment industry has never stopped, especially when more and more ugly children bravely enter the domestic entertainment, everyone misses the real beauty even more.

She can easily control any shape, and the big bright shape is even smaller, but it can better reflect her excellent facial features and facial conditions.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

The only time Liu Yifei was "pressed" in her life was when she was 15 years old and starred in "The Family of Gold Powder" with Dong Jie.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Her bright appearance is also amazing, and her clean face is like a hibiscus out of water.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Zhang Ziyi's three courts and five eyes have always been a textbook-like existence, and when she made a bright shape, her appearance became more beautiful.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Although Wang Ziwen is small, his body proportion is very good, and his appearance conditions are also outstanding.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Ni Ni's bright appearance is also very stunning, in fact, her facial features alone are not very outstanding, but the combination has its own charm, which is worthy of being a thousand-choice girl.

Cecilia Cheung's bright shape, in addition to beauty, is still beautiful.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Jing Tian is known as the rich flower of the world, in addition to the kind of noble temperament, the appearance conditions are also excellent.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Compared with others, Wang Zuxian's hairline is not perfect, but his appearance is high, and his bright style is also amazing.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Zhou Yun is relatively not so popular, but she is really beautiful.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Wu Qian is also bright in "Why Sheng Xiaomo", young and beautiful, probably like the mother's favorite girl.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Back then, Hong Xiaoling relied on the bright shape to leave a touch of color in the idol drama.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Liu Shishi is a beauty with a temperament, and the bright shape can be easily controlled, after all, she even carried the scalp style in "Drunk Linglong", and the shape in the play is really tight when she looks at it.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Including Chen Hong, Yang Caiyu and many other artists have had a bright shape, and the main thing is to crush the appearance.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god
The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

In fact, looking at the above artists who carry the bright shape, the facial features and face shape are not completely similar, and even include square faces, round faces, melon seed faces, goose egg faces, etc.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

However, they are better at having smooth facial lines, and the skull lines are also round and full, maybe not everyone is born with a high skull like Liu Yifei and Dong Jie, but real beauties are like this, there is no inevitable requirement, beauty is there.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

Perhaps, the bright shape is the standard for testing real beauties.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

That's all I have to say.

The embarrassed beauty doesn't even dare to show her forehead! The one who can bear the great light is the true god

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