
Winter disease and summer treatment are just in time, and the "three-dog sticker" is coming in 2024!

author:Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital

Winter disease and summer treatment, play "stickers" while it is hot

Winter disease and summer treatment are just in time, and the "three-dog sticker" is coming in 2024!

The three-dog patch refers to the application of traditional Chinese medicine to specific acupuncture points on the dog days of each year to achieve the removal and prevention of diseases, also known as Tianjiu. According to the theory of "winter disease and summer treatment" of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is directly applied to the acupuncture points, and the traditional Chinese medicine stimulates the acupuncture points to achieve the effect of disease prevention.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that man and nature are a harmonious and unified whole, in the process of disease regulation, the balance of the human body's yin and yang and the characteristics of the four seasons of climate will be organically combined, there will be twice the effect with half the effort, the sky and yang are overstated, so choose to carry out acupuncture points in the dog season, help the right and dispel evil, adjust yin and yang, can play a role in helping the human body resist external evils and prevent diseases.

Does the "three-dog sticker" really work?

Winter disease and summer treatment are just in time, and the "three-dog sticker" is coming in 2024!

There is no doubt that the "three-dog sticker" is useful. "Sanfu Patch" is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment method that combines traditional acupuncture therapy and drug therapy, and its essence is a complex treatment method that integrates meridians, acupuncture points and medicines. The drug can stimulate the acupuncture points, and the drug itself has the effect of focusing on the treatment factors, interacting with each other, and complementing each other.

2024 "Three-Dog Patch" Patch Schedule

Winter disease and summer treatment are just in time, and the "three-dog sticker" is coming in 2024!

Indications for "three-pronged patches".

According to the condition and physique, the "three-dog patch" for winter and summer treatment is carried out, and other traditional Chinese medicine characteristic treatment projects such as internal Chinese medicine, moxibustion, acupuncture and moxibustion are carried out to treat the following diseases:

1. Respiratory diseases

Bronchitis, wheezing bronchitis, chronic bronchitis (cough, wheezing), allergic rhinitis, perennial susceptibility to colds (including children), etc.;

2. Diseases of the digestive system

Patients with chronic gastroenteritis, constipation, diarrhea, stomach cold and hot drinks, etc.;

Winter disease and summer treatment are just in time, and the "three-dog sticker" is coming in 2024!

3. Diseases of the locomotor system

Cervical spine and low back pain, dysmenorrhea, muscle strain, sprain, knee joint disease, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, etc.;

4. Pediatric diseases

Regulate immunity, enhance physical fitness, repeated cough, worry about colds, anorexia, diarrhea, enuresis, indigestion, hyperhidrosis, etc.;

5. Physical conditioning

Irregular menstruation, deficiency and cold, people who are susceptible to colds, people who are prone to digestive diseases, patients with allergies, people who are usually weak and sick, and people with low immunity have good treatment effects.

The place where the "three-pronged patch" is applied

Citizens and friends are welcome to consult in the community health centers of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital