
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?


[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

In 1976, the Vietnam War, in which the Chinese tightened their belts to aid Vietnam, ended. But Le Duan, who took over supreme power from Ho Chi Minh, became a backbone, and after the reunification of the country, Le Duan not only saw China as the "number one enemy".

And also took advantage of the substantial rupture of relations between China and the Soviet Union to win many benefits from the Soviet Union. After feeling the power of Soviet-style weapons and equipment, Vietnam gradually coveted the mainland. The ruler of power, Le Duan, fantasizes about snatching a large tract of land from China.

At a time when Sino-Vietnamese relations were deteriorating sharply, and the peace and stability of the mainland frontiers and the safety of the lives and property of the broad masses of the people were seriously threatened, Deng Xiaoping, then the supreme leader, decided to educate this "disobedient child."

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

However, Deng Gong's decision to attack Vietnam was based on a variety of factors. First of all, when Deng Gong visited the United States, he revealed the news that he was going to fight Vietnam and tested the reaction of the United States; secondly, to take this opportunity to forcefully knock and deter the Soviet Union; Finally, there is the consideration of winning reputation.

In 1979, a massive force of 300,000 PLA troops launched an offensive on all fronts from the border areas of Yunnan and the border areas of Guangxi and Vietnam. Who would have thought that the Vietnamese army would be powerless. In a very short period of time, it showed a trend of retreat.

However, the supreme leader Li Duan was not disappointed by this, but couldn't stop sneering all over his face. Why is Le Duan so abnormal? There are three main reasons for this. One is that Li Duan thought that the Soviet Union would send troops to China, and the Soviet Union and Vietnam were fighting each other.

The hostile relations between the Soviet Union and the mainland can be said to have reached the point of breaking out, and the Soviet Union will not give up the opportunity; The second is that the international community will condemn China's invasion, which will deal a major blow to the mainland's reputation. Finally, Vietnam could ask the USSR for more benefits.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

Direct troop dispatch from the USSR

The fact that the Soviet Union would choose to send troops directly to help Vietnam was inseparable from the fact that the Soviet Union was in a period of strength at that time. After Leonid Brezhnev came to power, the Soviet Union showed a posture of pouring its national strength into the military aspect. The international community has been stunned by the speed of its development.

Under Brezhnev's leadership, the Soviet Union's military power continued to rise. At one time, it came to a situation that was on par with the United States and even faintly beyond. But the Soviet Union's development system was already very rigid, and if all this was not realized as an economic advantage.

Then the choice of the Soviet Union to develop military power will only lead itself into the abyss from which it will never recover. As a result, the Soviet Union was extremely aggressive and offensive in its foreign expansion. In the early 60s of the last century, Sino-Soviet relations had broken down substantively.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

This provided favorable conditions for the Soviet Union to prepare for an attack on the mainland. Therefore, no one cares about the outcome of Vietnam and the mainland. Vietnam's supreme leader, Le Duan, hoped to take advantage of the Soviet Union's large-scale military deployment to get a piece of the border conflict with the mainland.

In such a situation, Vietnam only needs to create a "realistic situation" for a mainland invasion. In other words, Vietnam's frenzied provocation was actually mixed with the deep-seated meaning of allowing the mainland to send troops to Vietnam, thus giving the Soviet Union a legitimate excuse to send troops to the mainland.

Just like the current dispute between China and the Philippines over islands and reefs, the Philippines' provocation is just a pretext for the United States to contain China. At present, the Philippines is a pawn of the United States on the issue of disputes over islands and reefs in the South China Sea. Vietnam, on the other hand, was the vanguard of the Soviet Union.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

This is one of the reasons why the Vietnamese army is losing and retreating, but Le Duan still feels that the advantage is only in my hands. Another reason is that Vietnam joined the socialist camp after defeating the United States, and was protected by the big brother of the Soviet Union. Vietnam was in trouble, and the Soviet Union could not stand idly by.

If the Soviet Union did not send troops, it would greatly affect its prestige and credibility in the international community. Of course, the consensus between Vietnam and the Soviet Union on the mainland issue is also an important reason. The Soviet Union urgently needed foreign expansion to transform military superiority; Vietnam, for its part, wants to seek hegemony.

In the past, Vietnam was one of the vassal states of the mainland, and it has always "relied on the breath of the mainland" to survive. Now that there is a chance to turn around, Vietnam will naturally not miss it. In fact, Japan has the same mentality when it continues to launch wars against the mainland in modern society.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

Lowering the mainland's international reputation

According to common sense, if someone helps you defend against foreign invasions, it is generally unlikely that they will immediately turn against each other and have conflicts. At least the two sides will engage in a so-called war of public opinion before turning the other cheek and clashing out, but Vietnam does not have these when it provokes in the mainland border area.

In other words, Le Duan did not do this, but directly took a crazy provocation. Of course, these so-called small actions were carried out by the Vietnamese side itself, and they will not be publicized into the international community. The purpose is to force the mainland to send troops.

At that time, although the mainland's military strength was not as strong as that of the Soviet Union, after the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb broke out one after another, the mainland began to speed up the process of self-research and development of weapons and equipment. Although in the 80s of the last century, the advantages of independent research and development were not fully apparent.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

But compared to Vietnam, it is still much better. The first is that Vietnam's sustained combat capability will be greatly affected. Vietnam not only suffered huge economic losses after a long war with the United States, but also did not have sufficient and complete time to develop industrialization.

This has led to a situation in which even if Vietnam wants to expand externally, it can only maintain a short-term war, at least long-term war, which is a great load on Vietnam's national strength. As a result, Vietnam was able to receive a large amount of weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union before a border conflict with the mainland.

However, once Vietnam entered a wartime state, it would only become a luxury for Vietnam to receive weapons and equipment assistance from the Soviet Union. In addition, Vietnam's situation of taking the mainland as its division, the mainland is basically very familiar with Vietnam's strategy and tactics, and it has a great advantage in a short period of time.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

In the face of so many factors that can only lead to a certain defeat, the fact that Vietnam still chooses to attack and does not admit defeat despite the unfavorable situation only shows that this is a premeditated plan and preparation. Vietnam is likely to want to use its own game to invite the mainland into the urn.

And in doing so, the mainland's international reputation will be lowered. After all, Vietnam has no "record" in the international community that has entered China; The mainland, on the other hand, has a very clear record. Therefore, Vietnam wants to use this as a reason to promote the formation of a situation in which the international community takes the initiative to isolate the mainland.

At the same time, prepare for the attack of the Soviet Union. But what no one expected was that many countries in the international community chose neutrality, but their attitude under neutrality was obviously biased towards the mainland. Because the mainland will not take the initiative to invade its territory, it has always pursued a policy of strategic defense.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

It is possible to get close to the USSR

Le Duan knew that the Vietnamese people had paid a great price in the war with the United States, so why did they choose to use a knife against the mainland? In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, he saw the situation of discord between the Soviet Union and the mainland, and wanted to get close to the Soviet Union in order to make profits.

Or to put it another way, Vietnam wanted to pull itself out of the quagmire of economic collapse with the help of the Soviet Union. Speaking of which, it is nothing more than two words, interests. For example, in the event of the thaw and détente of Sino-US relations, there was a common interest in containing the Soviet Union;

Both the United States and the Soviet Union are extremely optimistic about India and have given a steady stream of assistance, and there is a common interest in containing China. In the war of self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam, the United States had a common interest in supporting the mainland and preventing the Soviet Union from sending troops.

It can be said that all changes in the international situation and changes in foreign policy revolve around the core of national interests. It is impossible for Le Duan, as the ruler of North Vietnam for a long time, not to understand how powerful the continent to the north really is, especially after possessing nuclear weapons.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

Although nuclear weapons can only serve as a deterrent, no one can guarantee when such a devastating weapon will be released. If the Soviet Union directly sent troops and formed a rivalry with the Vietnamese army, it was possible that the mainland would use nuclear weapons to meet the enemy.

By that point, everything was over. It is impossible for Li Duan not to understand this truth. At the same time, the mainland has also adopted a short-term and forceful deterrent approach to the border conflict with India. Having achieved absolute superiority, they chose to quickly withdraw from India.

Li Duan must also know such an attitude. Therefore, the resistance of the Vietnamese army is actually contributing to the future development of the Vietnamese state. On the other hand, the Vietnamese army experienced a long period of fighting, and its real combat effectiveness was clearly not high.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

Even if you get Soviet-style advanced weapons and equipment, it will take a certain amount of time to get used to it, and it is unlikely that you will be able to fully adapt to it in just a few years. Second, both the mainland and Vietnam have a record of confronting the United States, but the casualties on both sides are very different.

Le Duan could not have made the stupid decision of hitting a stone with an egg. Therefore, the only possible explanation is that Vietnam took advantage of the excellent situation at that time to obtain some capital from the mouth of the Soviet Union, which created the initial favorable conditions for Vietnam's development and pointed out the future path.

That is, to learn from India and to obtain as much as possible the benefits it wants from the three major powers of China, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Under the mutual influence of the United States and the Soviet Union, the mainland has ushered in a favorable opportunity for development, and now it has become the world's second largest economy after the United States.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

India's own power is also expanding, and there is a faint momentum to become a middle power. Both the mainland and India are successful examples of the Asian region taking advantage of the open and covert rivalry between the two superpowers to achieve tremendous development. Vietnam does not want to be reduced to a backdrop.

Hence the very radical approach. It is worth mentioning that although Vietnam invaded Cambodia, it was actually the result of Vietnam's service to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union wanted to entrench itself in the Indochina Peninsula in order to contain the growing influence of the mainland.

After all, the relaxation of Sino-US relations was not good news for the Soviet Union, and the relaxation of relations between the mainland and the United States completely exposed the vast Siberian hinterland and the Far East of the Soviet Union to the United States' vision, and the Soviet Union felt very uneasy about this.

In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?

In order to win back a city, the Soviet Union thought of a way to win over Vietnam to expand its influence in Indochina. It also attempts to continue the confrontation with the United States in the Asian region in an anti-encirclement posture. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vietnam quickly chose to establish diplomatic relations with the United States for the sake of interests.

Since then, Vietnam has taken the initiative to play an important role in containing China's rise. It can be seen that Vietnam's established national policy is fundamentally similar or similar to India's. However, it also reflects from the side that only one's own interests are the most important fundamental basis in this world.



  1. Gong Li: Sino-U.S.-Soviet relations during the self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam. Communist Party member. 2012(11)
  2. Guan Jingzhi and Li Guang Judging from the Latest Declassified Archives, the US Position on the 1979 "Self-Defense and Counterattack War Against Vietnam." Research and Teaching of Party History. 2016(01)
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?
In 79, 300,000 PLA attacked on all fronts, and the Vietnamese army was powerless, why did Le Duan sneer?