
Jiang Yanqing: The legend of the old eight-way race

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the twelfth volume of "Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials" (December 1997), written by Jiang Yanqing, and the original title is "The Legendary Story of the Old Eight Road Race Shili"

Jiang Yanqing: The legend of the old eight-way race

Sai Shili (1919.12-2001.10), a member of the Communist Party of China, was a member of the Communist Party of China. He used to be a member of the Shandong Federation of Literary and Art Circles, an executive director and vice chairman of the Shandong Writers Association, a vice chairman and a special consultant of the Shandong Film Association, and a director of the Shandong Disabled Persons' Federation.

In January 1938, Sai Shili joined the 8th Brigade of the Wendeng Shandong Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army. Two days later, under the instructions of the Wendeng People's Anti-Enemy Movement Committee, he returned to the village to organize the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Self-Defense Regiment, and successively served as the leader and head of the detachment. On August 3, 1938, dispatched by the party, Sai Shili assumed the alias of Lin Ting and entered the troops of the recalcitrant Cong Jingyue to do "rebellion" work. On February 15, 1940, under the instructions of the organization, the rebellious troops were pulled to Qingshiling Village, Wendeng, to form the Eighth Route Army. On February 18, he participated in the second armed uprising in Donghai District in Wangjia Village, Shanhou, the residence of the Wendeng County Party Committee. In May of the same year, he joined the Communist Party of China. During the war years, he successively served as squad leader, platoon commander, company commander, battalion commander, division combat staff officer, operations section chief, and acting regiment commander.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as Chief of Staff of the South China Naval Subdivision Command, Chief of the Military Training Section of the Jiaodong Military Region Command, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Changwei Military Subdivision, Chief of Management of the Shandong Military Region Command, and Deputy Director of the Jinan Military Region Command Administration. The race is a special disabled soldier. In 1956 he was awarded the rank of colonel. He retired in December 1962.

Jiang Yanqing: The legend of the old eight-way race

After his retirement, Sai Shili engaged in literary creation with tenacious perseverance, wrote more than 2.5 million words of literary works with his left hand, and was absorbed as a member of the Chinese Writers Association. Because of his outstanding contributions to literary creation, he was designated by the Jinan Military Region as the fourth level of military literature and art, won the national "Elite Award for Promising Oldmen", and was rated as "Model Retired Cadre of the Whole Army". In 1979, his biography was selected into the "Dictionary of Chinese Writers", and in 1992, he was selected into the "Biography of World Chinese Cultural Celebrities".


During the Anti-Japanese War, on the tip of the horns of the Jiaodong Peninsula, the name of Sai Shili was well-known, and his legendary battle story was known to all ages. I saw him as a child and admired him from the bottom of my heart. I, the hairy boy in the ravine, was able to "throw a pen" from Rong in his teens, which has a lot to do with the attraction of his battle stories. In recent years, Comrade Sai Shili and I have twice returned to our hometown of Wendeng, which has been separated for many years. Whether in the town or in the countryside, as soon as he stopped at the place where he lived and fought, people would gather around him with a "hula", especially the elderly people in their seventies and eighties, who heard that Lao Sai had returned, they all rushed forward to join hands with him, and talked about the story of his fight against devils in those years. Although more than 50 years have passed, everyone still remembers it vividly and speaks vividly. People often use the word "experienced in a hundred battles" to describe a person who has fought a lot of battles, but in fact, the etiquette of the game is not only a hundred battles, but also a total of more than 200 battles. Here are only a few fragments of his war against the eye.

Haikou adventure battle enemy boat

In 1940, Sai Shili served as a platoon commander in the third platoon of the first company of the independent engineering battalion of the Eastern Naval Division. On July 3 of this year, the 5th Battalion had a fierce battle with the "fighting" Japanese puppet army on the south mountain of Donghuan Village, Wendeng County. During the game, Li was seriously injured, and the instructor Sun Chao sent a correspondent Xiao Zhou to escort him to the branch to recuperate. After arriving at the branch, Lin Chun'e, the head nurse, had just changed the medicine for him, and a female nurse ran in and said, "Protect the chief, the devil is coming from the west!" Nurse Lin immediately ordered: "Ding Hushang, you immediately take the wounded and sick to hide in the budding rice field in the east of the village, and the platoon leader is in charge of me and Xiao Zhou Jianzhi." "As soon as Ding Hushang left, the devil entered the village. Nurse Lin quickly closed the door of the house and said eagerly: "Platoon leader, now that the devil has come, Xiao Zhou and I are too late to run out of the mountain with you on our backs, what do you think?" Sai Shili looked at the three huts facing the street, and there was only a table of eight immortals and a pile of measured animals. He pointed and said, "Zang is in the grass," and he reached out and pulled out a grenade from the communicator's waist and uncovered the blue. Xiao Zhou knew his intentions, pressed his hand, and said with tears in his eyes: "Platoon commander, you can't ...... in case you don't know" The race salute urged them to act quickly. They buried the platoon leader under the grass and jumped out of the back window and ran. The devil entered the village and shot for a while, and a puppet soldier smashed open the door of the house, and when he saw that the back window was open, he scolded: "Fuck, Balu ran away from the back window!" "The enemy tossed around in the village for more than an hour, grabbed something and withdrew. Nurse Lin and Xiao Zhou ran back and pulled him out of the haystack. "Thanks to you two for burying me in the haystack, it doesn't matter if you run out on my back and kill me, for if the enemy discovers that the branch is living in this village, the wounded and sick of the branch will be in danger." ”

On the morning of the next day, Nurse Lin ran to tell Sai Shili: Zheng Weiping, Wang Renxing, Cong Jingyue, and other leaders of the Kuomintang surrender faction entrenched in the Kunyu Mountains gathered more than 2,500 people and drove from the mountains to Gejiaji, preparing to cross the Sow River to attack our army; The Japanese puppet army stationed in Weihai also added 400 troops to Wendeng City. It seems that the Japanese, the puppet, and the stubborn want to collude together and prepare to launch a large-scale attack on our army. Therefore, the higher authorities ordered that the branch office should be immediately transferred to Liangjia Village in Haikou. As soon as it got dark, more than 30 people from the institute set off as a team. When walking 300 meters away from the sea, suddenly there was a roar from the Dragon King Temple in the north; "What for? Stay, if you go again, I'll shoot! Then there were two shots. The leader of the branch ordered to evacuate and hide quickly. Correspondent Xiao Zhou picked up the platoon leader from the stretcher and drilled into the wicker bushes on the side of the road. Both of them had grenades in hand, ready to die with the enemy. A group of enemies came, flashlighted, and searched the buds and wicker bushes on both sides of the avenue; There was also a group of enemies who pursued the wounded and sick of the branch to the north. Coincidentally, the place where Sai Shili and Xiao Zhou were hiding was only 10 meters away from the roadside, and the enemy's flashlight beam passed over their heads twice, but they were not found. Sai Shili heard from the scolding of the enemy officer that it turned out that there was a spy in the station who reported to the enemy, so the enemy rushed to Haikou ahead of time, and this encounter occurred.

Before dawn, they walked out of the bushes and found their comrades in the branch. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the enemy stationed on Zeku, Qiandao, and Houdao spread out a dragnet formation and searched from the east, west, and north of Haikou, and the comrades of the branch office were again surrounded by the enemy. To the south is the sea, and if you want to continue to hide in the bud fields and bushes during the day, you will not be able to hide from the enemy. During the game, I was in a hurry, and suddenly remembered that there was a windy boat hidden in the bay in my fourth district team. He advised the branch leaders: "Let's hurry up and get on the ship, avoid the enemy's search, and break through at night." "Everyone agreed. During the race, he sent Xiao Zhou to the fishing house to borrow a small boat and sent everyone to the windy boat. In the afternoon, when Sai Shili and Captain Zhang of the 4th District Team were studying the battle plan on the boat, they suddenly noticed a devil patrol boat coming over. According to their analysis, it must have been the spies who saw us on a gale-strong boat, so they ran to the Zhangjiabu devil's stronghold to report, and the devils drove a patrol boat to beat us. When it comes to the end, there is only a fight! But can our wooden boats beat the devil's iron boats? Captain Zhang and Sai Shili agreed that Sai Shili would lead a platoon to land in a small boat first and send reinforcements on the coast. After disembarking, he deployed his troops on the edge of a stone nest and prepared for battle. After a while, the enemy boat opened fire, and several shells landed around the windy ship, setting off a column of water more than a foot high, and the light and heavy machine guns rang incessantly as if the wind was blowing. The fighters of the district squadron all lay down on the planks of the boats and fired at the enemy boats. At this time, the wind rose, and the five masts of the gale ship raised their canopy sails together and drove quickly towards the shore. Sai Shili commanded the whole platoon of soldiers to shoot fiercely at the old boat that was pursuing our sailboat, so that the enemy on the boat could not raise his head. The sea was filled with gunsmoke, and the windy ships rushed to the beach. Sai Shili instructed the war workers to shoot a volley of platoon guns into the mountain, and the comrades of the squadron in the cover area disembarked and went ashore. At this time, the tide was shallow, and the government boat was afraid of running aground, so it turned around and ran away.

Therefore, the boat fled, and our two forces of sea and land joined up. Captain Zhang of the district squadron held Sai Shili's hand and said: "In this battle, thanks to the fierce fighting of this platoon under your command, the men on our ship landed smoothly without any casualties. Sai Shili also smiled and said: "Captain Zhang, you used wooden boats to beat devils' iron boats, and it is a miracle that you fought well, and you can be called the 'Army Naval Corps'!" ”

The leg was badly wounded and became lame

When the game is lit to fight, it has always been the first to lead and charge ahead. In 1942, when he was the company commander of the second company of the Wendeng County Brigade, he often led troops into enemy areas, ambushes, and killed devils. One night, he led his company to attack a four-story cannon tower of the politicians. Sai Shili ordered two soldiers to deliver earthen explosives packets, which blew a gap in the turret, and he rushed away with his soldiers, killing and wounding more than 20 enemies. But the remaining remnants of the enemy refused to surrender and ran to the roof of the turret. During the game, he was so angry that he climbed up and killed 3 enemies in a row. Unexpectedly, the enemy behind him fired a shot at him, and he was shot in the left leg, fell from a high altitude, and passed out instantly. Battle: After the bosses conquered the turret, they couldn't see the company commander after searching up and down, and finally pulled him out from under the old piles and broken bricks.

He suffered a serious injury to his left thigh and was unconscious for a long time, and it took him 10 months to heal after treatment and recuperation. On this day, he went down to the ground to practice walking, but he couldn't help himself, he cut his head to the ground, and his leg was lame. He reached out and measured it, and his left leg was two inches shorter than his right. Suddenly, tears welled up in his eyes, and he hissed and howled: "My legs, this tells me how to fight in the future!" After this war, he was rated as a second-class cripple. Since then, the story of Sai Shili's battle has spread in the local area, and the alias of "Sai Cripple" has become known to everyone.

The match was crippled, and the organization decided to leave the team to recuperate. When he heard the news, he thundered like thunder, and the iron-beaten man cried "whining". He slapped his thigh: "No, I won't stop fighting even if I die!" But although the determination was great, he was unable to do it, and the leaders finally persuaded him, gave him a set of cotton clothes and 40 catties of food, and sent him home. Although he obeyed the organization's decision, he always had a bad feeling in his heart, hiding in the house and smoking all day long, ashamed to go out to meet his fellow villagers. The leaders of the county brigade asked the Eastern Naval Division, and the leaders knew Sai Shili's determination to kill the enemy, and made an exception to return the lame man to the county brigade to continue as the commander of the second company. When Sai Shili heard the good news, he was moved to tears as if he was about to return to his mother's arms. The next day, he said goodbye to his fellow villagers and happily returned to the team.

Commander riding a donkey

Sai Shili's leg was seriously injured, which caused him a lot of inconvenience in leading his troops to fight. The company commander who was alive and vigorous and walked like a fly, has now become a lame man who swings one step at a time and swings from the left to the left. He walked with a crutch every day, sweating profusely and falling behind others. The more he thought about it, the more he held his breath: "The party requires party members to charge in front and retreat behind, I can't lead the troops to charge, what kind of Communist Party member am I!" When a local cadre heard that the commander of the company was worried because he was lame and could not lead his troops to fight, he found two strong young men at the garrison and carried him in a basket to direct the battle. There was a march, the fog was filled, and the Japanese puppet army team ran head-on. The soldiers turned around and ran, fearing that the two civilians who were carrying him would fall into the hands of the enemy, so he urged them to go and throw him down and flee for his life. The two villagers quickly threw the basket into the grass and ran. Fortunately, even people with baskets were thrown in the reeds by the river, and they were not discovered by the enemy. The Japanese puppet army brigade chased Sanhuali, but there was no shadow of the Eighth Road, and it passed with a cold shot without a purpose. Sai Shili had been squatting in the reeds by the river for more than an hour under the noses of the enemy. After the enemy left, the warriors ran back and shouted and searched for him, and dragged him up from under the embankment. He grinned and said, "God has eyes, I have picked up another life!" ”

After this incident, the leader of the county brigade persuaded him: "In the future, you can help the leader come up with an idea, and don't go into battle yourself!" Sai Shili replied confidently: "That's not good, don't let me go to the battlefield, and I won't die!" The leaders couldn't convince him, so they selected two soldiers with big shoulders and thick waists from the company to serve as his "left and right legs". These two fighters were very energetic, chasing the enemy with the company commander when they charged, and taking turns running with the company commander on their backs when retreating, and never made a mistake. Sai Shili saw that the two fighters were often exhausted and panting, and it was really heartbroken. He thought it would be nice to have a horse; But then I thought, where are the horses in the middle of nowhere? Besides, the high-headed horse is easy to reveal the target, which is not conducive to ambush. Finally he thought of the little donkey in the mountain village. The donkey is small, can climb mountains, does not run slowly, and rides it to fight accurately. On this day, he chose a fat and thick-legged donkey at the station, and the warrior helped him to ride on the back of the donkey and practice. The next night, he mounted a donkey and led two platoons to an ambush. In the dead of night, there was silence, and the soldiers were hiding and waiting for their orders. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the little donkey screamed. The enemy on the turret found out, and as soon as the searchlight was on, rifles were fired, machine guns were fired, and two soldiers were wounded. Sai Shili immediately ordered: "Retreat quickly!" "This battle should have been fought, but it was ruined by the donkey's bark. He was so angry that he came back and whipped the donkey, so that he kicked the donkey straight to the foot. But when you think about it, it's an animal, what's the use of fighting? For several days, the soldiers did not fight, and the soldiers were even more anxious when they were fighting. On this day, Sai Shili sat on the stone bar at the door, looked at the donkey, and wondered: If the donkey does not bark during the war, it is good, but how can it not bark? After careful observation, he finally found that when the donkeys barked, they all raised their heads, opened their mouths, pouted their tails, and farted straight, and they were panicked because they were hungry and asked for forage to eat. So he came up with a way to subdue it: put a hitch on the donkey's mouth so that it could not open its mouth; Then tie a big weighing stone to the donkey's tail, so that its tail can't puff up, and it can't call; The four hooves of the donkey were also bandaged with old cotton to prevent the hooves of the night marching donkeys from "clicking". This method has been tried, and it really works. From then on, Sai Shili had his own "mount", and he often rode a donkey to fight. The little donkey followed him for 10 months and fought more than 40 battles. The little donkey became his silent friend on the march, and the soldiers humorously called the company commander "the commander who rode the donkey".

Burn down the turret and pull out the stronghold

Jiang Yanqing: The legend of the old eight-way race

On the north mountain of Yangjiachan Village, Wendeng County, there is a road that runs through the east and west, the terrain is dangerous, the enemy has set up a stronghold on the top of the mountain, built a large artillery tower, and stationed a puppet army team. The stronghold was surrounded by a ditch, outside of which was barbed wire, and then outside was a deer village. Standing on the top of the turret, you can see the Gaogezhuang stronghold to the east, and you can see the Jiulishuitou stronghold to the west, the three points are connected, the telephone is connected, condescending, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The puppet army in the stronghold often went to the surrounding villages to catch pigs and chickens, grab grain, and grab things, and also spoiled the little daughters-in-law and eldest daughters of the peasant families. During the game, he asked the leaders of the battalion to pull out this stronghold and vent his anger for the people. The battalion commander said: "The enemy's three strongholds are very close to each other, and it is too dangerous for him to pull out the middle stronghold. Sai Shili said: "The stronghold of the Yang family is a great threat to us, of course we have to take some risks to pull it out, I am not afraid!" The battalion commander saw that he was very determined, so he promised him: "Be cautious in your actions, and first find out the enemy's situation before you attack." That night, Sai Shili took two soldiers into the Yang family's property in disguise, and first found Uncle Zhang, a military family, to understand the situation. Zhang Dagu said: "When I was hoeing the ground, I found that the stronghold was full of two devils and more than 40 people. They are close to the avenue, have guns and cannons, and are not afraid of the Eighth Route Army, but afraid of the patrol of devils. ”

Sai Shili is an impatient. The next day, he selected 20 shrewd and capable soldiers and disguised them as the "Imperial Army Patrol Team". During the game, he pretended to be the captain of the imperial army, carrying a turtle cover box on his shoulders and a command knife on his waist; The soldiers wore yellow tweed uniforms, carried large covered guns on their shoulders, waved "plaster flags" made of white sheets, and led big wolf dogs, all imitating the way devils walked, and walked towards the stronghold with a "swish". When the captain of the puppet army saw that it was the imperial army coming, he hurriedly ordered the suspension bridge to be put and whistled to gather the team. At this time, Sai Shili shouted: "Raise your hands, surrender your guns and don't kill!" The soldiers aimed their guns at the puppet army squad that had just assembled. As soon as the puppet army captain saw that he was fooled, he ran away. During the race, he snatched up and grabbed the small coat he was wearing, but snatched the coat and the box gun, and the team leader ran away. All the soldiers of the puppet army squad were captured alive, and there were no casualties among our troops. Sai Shi Li ordered: "Set fire quickly!" "A fire rose into the sky, burning down the turret, and the troops quickly withdrew from the landing ground. Later, it was learned that the puppet army captain surnamed Zhang ran home along the ravine, was so frightened that he was seriously ill and bedridden. His family sought medical treatment everywhere to buy medicine for him, and used him as a puppet army to rob the common people of 500 yuan, and the disease was cured. Later, he joined the People's Liberation Army and played a big gong in the Peking Opera Team of the Jiaodong Military Region. Sai Shili is a fan of Peking Opera, and he must watch every play. One day watching the play, Comrade Zhang, who played the big gong, even went to the stage to find the match ceremony, praised him to his face for being bold and pretending to be like, and said: "Thanks to that time, you scared me away, if you continue to do two devils, you will definitely die under the guns of the Eighth Route Army." ”

After the artillery tower in Beishan of the Yang family property was burned down, the enemy did not give up, and two days later he arrested the common people to rebuild the artillery tower in the same place. They came here to repair the turret during the day, and returned to the Jiuli Shuitou base at night to stay. During the game, he asked the camp to lead the team to destroy the enemy. Before dawn that day, he took two platoons and went straight to the North Mountain of the Yang family. He led a squad into the half-cut turret that had been erected 5 meters high, and the rest of the soldiers were all ambushed in the surrounding bud rice fields and pine forests. At about 8 o'clock in the morning, the puppet army repairing the turret came, and the team leader walked in front, humming a small mountain in his mouth: "There is a Wang Laosan in my village, and the two of them sell big cigarettes...... The soldiers followed behind. As soon as they crossed the trench, Sai Shili raised his gun and shouted, "Fight!" The warriors who were lying in ambush leaped to their feet, and the guns rang out. The puppet army was in a mess, some raised their hands to surrender, and some threw their guns and fled. In this battle, 6 puppet soldiers were killed and 17 were captured alive. From then on, the enemy no longer dared to establish a foothold here.

Kill devils by blowing up cars

In the early 40s, the devils were very rampant. On the highway from Wendeng to Weihai for nearly 100 miles, the devil often drives a motorcycle with a bucket to show off his majesty and go alone. There was a "plaster flag" in front of the motorcycle, and there were only three people in the car, one driving, one sitting behind the driver's gut with a large covered gun on his back, and the other sitting in the body with a crooked handle machine gun. They ran for a while, fired a burst of gunfire, and caused peace to the people along the way. At that time, the common people called the devil motorcycle "Oriental donkey". As soon as the people who went to work in the fields saw that there was a situation, they shouted loudly: "The Oriental donkey is coming, run!" So they threw down their hoes and ran away. In response to this situation, Sai Shili repeatedly led the soldiers to ambush in the green gauze tent on the side of the road, attacking the ghostly motorcycle, and finally beat it so that it did not dare to act alone. Later, the devil drove a big truck back and forth on the Wenwei Highway, and the roof of the car was also set up with a crooked machine gun, and the guns were constantly "sudden" while driving, so that the people did not dare to walk on the highway or work in the fields. One day, the people who went to Caomiaozi to catch the market were killed and three wounded. As soon as Sai Shili heard the fire, he was determined to blow up the enemy car and save the people.

After much thought, he came up with a way to blow up the car. He knew that there was a blacksmith furnace in Qingshiling Village, and the owner of the furnace was called Wang Blacksmith, who could fight anything, so he sent the squad leader Xiao Yonghua to find Wang Blacksmith and asked him to help beat two large steel rakes. Each rake is a two-meter-long, one-meter-wide oak frame, on which are 30 half-foot-tall steel teeth. The two rakes should pay 10 yuan of Beihai coins at the price, and the blacksmith Wang said that in order to support the front line, he would not accept it. The two large rakes were carried to the company, and the soldiers filed and grinded, grinding and grinding the rake teeth to a bright one. Before the war, Sai Shili organized the soldiers to conduct repeated drills, and took two platoon commanders to inspect the terrain and chose the location of the bombing truck at the east end of the village in Caogezhuang. Because it can be concealed here, and the road has a sharp turn, it is convenient for ambushes. Early that morning, he rushed to the east end of Caogezhuang Village with two platoons in civilian clothes, one platoon on the left and the second platoon on You, all of which were ambushed in the houses on both sides of the road, and he and his two correspondents hid on the hillside north of the village. After a while, he saw through the telescope that the devil car from Weihai had driven over from the southern slope of Yekou Mountain. He immediately ordered: "The devil car is coming, get ready for battle!" "But the enemy car drove into the Caomiaozi stronghold and stayed. Then, the enemy in the Caomiaozi stronghold fired a burst of shots at Cao Gezhuang. Sai Shili was afraid that the enemy would come to attack us, so he decided to leave only two sentries behind, and the troops dispersed and withdrew to Doujiadou Village, which was less than 3 miles away, for lunch. As soon as our troops withdrew, enemy cars drove out of the Caomiaozi stronghold. The devil was afraid of an ambush on the eighth road, so he got off halfway to the mountain ridge in the north of the village, and only the driver drove an empty car through the village. The car drove past Cao Gezhuang and stopped on the road west of the village, and more than 30 devils ran down from the mountain and got into the car, heading towards Wendeng City. Sai Shili said: "Japanese ghosts, Japanese ghosts, these guys are very ghostly, they are afraid that we will be ambushed." "When the soldiers saw the devil's car drive by, they were all disappointed; But the commander of the company said: "It doesn't matter, the devil car goes from Weihai to Wendeng, once a day, it will go and return, everyone should be patient." As he expected, at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the devil's car drove back from Wendeng City. But when they arrived at Shengezhuang, the car stopped again, and a few devils jumped out of the car and entered the Zhonggezhuang stronghold, probably to find out the situation. After a while, those devils walked out of the stronghold and got into the car, and drove towards Cao Gezhuang. Sai Shili happily patted his thigh and said, "Okay, this time it's the blind man who loosens his nose and saves it!" Immediately ordered: "The devil car is coming, ready to fight!" As soon as his words fell, Zhao Deyi, the first squad leader, and Xiao Yonghua, the third squad leader, two big men, rushed out of the farm yard with a large steel rake, and put the rake in the middle of the road, with the rake teeth facing upward, like rows of sharp knives. In less than 3 minutes, the enemy car drove to the front of the rake, and was just about to stop and move the rake, when the game salute raised the box gun and "horn" twice, and the soldiers who were ambushed on the roof threw grenades and grenades together, and the soldiers hiding in the house also broke out of the door, and the sound of killing shook the sky. The devil couldn't retreat if he wanted to, so he could only rush forward with full horsepower, but the wheels rolled on the rake teeth, and the car took the big rake out about 10 meters away, like a dead turtle lying on the side of the road without moving. At this time, the fighters rushed forward, and the sound of gunfire and grenades rang out. Some of the devils in the car were killed, some were injured, some of their legs were pressed under the car and screamed "wow", and the remaining more than 10 devils still surrounded the broken car and resisted desperately with guns, and then ran towards the Caomiaozi stronghold.

As soon as the battle was over, Sai Shili looked at his watch and said, "This battle was fought happily, and it was less than half an hour before and after. "After counting, a total of 6 devils were killed, 15 were wounded, 16 large cover guns, 1 war knife, 8 bags of white flour and 5 sacks of rice were seized. At this time, enemy gunfire was heard from the east and west, and Sai Shili immediately ordered the troops: "Take the spoils of war and withdraw quickly!" "When the Japanese puppet army from the Caomiaozi stronghold and the Shengezhuang stronghold 3 miles away from each other arrived, the team of the company commander had long since disappeared.

During the game, he was bold and careful, and thoughtful. At the conclusion of the war, he said: "This battle was fought well, and the comrades were very brave. But thanks to those two big steel rakes, the blacksmith Wang made a great contribution. People didn't ask for money for raking, and we had to thank him for winning the battle. Sai Shili took the seized rice and sent someone to give a sack to the blacksmith Wang.

Those who catch the "lame" are caught by the lame

A series of activities to annihilate the enemy, such as ambushes, artillery towers, and car bombing, caused the Japanese puppet army to be unrestful day and night. The Wendeng County Puppet Garrison Brigade Department issued a notice and wanted the game salute. The proclamation said: If you encounter a cripple, you will be caught, and you will be caught first. Those who catch the lame man alive will be awarded 100,000 yuan for the joint preparation of bank bills; The person who kills the cripple will be awarded 50,000 yuan. Each was promoted by one level, the squad leader was promoted to squad leader, and the squad leader was promoted to squadron leader...... This notice was posted on the walls and telephone poles of every stronghold and village on Wenwei Road.

In the Dongshan Turret of Zhonggezhuang, there is a squad of the puppet army. At that time, the village chiefs of the politically occupied areas were generally people who dealt with both the enemy and the enemy, and the same was true of the village chiefs of Shengezhuang. One afternoon, Sai Shili took two warriors and infiltrated Zhonggezhuang in disguise. In order to prevent accidents, he called two soldiers to stand guard at the entrance of the village, and stipulated: "If there is a situation, you fire your guns and run quickly, leave me alone, and we will meet in the woods west of the village." With that, he stepped into the village chief's courtyard alone. When the village chief saw that it was the commander of the Eighth Road Race Company, he immediately plugged in the courtyard door, invited him into the house, poured tea and lit cigarettes, and urged his wife to cook quickly. Sai Shili said, "Don't be busy, you can talk about the situation in the stronghold." They asked and answered, and before they could finish a bag of cigarettes, two shots rang off in the street. Sai Shili threw down the cigarette pouch, slapped the table with his hand and asked the village chief: "Is it a letter you reported to the second devil, and I will settle accounts with you in the future!" The village chief hurriedly explained: "How dare I do such a lack of virtue, you hide in the sweet potato pavilion, and I will deal with the two devils." Sai Shili said: "No, then the enemy will cover the grasshopper!" He pointed to the back window, "I'll run from here!" The village chief immediately opened the back window, pushed him out, and plugged the latch back on. Outside the window was a sweet potato field, he jumped out of the window, took four big steps, jumped up a cliff more than two meters high, and got out of danger in the woods. More than 1 0 puppet soldiers smashed open the gate, rushed into the courtyard, and shouted hoarsely: "Capture the cripple alive!" "Get out of here, cripple!" scolded the village chief again, "Fuck your mother, where are you hiding him, hand him over quickly!" The village chief said, "He didn't come at all, how do I know!" The puppet soldiers searched in the hall, went to the wings, and did not even see a shadow, and scolded and asked the stronghold.

After Sai Shili and the two soldiers escaped and rendezvous, they sat on the west slope to rest, and the village chief came to him and said: "It's getting dark, the two devils won't come again, my wife has made the swordfish, please come to my house to drink two Gu soju, eat some food and then leave." Sai Shili said: "Forget it, if you go back, you will die, thank you for your kindness." ”

Five days later, the investigation of the race time ceremony found out the rules of the puppet army's activities. Every morning, the puppet army had to patrol the highway to ensure the safety of the "imperial army" driving. Before dawn that day, he took two squads to disguise themselves as ordinary people and ambushed them on the side of the road. When the puppet army took to the highway, he led the soldiers to rush up together, and wiped out the puppet army squad, with 1 light machine gun and more than 10 rifles. After the war, Sai Shili interrogated Wang Shuhui, the leader of the puppet army: "The last time I went to Shengezhuang, how did you know?" Truthfully invited: "Wang Shuhui replied hesitantly; "Because of the notice above, saying that if anyone catches you, he will be promoted to one level and rewarded with 100,000 yuan. In order to make this fortune, I used my 'clairvoyance' to observe on the top of the turret for several days. Although you were dressed in plain clothes that day, you walked with a limp, and I was sure that you were lame. No, I should be the captain, I should die, I am guilty! He slapped himself in both mouths as he spoke

Afterwards, Sai Shili went to the village chief's house and explained to the village chief that he was wrong that day. Sai Shili also went to the sweet potato field behind the house with two soldiers and counted the sweet potato ridges, a total of 28. He said: "I remember clearly, I only took four big steps that day, an average of 7 sweet potato ridges in one step, where did I get so much energy? Even I don't believe it myself. After that, he tried again with a lame, and with all his strength, he could only walk 4 sweet potato ridges; Two sturdy warriors can only cross 5. He smiled and said, "People can go to the house in a hurry, and dogs can jump over the wall in a hurry." There's some truth to this saying. ”

The kindness of the people will never be forgotten

In 1944, Sai Shili was rated as a model and model commander of the anti-Japanese battle, and was honored to attend the first heroic model conference of the Jiaodong Military Region. He was injured many times, not counting minor injuries such as rubbing a piece of skin, losing a piece of flesh, and bleeding, but only suffered 6 serious injuries, leaving 16 large scars all over his body. He was first rated as a second-class disability, then a first-class disability, and finally a special class disability. His medical records read: "He was seriously injured in both legs, back, head, and cheeks, his teeth were knocked out, his tongue was pierced, and his nerves were injured and caused blindness in his right eye, loss of his right arm, lumbar displacement, hemiplegia, vasculitis, heart disease, and ......." Why is he so dead? In his own words, thanks to the salvation of the masses of the people.

In 1940, when he was a platoon commander, in a battle, in order to snatch a heavy machine gun from the devil's hand, he was pierced by the devil's large cover gun bullet from the front of the right shoulder to the back, exploding a wound the size of a small bowl, blood gushing like a spring, he fainted. Thanks to the soldier Zhou Runjin risking his life to rescue him from the line of fire, he was carried to his own home in Dongtang Village nearby. Xiao Zhou discussed with his father Zhou Wenqi and put him in the third aunt's house with better living conditions to recuperate. This kind-hearted peasant woman took out the new mattress she had brought out when she got married and spread it under the wounded. In order to make him recover from his injuries as soon as possible, the Zhou family saved money, often boiled eggs, made millet porridge for him to eat, killed chicken stewed soup for him to drink, and went to the market to sell the only pig, in exchange for cakes, peach cakes, rock sugar to give him nutrition, and pulled new cloth to sew a small white coat for him. At that time, there was a shortage of medical treatment in the countryside, and there were many flies in the hot summer days, which was very unfavorable for his recuperation. One day, his sister-in-law opened the bandage for him and wanted to change the dressing, but the wound became purulent and maggots. The sister-in-law used tweezers to pick out half a bowl of rainbows from the wound that penetrated the front shoulder to the back of the fairy; Then wash the wound with salt water, sprinkle the anti-inflammatory "seven grains of powder", and then use fresh tobacco leaves to stick to the wound and pluck it. After more than three months of careful care by his sister-in-law, she worked tirelessly to wipe his back, change dressings, feed him, and wash his laundry, and finally made his wounds heal and return to the front line. The sister-in-law of the Zhou family died of illness in 1980. Before she died, she also took out the bloody mattress that she had laid out when she was recuperating from her injuries in the race that year, and instructed her family to take it as a family heirloom to educate future generations, always follow the party, and never forget the Eighth Route Army.

Last summer, the weather in Jinan was as hot as a fire. One day, I went to the Second Cadre and Rest Institute of the Jinan Military Region to visit Sai Lao. When I entered the door, I saw him shirtless, sweating profusely, and the big sunken scar on his back was exposed to me. I was deeply moved and said, "O Sai Lao, this big scar is a glorious mark of your bravery in battle!" He shook his head and said, "No, this scar makes me not forget my hatred for my old people, but also the kindness of the people." If it weren't for the rescue of my friends, without the cover and support of my fellow villagers, how could I have survived to this day, and I will never forget the kindness of the people! ”

A great writer with a gun

In 1962, Sai Shili worked in the Jinan Military Region Headquarters. He wore the rank of colonel on his shoulders, hung a wooden cane in his hand, and commuted to and from work on time every day like everyone else. One day, he was dizzy and fell on the road, and was discovered by General Wang Jian'an, deputy commander of the military region, who immediately reported to the commander, General Yang Dezhi: "We can no longer let the competition ceremony leave and rest." When he heard the word "rest", his mind was churning, and he couldn't figure it out. "Can't I work when I'm just over 4 0s?" However, he knew very well that the soldiers had to obey orders, and the organization had already decided, and he had to resolutely carry it out.

This veteran soldier who galloped on the battlefield was really uncomfortable as soon as he left, he sat in the house every day and had nothing to do, drinking tea and tea tastelessly, smoking and smoking, borrowing wine to drown his sorrows, and the amount of food was greatly reduced, less than two knives lost 10 catties of meat, and the fat man became a thin man. Fortunately, some organs, factories, and schools in the station often invited him to give lectures on traditions and give reports, and each of his reports was well received and won thunderous applause from the audience. Some comrades persuaded him: "Since you can tell vivid battle stories, wouldn't it be better to write them into a book?" He said: "Forget it, I have only studied for four years, how can the hand that carries the gun stick shake the pen, we are not the material for writers." His wife, Ba Feng, is also an old anti-Japanese comrade, she gets along with him day and night, and knows his wife's temper well. The husband was in pain at home, and the wife felt uncomfortable when she saw it, for fear that he would have to collapse if she continued like this. So she enlightened him: "You have fought so many battles, and you have a belly of stories, I see you try to write it, and I will copy it for you." The encouragement of his comrades and the persuasion of his wife finally gave him the courage to write and pick up the pen to write a novel.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and creation is no exception. In particular, it is not easy for a special disabled soldier to engage in creation. But Sai Shili has a strong temper, and if he doesn't do anything, he will do it, and he will make a name for himself. It's hard to be afraid of anything, and if it's hard to learn. So, he borrowed more than 40 Chinese and foreign novels describing the war, and read more than 30 creative experiences of famous writers. In particular, the Soviet writer Ostrovsky's "How Steel is Made" made a big blow to his shoulders, and he was determined to learn from the Soviet writer's perseverance and perseverance. From then on, Sai Shili was like a demon, sitting on a chair every day to smoke and think, eating and thinking in a daze, lying on the bed at night and thinking, squatting in the thatched house and looking at it, coming up with an idea, he started to write, and when he was blind, he relied on his left eye with only 0.2 vision; When the head of the right arm is lost, he writes with his left hand; I couldn't get my hands busy, so I licked the manuscript paper with my tongue; Because of vasculitis in his feet, his toes ulcerated, so he soaked his feet in potion and insisted on writing. He writes a paragraph from the sky and changes it, and sits for eight or nine hours; When I wake up at night and come up with a storyline, I wake up my wife and turn on the electric light to help me write it down, and then write it out after dawn. When the first draft of 150,000 words is written, I will ask my wife to read it and give her comments. After reading it, Ba Feng said: "This is like a novel, but like a war diary and a summary of Cheng Dou." He himself was not satisfied with the back mountain, and "Boom" tore it up and started again. After more than a year of days and nights, he wrote three drafts, about 300,000 words, and after reading it, he felt that it was too verbose, and he drastically deleted more than 40,000 words of 100,000 Ning's novel. Asking his wife to take a look at it again, Ba Feng said happily: "This draft is much better, it's like a novel." "Everything written by Sai Shili comes from the rich combat life, his own personal experience in the war, the vivid scenes of his comrades-in-arms bravely killing the enemy, the friendship between the army and the people, and the fate of the enemy's miserable defeat. Those who have a will will succeed, and the top of the work will pay off. With his strong determination and amazing perseverance, a novella "Three Into the Mountain City" was finally written in April 1964. As soon as this novel was published by Shandong People's Publishing House, it was favored by Changchun Film Studio, and Changying asked him to adapt the novel into a movie script. In 1965, after the movie "Three Into the Mountain City" was made and screened, many old friends did not expect: "This Shangbalu has become a great writer!" "The film was released more than 280 times that year and was well received by the audience. Later, it was translated into foreign languages and screened in many countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong and Macao.

"Three Into the Mountain City" is Sai Shili's debut novel, and it is also a famous work. The advent of this work opened the floodgates of his creative inspiration, and it was out of control. He became addicted to writing, reminiscing about history, thinking about stories, and creating things day and night. Over the past 30 years, he has successively written more than 20 novels, movies and TV series, such as "Army and Naval Corps", "Ninghai Ups and Downs", "Zhichuang Weihaiwei", "Tracking", "Golden Plan", "Shenkou", "Blood Awakening", "Political Belly and Heart"; He also wrote more than 30 articles on party history, military history materials and revolutionary memoirs. In total, he wrote a total of 2.5 million words of works and articles.

Sai Shili is almost 80 years old. When I went to see him recently, he and his wife sat across from each other, he was dictating, Ba Feng was writing, and the old couple was rushing to write a draft to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of our army. I admiringly persuaded him: "Elder Sai, your writing spirit is good, but after all, you are old and frail, you should stop writing and rest!" He said, "I don't lack food or flowers now, why should I write?" One is to commemorate the dead martyrs, and the other is to educate future generations. It is not easy for our country to have today's prosperity and social stability! This was bought by the blood of millions of martyrs, and our company alone sacrificed more than 400 people in the War of Resistance Against Eyes, and 4 instructors who fought side by side with me. My life was bought by their deaths, and I am a survivor compared to them, and if I don't write the stories I know, I will always feel sorry for them! The words of the seat show that the purpose of his insistence on writing is neither for fame nor profit. 30 years ago, he didn't take a penny of the 5,000 yuan manuscript fee for "Three Into the Mountain City", and all of it was paid to the public; Later, he used his manuscript money to buy books and send them to schools, donated money to his hometown to run education, build martyrs' cemeteries, and donated money to the disabled people's association and the people in the disaster area.

In recent years, he has donated 5 times to the "Hope Project", including 10,000 yuan in 1995.

He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, and has served as vice chairman of the Shandong Writers Association. In recent years, he has also won the "National Elite Award for Promising Seniors" and was named "Model Retired Cadre of the Whole Army", which was commended by the Jinan Military Region.

When Chi Haotian, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and minister of national defense, was serving as political commissar of the Jinan Military Region, he repeatedly praised Sai Lao's perseverance in fighting tenaciously and his spirit of revolutionary optimism. In February 1992, when Chi Haotian came to Jinan, he wrote a banner for Sai Lao with the inscription "Heroic years, hard work, disabled will paint a new style". Sai Shili hung this banner in the house to motivate and spur himself, and his life was endless, and the battle was endless.

Note: The author, Jiang Yanqing, was born in 1930 in Xuancun Village, Wendeng Ying Town, Wendeng City. In August 1945, he participated in the revolution. Director of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Jinan Military Region. He retired in 1987.


Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 12 (December 1997)