
Zhou Yixin: The vicissitudes of life

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the sixteenth volume of "Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials" (December 2001), Zhou Yixin's own statement, Zhang Yuqiang's collation, the original title is "The Vicissitudes of Life"

Although the source and publication time are marked at the beginning and end of the article after the year, there are still some netizens who leave messages or private messages questioning the age of the original author, which makes people feel very speechless and helpless. I hope that mathematics is taught by the Chinese teacher, and the guys can review the Chinese class first.

I originally wanted to find an introduction to Mr. Zhou Yixin's life, but unfortunately I found nothing.


Opening remarks: Double thousand yuan spring, stepping on the auspicious sunshine, the author visited Zhou Yixin, a retired veteran cadre and septuagenarian in Wendeng City. After chatting, I found a copy of "Personal Memoirs" on Zhou Gong's desk, and I read it and became interested. When Zhou Gong was young, when China's War of Resistance broke out, the Japanese iron hooves stepped on the fertile soil of Jiaodong, and the people of the peninsula were ravaged: Zhou Gongyixin, who was the only seedling of the Zhou family at that time, was not yet weakly crowned, and angrily joined the coastal defense detachment of Wendeng County of the Eastern Naval Subdistrict of the Eighth Route Army and joined the ranks of the Chinese people to resist Japan. On the 11th day of the first month of 1943, he and three other people went deep into Wendeng City, the Japanese puppet base camp in the East China Sea, and shot and killed Bi Qi, a big traitor and Japanese puppet plainclothes captain who was a tiger, in addition to a major harm to the people of the East China Sea: this move will forever be recorded in the history of the Jiaodong Anti-Japanese War. After the liberation of the country, Zhou Gong entered the Central School of Political Science and Law as a training object for Chinese political and legal cadres, and after graduation, he served as a member of the party group and the chief judge of the Wendeng Court.

However, the situation reversed, and loyalty and goodness were frustrated: Zhou Gong did not speak at the anti-"right" meeting, and did not form factions during the "Cultural Revolution", so he was branded as a "rightist" faction and a "gangster", and suffered a lot. The wife, who is the deputy county magistrate, was also implicated because of this, and she was repeatedly criticized for delegating labor. After the Third Scarf Plenary Session of the 11th Party of China, Zhou Gong and his wife were rehabilitated and ushered in the second spring of their lives. Zhou Gong became the deputy director of the Wencheng Taxation Bureau, and his wife successively served as the director of the Wendeng Second Light Bureau, the head of the United Front Work Department and the vice chairman of the county CPPCC, and created the first "Daqing-style" enterprise in Wendeng. In the past 20 years, he has helped poor villages to set up 11 village-run enterprises, so that many poor villagers have lived a prosperous life and entered the ranks of well-off. After his retirement, Zhou Gong was invited to serve as a special guest of the Wendeng CPPCC, and successively wrote nearly 10,000 words of "Asking for Cannonballs from Japanese Devils" and more than 30,000 words of "Zheng Weiping and His People", two historical manuscripts, both of which were published in "Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials".

Throughout the course of Zhou Gong's life, he has experienced ups and downs. His memoirs are not only a personal life history, but also a history of the vicissitudes of China's difficult years and eventful years. If you read it carefully, you can also appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Caused by the taste, it is specially sorted out for the benefit of readers.


When I was young, I left home as an eight-way street

The name "Zhou Yixin" was given by Guan Zesan, the teacher who went to school when he was a child, and it has not changed until now. On February 16, 1924, I was born in a poor peasant family in Dashijia Village, Houjia Town, Wendeng County, and was the only boy in the third generation of the Zhou family. He went to school at the age of nine, dropped out at the age of 11 due to his family's poverty, and studied in the village for three years. My grandfather, Zhou Yunpeng, was the only male in the Zhou family, but due to the compulsion of life, he worked in other places when he was young, and did not return home until he was old and frail. Her grandmother was hardworking and wise, while her grandfather was away from home, and she took on the burden of farming and harvesting and taking care of the old and the young at home. My grandmother gave birth to three boys and three girls, and the three aunts were poor in their early years due to lack of food and clothing. The surviving uncle Zhou Yutang and second uncle Zhou Yutian were also forced by life to carry work for the landlord since childhood. In order to get out of the predicament, my grandfather discussed with his two uncles that he could not be a cow and a horse for the landlord for generations, so he would never get ahead, so he wanted his young father Zhou Yu to learn a craft from others, in order to make money to support the family. At that time, two opinions were negotiated, one was to learn blacksmith (also called small furnace maker) and the other was to learn carpenter, and these two opinions were chosen by my father himself. My father chose to learn carpenter, and after three years of apprenticeship, he worked odd jobs in Weihai for two years, and then returned home to open a small carpenter shop. The two uncles also went home to farm one after another, and used the money they had saved to buy eight acres of thin land, and rented five acres of land, plus the original three acres of land, so that there were more than ten acres of land. At this time, the whole family of 18 people, some farming, some doing carpentry, the small life is getting better day by day.

However, within a few days of the good days, the shadow of the Japanese devil covered the sky in the Tokai region. From 1938 to 1939, the planes of the little devils who invaded China often went to various towns and coastal areas to bomb and strafe. In the first month of 1940, the Japanese devils set up a stronghold in Wencheng again, and the devil soldiers were also stationed in the major market towns in the county. Zhangjiabu Haikou, which is only eight miles away from our village, has also set up a stronghold, and often goes to various places to sweep and implement their "three lights" policy, that is, burning, killing, and robbing. All the areas under their rule must be given to them on time to repair the fortifications and dig fortifications. Every time the Japanese devils went out, the common people ran to the fields to hide, causing trouble in every household. Wang Xingren, the commander of the Kuomintang guerrillas, and others were stationed in front of Zheyang Mountain in the north of our village, and when they heard that the Japanese devils were coming, they threw their guns and fled.

Ever since the Japanese devils set up a stronghold in the port (i.e., Zhangjiabu and Haikou), they have demanded grain, money, and migrant workers from the villages; if they did not have enough, they would go to the villages to burn houses, grab grain, and arrest people, livestock, and vehicles. In order to strengthen their rule, the little devils set up pseudo-village chiefs, pseudo-security chiefs, pseudo-armor chiefs and other pseudo-organizations in each village to ask for food, money and people for them. The people, food, money, and goods needed must be shared equally according to the size and population of each family. If there are many adults in the family, there will naturally be more. For this reason, the Zhou family had no choice but to discuss the separation. Despite this, it still can't alleviate the excesses of the Japanese devils. Probably this is the end of being a slave in the country! The broad masses sighed with sorrow, and some people were forced to have no way to live, so they had to leave their hometowns and wander.

As the saying goes, there is no way to go. Just when the villagers were pessimistic and desperate, the good news came from the urban and rural areas of the East China Sea that the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army led by Zhu and Mao fought devils and saved the poor. The villagers were pleasantly surprised and rejoiced, and finally saw the hope of turning over and surviving. Subsequently, it was not uncommon to see our underground workers going to the villages to organize propaganda activities to mobilize the masses and call for unity to drive out the Japanese devils. Chairman Mao said: "A spark can start a prairie fire." That's true. Under the propaganda and agitation of the underground party, the people of Donghai quickly set off a tide of resistance against Japan, and the roar of "do not go to the slaves of the country and drive out the Japanese devils" resounded and shook in the countryside of the East China Sea.

However, I was the only boy in the Zhou family, and my grandmother regarded me as life, and if I didn't go out for dinner, my grandmother would always ask her to ask for a second thought, and she wouldn't fall asleep until she was told to go home. I remember when I was a child, I went back to my parents' house with my grandmother and lived at my uncle's house, and I was so happy to eat fish every day. One day, I ran to the beach and saw a lot of crabs running on the beach to catch them, and they ran into the nest. Then a fisherman came and asked me, "Child, would you like to take a boat?" I said happily, "Yes!" So he jumped up and down with him and got into the boat. When my grandmother found out that I was not at home, she searched everywhere, and when she heard that someone saw a child running on the beach, she thought that I had fallen into the sea, and she cried and said, "My family is such a boy (boy), if I fall into the sea and drown, I will not live!" When my uncle and the whole family heard that my grandmother was going to touch the sea, they ran to the beach and lifted my grandmother out of the deep sea. When I got home, my aunt didn't dare to go anywhere, and guarded my grandmother for fear that she would go to death again, while the others went around looking for me. When the men on the boat sent me back to my uncle's house in the dark, my grandmother took me into her arms like crazy and cried, "If you don't come back, I'll die here!" After that, he didn't let me leave. Therefore, if you want to participate in the eight-way devil fight this time, you are in danger of losing your life at any time, and my grandmother will never agree to it. For this reason, I couldn't eat or sleep well, and my heart was churning like boiling water: if I go to be the eighth road, it will inevitably cause great harm to my grandmother, and it is likely that I will never be able to provide for her old age again; Don't go, watching the Japanese devils and their traitors and lackeys show off their might, burning, killing, and plundering, it is really hateful and unbearable. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, and a manly man should pay more attention to the national righteousness. After much deliberation, I finally made up my mind to become an eight-way street. So I agreed with my classmates to leave on the 14th day of the first lunar month, and they would go first and wait for me outside the village. On this day, I had breakfast as usual, and went up to work in the mountains in disguise with farm tools. When I got to the field, I threw down my farm tools and sneaked to the west of the village, looking at the empty surroundings, towards the old site of the Songlin Temple less than half a mile northwest of the village, kneeling on my knees and kowtowing to the north three times, begging God with words, bless my grandmother and parents with good health, and also bless me to go to the Anti-Japanese War to be peaceful, and when the Japanese devils are defeated, I will definitely go home and honor my parents of the two generations. Say goodbye, reluctantly say goodbye to my native relatives who gave birth to me and raised me. After that, he went straight to the front without looking back, caught up with his classmates, and officially participated in the coastal defense detachment of Wendeng County, East Naval Division, Eighth Route Army, and was stationed at Haikou on Wulei Island. From then on, he put down his farm tools and took up his gun, and embarked on the road of revolution.

Five bases Haikou capture bandits

The 20-member Wendeng County Coastal Defense Detachment I joined was stationed in Wulei Island Town (now Zeku Town), and the barracks were set up in a small grass house in the northeast corner of Wulei Island Harbor. February 2, 1941 was the eighteenth day of my participation in the coastal defense team. At about ten o'clock that night, a person came to the beach in a panic, and the gate guard immediately became alert, and then asked, "What are you doing?!" The visitor hurriedly replied, "Yes...... It's me, I'm here to report the situation. After a careful search, the gatekeeper asked, "What do you want to report?" The person who came said: "I am from Haiyang County, and I am the only one on the boat and my buddy fishing at sea." This afternoon, about one o'clock in the morning, suddenly five men came, pointed guns at the two of us, and shouted for me to take the boat to the seashore. We did not dare to disobey, so we sailed to the seashore. They scrambled to jump into the boat, and shouted that we were not allowed to move, and that whoever did would be killed. The two of us stood honestly, not daring to move at all. They searched us all over the body, and then they turned over the cabin, and they were probably hungry, so they scoured up our dry food and ate it all. After that, two people continued to point guns at the two of us, and the other stared at a wolf and shouted: Fuck, hurry up and drive the boat to Shidao! As soon as we heard that we were going to Shidao, we were afraid, so we begged them not to go to Shidao, where there were Japanese devils, and we did not dare to go, for fear that they would detain the boat and detain people. They didn't listen at all, and said arrogantly: If you don't obey, Lao Tzu will kill you both! When we saw that they were so fierce, we had no choice but to sail and act at the opportune moment. When the boat reached the coastal area of Rushan, they forced it to sail to the seashore. It seemed that he was hungry and wanted to get off the boat to find food, but he did not dare to get off, so he ordered us to continue to drive forward. But because they had been rowing for a long time and had no dry food to eat, the boat became slower and slower, and they kept beating and scolding behind their backs, and threatened: 'If you have enough to live, you will speak, and I will send you both back to your hometown at once!' At this time, the two of us were really afraid, in this era of war and chaos, what is the difference between a dead man and a dead chicken, so we have to swallow our anger and drive forward. When the boat arrived at the Langnuankou area, they asked us again if we were familiar with this place, and I said that we were not familiar, and they said that they were not familiar with it, so they continued to drive forward. After walking for a while, I asked what was in front of them, and I told them that there was a five-base island in front of them. When I asked if I was familiar with the school, I said that I had been there before. I asked if there was any Eighth Route Army there, and I said I didn't know. They were satisfied, and ordered us to sail to the fifth base island. At this time, I thought to myself: I want to go to Shidao, if they are sent to beat us to death, what will the old and young people in the family do! Even if we don't kill them, the Japanese devils will also detain the boat and arrest people, and we will also inevitably suffer the bad luck. What to do? There is, go to the fifth base island and report to the coastal defense team and wipe them out! With our minds decided, we quickly rowed the boat to the mouth of Wulei Island. One of them was in a hurry to get off the ship, and was scolded by the other: You want to go down and find death! So they didn't dare anyone to move, so they told me to get off the boat and get food, and let another guy take the boat (as a hostage). I got off the boat and sneaked here to report. ”

The gatekeeper understood his report and quickly led the people to report to the team headquarters. Squad leader Hou Wenshan was on duty at the team site, and when he heard the urgent news, he immediately went to the captain Zhang Bentang and interrogated the reporter together. Only then did I know that it was Zheng Weiping, the leader of the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" entrenched in Kunyu Mountain, and the Kuomintang Weihai commissioner and security commander, who was defeated by the Eastern Naval Division of our Eighth Route Army. After the situation was clarified, the whole team was immediately assembled, and the captain Zhang Bentang made a brief battle mobilization. He ordered: "This battle is under the command of Comrade Hou Wenshan, only success is allowed, no defeat is allowed, the remnants of the bandits must be wiped out, not a single one is allowed to escape!" Then squad leader Hou announced discipline, and he asked every comrade to obey the order, move forward bravely, and kill the enemy and make meritorious contributions. Before his words could land, the comrades shouted in unison: "Resolutely obey the order and resolutely complete the task!" The squad leader set off with the order, and the person who came led the way, quietly approached the sea, and surrounded the boat. With the squad leader's order, rows of guns rang out in the silent night sky, and the shouts of "surrender the guns and don't kill" also rang out. The sudden blow made the bandits, who were like frightened birds, panic, and shouted in fright one by one: "Don't shoot, don't shoot!" We surrender, we surrender! After the squad leader ordered them to raise their hands, he rushed to the boat with all the soldiers, seized their guns and ammunition, seized the property they had looted from the common people, and escorted them back to the team headquarters to take care of them.

The news of our elimination of the remnants of the bandits did not go away, and the villagers of Wuleidao Town sent all kinds of condolences one after another, and the Wendeng County Party Committee and County Government also wrote to praise us. Soon after, I was transferred to the county public security bureau and honorably joined the Chinese Communist Party in October of this year. Since then, I have started a new battle journey in my life.

Go deep into the enemy's den to eliminate traitors

In the winter of 1942, the Japanese devils mobilized more than 20,000 Japanese puppet troops from Qingdao, Yantai and other places, equipped with many warships and aircraft, and under the command of Okamura Ningji, commander-in-chief of their North China Dispatch Army, they carried out a dragnet sweep on the Jiaodong Peninsula. They captured a lot of ordinary people, used them as shields and pathfinders during the day, and set up bonfires for the villages where they camped at night, forming a big fire dragon with a length of more than 200 miles from the South China Sea to the North Sea, advancing eastward day and night with the vicious tactics of "iron wall encirclement", and arrogantly shouting: "We must drive the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army in Jiaodong to the East China Sea to feed fish and shrimp!" This is the infamous "Jiaodong Sweep" of the Japanese devils.

At that time, Jiang Da, director of the Jiaodong Public Security Bureau, was ordered by the Jiaodong District Party Committee to lead a part of the people to Wendeng to guide the anti-sweeping struggle. At 4 p.m. on 30 November, the three major departments of the Wendeng County Party Committee, the county government, and the public security bureau marched westward from Cikouguan Village, Gaocun District, to Anzibo Village, where the Japanese devils were staying overnight. The Japanese devils continued to advance eastward, and there was no trace of the main force of our Eighth Route Army until the east coast of Rongcheng. This marked a great victory in this anti-sweeping campaign by the military and civilians in Jiaodong.

However, the failure of the sweep made the Japanese devils angry and angry, and they turned around and carried out crazy burning, killing, and plundering the people of Jiaodong, and some traitors and lackeys took advantage of the situation to make waves and act for the tiger. The Wencheng puppet government took advantage of the impact and destruction of our anti-Japanese base areas to set up puppet township offices everywhere to raise grain and grass materials for the Japanese puppet army. Bi Qi, the plainclothes captain of the Japanese puppet army in Wencheng, and other traitors of all sizes took advantage of the obscenity of the Japanese raids to collect intelligence everywhere, and cooperated with the Japanese devils to frantically massacre the Chinese people in the East China Sea, thus posing a great threat to our anti-Japanese base areas and underground party organizations in the East China Sea.

In order to crack down on the arrogance of the enemy and to consolidate and develop our anti-Japanese base areas, the Jiaodong District Party Committee resolutely issued an urgent circular to the party, government, and military at all levels to "organize a strong team to crack down on the worst of the worst behind enemy lines." In accordance with the spirit of this directive, the East China Sea Committee immediately made a decision: to get rid of Bi Qi, the number one traitor and Japanese puppet spy leader in the East China Sea, as soon as possible. He also instructed the special forces of the Eastern Naval Division, the two county brigades of Wendong and Wenxi, the public security bureaus of Wendong and Wenxi counties, and the district squadrons near Wencheng to organize effective armed forces and wait for an opportunity to eradicate the traitor Bi Qi. Our Wendong County Public Security Bureau immediately selected and dispatched five people, including Zhou Yixin, Qiao Tingde, Chu Keji, Xu Jiayu, and Yuan Boyang, to form a military engineering team behind enemy lines, and under the personal command of Director Zhou Shizhen, launched a hoeing operation to eradicate the traitor Bi Qi.

In accordance with the requirements of the military sub-district to "never let the traitor Bi Qi be one year older", our military engineering team set off on 20 winter in 1942, and first eliminated the enemy and puppet peripheral organization and Bi Qi's henchman - Wulitou Township Office outside the south gate of Wencheng.

At midnight on the 25th of the winter month, our martial arts team dragged the chief and deputy head of the puppet township office out of the house and executed them in the courtyard, and only the traitor Wu Tong escaped. That night, Xu Jiayu and other comrades, who went to carry out the task of eliminating traitors, dragged Wu Tong to the courtyard, asked for his name, shot him dead, and then evacuated. However, Wu Tong did not die, but was shot and injured in the head, and sneaked into Wencheng before dawn, and before the injury was completely healed, he led his family to flee to the northeast.

After the Wulitou Township Office outside the south gate of Wencheng was removed, our military engineering team moved closer to Wencheng to reconnoiter the enemy's situation. At this time, Bi Qi already knew that he was going to arrest him, so he didn't dare to go out easily, so he could only go out with the Japanese puppet army to sweep activities. followed by an internal report, and learned that Bi Qi would go out with the team, and followed the organization to intercept it, but it didn't work. In a blink of an eye, Bi Qi was even more frightened and alert, not only did he not dare to go out alone during the day, but he also did not dare to sleep in one place at night, which added a lot of difficulty to our martial arts team to complete the task, and every time the martial arts team held a meeting to discuss how to start, there was no result. But the New Year is approaching, so Director Zhou Shizhen ordered the martial arts team to speed up the pace, "Resolutely not let Bi Qi grow a year old at all costs!" ”

On the twentieth day of the lunar month, the insider reported: "The Japanese devils want to go to the countryside to sweep and rob things for the New Year." "We ambushed in a small ditch west of Xiquge Village, trying to wait for an opportunity to capture Bi Qi alive. When the devil returned to the city at dusk, Bi Qi was just behind the team, and we jumped out of the ditch and chased after him until we reached the Qili River, and his shoes ran away. However, under the rescue of the Japanese puppet army in the brigade, this kid still escaped. From then on, he never dared to go out of the city again, and lived a year in fear.

Bi Qi is one year old, and the martial arts team members are under a lot of pressure and feel ashamed. On the third day of the first lunar month, Director Zhou Shizhen emphasized after encouraging everyone: "Although Bi Qi is one year older, he can't let him pass fifteen!" In order to instruct the executive director, the martial arts team held a meeting overnight to study the plan to eliminate the traitor, and finally reached a consensus: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get the tiger!" So he decided to enter the city in disguise and wait for an opportunity to destroy the enemy.

Before dawn on the seventh day of the first month of the first month of 1943, we came to the house of Xu Jisheng, secretary of the underground party branch of Nanmoshan Village (who was a pseudo village head). With the help and guidance of Uncle Xu and his wife Aunt Han, I disguised myself as the landlord young master, Qiao Tingde disguised myself as a young man, and Chu Keji disguised myself as a peasant, and was sandwiched in the crowd of people rushing to the market with Uncle Xu, and mixed into Wendeng City. This time the main purpose of entering the city was to familiarize himself with the situation and reconnoiter the enemy's situation, so he did not carry weapons. It was already more than nine o'clock in the morning, and we searched all the streets and alleys of Wencheng, but we didn't see any trace of Bi Qi. We continued to wander along the street, and when we reached the gate of the puppet government, a puppet soldier suddenly pointed a gun at us. We didn't dare to stay, we walked straight ahead, waiting for news. After a while, Chu Ji rushed to say that the puppet army was telling him to go in and remove the dirt. At this point, we were relieved to prove that the enemy did not see any flaws in our disguise, and we walked boldly to the South Trench Street. Coincidentally, as soon as we arrived at the grass market on Nanhao Street, we found Bi Qi squatting and talking to two other people on the north side of the street. Uncle Xu glanced at us, suggesting that Bi Qi was in front. At this time, I quickly bought a packet of candy from a roadside stall, and followed Uncle Xu to Bi Qi while eating. Coming to Bi Qi, Uncle Xu patted Bi Qi on the shoulder and said, "Uncle Cousin has a good New Year." Bi Qi didn't look up, and snorted "Okay". In order to see Bi Qi's true appearance, I took some candy and approached Bi Qi and said, "Please eat sugar." He looked up, glanced at me, and said angrily, "No!" "At this moment, I saw Bi Qi's true face clearly. Bi Qi was really treacherous, and immediately became suspicious of me, a stranger, and turned his head to ask Uncle Xu, "Who is this?" "This is my little nephew!" Uncle Xu hurriedly introduced. "Oh, go ahead!" Bi Qi withdrew his suspicious eyes and continued to talk to others, while we went out of the city and returned to Nanmo Mountain

That night, we returned to the bureau and reported in detail to the director the reconnaissance situation during the day, and at the same time analyzed the rules of Bi Qi's activities, and talked about the next action plan: on the 11th day of the first lunar month, that is, the next market day, we will continue to enter the city in disguise to extract teeth and capture Bi Qi alive. Director Zhou agreed to our plan and asked how many people we wanted. We believe that the large number of people is easy to expose the action, but it is not conducive to the completion of the task, so we insist that the five members of the martial arts team still complete the task. In order to ensure the completion of the task, Director Zhou replaced us with the best three pistols in the bureau, and even handed us the "38" box he used himself. In addition, we also asked the bureau for a grenade, and we were prepared to die with the enemy in case of accidents. With tears in his eyes, Director Zhou clasped our hands tightly and said, "I wish you success and must come back safely!" ”

Early in the morning of the eleventh day of the first lunar month, we came to Uncle Xu's house again, and after putting on makeup, Qiao Tingde and Chu Keji and I each carried a basket with their own pistols hidden in it; Yuan Boyang and Xu Jiayu each prepared a large straw bag, and two 79 rifles were packed in two straw bales, ready to respond outside the city.

We and the other four followed the road to the city from Shangji, skillfully mixed with the enemy's sentry posts, and entered the city smoothly. After entering the city, we divided into two roads, Chu Keji and Uncle Xu went all the way to the streets and alleys of the city to search, and Qiao Tingde and I waited in the grass market on Nanhao Street, wandering east and west to look for it.

People are not as good as heaven. We searched around for a long time and didn't see any trace of the seedlings, but Bi Qi slowly sent them to the door by himself.

At about ten o'clock, Bi Qi and two guards staggered over from the direction of Xincheng (at that time, Wendeng City was divided into new city and old city, and the Dongcheng District of Wendeng Township Division where the Japanese devils were stationed was the new city, and the Xicheng District where the traitors and puppet soldiers were stationed was the old city). But at this time, Chu Keji and Uncle Xu Jisheng were still looking for it and had not returned, and they were really anxious. also blamed Bi Qiqi for his life, when he walked to the grass market, he happened to meet an acquaintance who said a few words, but after a few words, Chu Keji and Uncle Xu rushed back. When Uncle Xu saw this scene, he knew that he was about to make a move, so he quickly retreated to the intersection to look at the wind. The three of us winked at each other, hinting at the need to do it immediately. It was too late, it was too fast, Qiao Tingde and Chu Keji rushed to Bi Qi with an arrow, and I raised my gun and rushed to the two guards, shouting: "If you are Chinese, don't move!" The two guards ran away when they saw that the situation was not good, and disappeared as soon as they turned, so they turned around and dealt with Bi Qi together. Bi Qi hurriedly pulled out his gun when he heard the news, but he was tightly held by Qiao Tingde and Chu Keji. Bi Qi is tall and strong, and he resists desperately, it seems that the three of us can't take him out of the city, so they have to be executed on the spot. However, what if the four of them were mixed together, what if they shot themselves and the crowd in the bazaar? Qiao Tingde was in a hurry and shouted: "Lao Chu squatted!" Then a gunshot rang out, and the bullet shot diagonally upwards from the lower end of Bi Qi's cheek. Bi Qi's brain suddenly collapsed, and he fell down. We couldn't hold back the anger in our chests, and fired several bullets at his corpse in succession, avenging the brothers and sisters who were mutilated by him, and then shouted "Withdraw", and ran towards the south of the city together.

The gunshots that killed Bi Qi alarmed the Japanese puppet traitors in the new city, the old city, and the strongholds outside the city, and they poured out and pounced on us like wolves. When we broke through to Bijialin, the Japanese devils in the northeast to the new city, the puppet army traitors in the old city in the northwest, and the Japanese puppet army in the Sanlimiao stronghold due south shot at us desperately, so that we couldn't raise our heads. Seeing that the enemy was constantly compressing the encirclement, we could not care about anything, and used the weak fire of our three pistols to return fire while breaking through to the narrow area to the southeast that remained. Seeing that the Japanese puppet army in the stronghold of Sanlimiao was about to catch up with us, at this time, a burst of gunfire suppressed the enemy's pursuit, and we took advantage of the situation to rush out of the encirclement. It turned out that the two martial arts team members Yuan Boyang and Xu Jiayu, who had been waiting for a long time, came to greet them. Our five men joined one, and while returning fire, we retreated to Wulitou Nanshan, and finally got rid of the enemy's frantic pursuit. When the five of us came to Uncle Xu Jisheng's house, Aunt Han received us happily. Soon, Uncle Xu also returned home safely.

At the same time, the East Naval Division, the Wendong County Party Committee and County Government also praised and publicized us extensively, and mimeographed our deeds into a book and widely disseminated. The party history, city chronicles, and cultural and historical departments of Yantai, Weihai, and Wendeng also carried out extensive investigations and interviews, vying to be recorded in history; "Weihai Daily" and "Wendeng City Daily" were also published and widely publicized.

After the number one traitor Bi Qi was removed, the No. 2 traitor Sun Dang and the No. 3 traitor Hou Lianzhang were successively sanctioned under the nose of the Japanese devils, and the Japanese puppet traitors were swept away from the ground, and many puppet army traitors did not dare to report when they saw our underground workers in the city, so that the anti-Japanese situation in the East China Sea improved rapidly, and the anti-Japanese base areas continued to grow and develop, and the Japanese devils were finally completely driven out of Wendeng City on August 30, 1944.

The era of the "left" was the "right".

After the Japanese devils were driven out of the East China Sea, the people of Wendeng were able to recuperate, and I was also freed from the flames of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and actively participated in local revolutionary work and party and government study. In 1946, I attended the party training class of the East China Sea Committee and studied party affairs. In the autumn of the same year, I participated in the first land reform in Shandong Province. However, just as the people of Jiaodong bid farewell to the war, resumed production, and gradually entered a peaceful environment of living and working in peace and contentment, the hateful "dictatorship" of Chiang and his Kuomintang reactionaries brazenly launched a non-criminal civil war in an attempt to harvest the fruits of the victory of the people's war of resistance by force, and in order to smash the rampant attack launched by the Kuomintang army on Jiaodong, the people of Jiaodong were forced to shoulder their guns again in 1947, setting off an anti-Chiang Baotian movement. In April 1947, he organized and arranged for me to support the front line, and led a small convoy of more than 500 people in Wendeng Houjia District, Songshan District, and Huangshan District (now part of Rongcheng) to rescue the wounded and sick of the People's Liberation Army who fell in our anti-civil war, and successfully completed the task. After that, he successively served as the head of the public security unit of the county public security bureau and the chief judge of the county court. After the liberation of the whole country, the nascent people's political power, in order to open up a new type of socialist state system with a legal system of democracy and a new type of law, launched a nationwide political and legal study campaign and vigorously trained political and legal cadres. In 1953, I was arranged to go to the Shandong School of Administration to study political and legal work, and in 1954, I was arranged to go to the Central School of Political Science and Law to systematically study politics, economics, philosophy, the history of the Chinese revolution, the state and revolution, as well as various professional laws such as criminal law, civil law, trial law, military law, and international law. After three years of hard work, in the spring of 1957, I graduated with excellent grades, and I still returned to Wendeng Court as the president, and at the same time served as a member of the branch of the adjudication committee, and became one of the three members of the court's party group. Just as I was working hard and preparing to play a role for the people of my hometown, various political movements were set off one after another in Chinese society, from the central to the local, and thousands of revolutionary cadres and founding fathers, such as Peng Dehuai, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, and Tao Zhu, were defeated one after another. The disaster-stricken New China was in turmoil for a while, and traitors appeared on the scene, and they entered the catastrophe of civil strife again. In this era of "leftism" in which there was no distinction between loyalty and treachery, because I did not understand the movement, was not active, and did not speak at meetings, I was inevitably branded as a "rightist" and then a "gangster", and lost my freedom for more than 20 years and became the object of criticism of the dictatorship.

At the end of April 1957, a nationwide rectification campaign was launched with the content of "opposing bureaucracy, sectarianism, and subjectivism." Party organizations and departments at all levels frequently held forums to enthusiastically mobilize party members, cadres, and the masses to put forward opinions to the party and help the party rectify its work style. As a result, the broad masses of party members, cadres, and the masses enthusiastically spoke and put forward many constructive suggestions to the party. As the movement continued to develop in depth, an unhealthy trend of "loud shouting, big releases, big character posters, and big debates" blew in society. Taking advantage of these four unhealthy tendencies, a very small number of bourgeois rightists launched a vicious attack on the nascent socialism under the leadership of the party, in a vain attempt to replace the leadership of the Communist Party. In order to counter the slanderous attacks of the bourgeois rightists, a large-scale anti-rightist struggle was launched throughout the country in June of that year. As a result of the expanded struggle against the rightists, many good comrades were mistakenly branded as "rightists," which led to unfortunate consequences. At that time, anyone who was labeled a "rightist" was immediately sent to the countryside and farms for labor reform. Jiang Guorong, president of the Wendeng Court, and Song Xiejie, a judge, were both active speakers at the group meeting, and naturally they bore the brunt of the "rightists" and were delegated to labor reform. There is no longer anyone in the court who dares to speak and give opinions. However, according to the ratio demanded by the superiors, the number of "rightists" in the court was not enough, and it was not until May 1958 that it was decided to fill in the number of me.

Why did you choose me to be a "rightist"? There are two reasons for this. First, at the beginning of the rectification, I called for opinions to be put forward to the party, because I had studied in colleges and universities for four consecutive years, and I did not know much about the situation in my hometown in recent years, as far as the legal workers who were the basis for everything were concerned, I had never been able to express any opinions. As for the anti-"rightist" movement that was launched later to attack the "rightists" in proportion, I did not understand very much: how can the "rightists" be proportional in judging the advanced? No rightist has to fabricate a "rightist", isn't this harmful? Based on this doubt and intolerability, I kept silent at all the anti-"rightist" meetings. Naturally, my negative attitude was met with suspicion by some people, who thought it was a confrontation movement, and thus planted the bane of being a "rightist". The second reason is that I held three positions, which caused some people to be jealous, and I was the only one who criticized me at that time. This person was also defeated later, and the unfortunate fate of being criticized in the streets was also pitiful. It is precisely because I have seen through the root of my degeneration into a "rightist" that I have not succumbed to the sentence imposed on me. At that time, the leaders of the county political and legal department talked to me and asked me to admit that I was a "rightist", and I said: "I didn't hold a loud show at the conference, I didn't have a discussion at the small meeting, and I didn't make any anti-party remarks, so why did I become a 'rightist'?" He frowned and said, "Although you didn't say it, you are anti-party in your bones." I asked him, "Did you go into my bones and see that there was an anti-party inside?" My questioning made him angry, glared at him, slapped the table, and shouted, "You...... You're not honest! From then on, I was condemned as a "rightist" and was sent to the Boyuejia Farm in Wendeng County for labor reform. It always happens that on the day I went to the farm for labor reform, I met Ma, who had been sentenced by me, and he was also here for labor reform. Seeing this scene, I really didn't feel a good feeling in my heart, and I couldn't figure out how I could walk the same road of reform with criminals who were born and died to carry out revolution.

Recalling that when he participated in the revolution, he was a young and ignorant child, and he participated in the battle after only 18 days in the army. Bi Qi, the number one traitor in the Donghai District, and the martial arts team of all 8 units in the Donghai District were ordered to eradicate him at the same time, and the weapons and equipment of that family were better than ours, and the average age of the martial arts team was older than ours, but only we completed the task, which caused a sensation in the entire Donghai District at that time. Since then, the anti-special struggle of the Wendeng Public Security Bureau's armed forces from Wendeng to Rongcheng has the footprints of my Zhou Yixin, and I am sorry for what I have done, sorry for the people, how can I end up like this? Ask the heavens and the earth. According to the anti-"rightist" standard, only those who attack the party can be defined as a "rightist" if they have remarks and actions attacking the party, but I have no words or actions, and I have no choice but to insist that I am anti-party at heart, and I am really unconvinced.

It is a pity that so many comrades in the court were unable to participate in the meeting to criticize me, saying that they were all close to me, and they could not show their affection when criticizing the fight, so they had no choice but to borrow three people from the public security bureau to cheer them on. At the criticism meeting, the host sang a few high-pitched sentences according to the prepared script, and then read a few question sentences stiffly: "Zhou Yixin, why do you say that wolves eat meat on the side of the sky, dogs eat on the side of the sky?" Why do you say that industrial food prices are high and agrifood prices are low? Why do you say that the capitalists' industry and commerce have to be bought according to the policy of redemption, while the peasants' land is bought into the community at no cost? He knew that some of these words were taken out of context from the words in the documents I led to study, and some were jokes in the small talk between the guys a few years ago, which had nothing to do with the movement, but were just "evidence" of hard fighting, so he couldn't play them, and he finished reading them, so he had to wait mechanically for others to speak. But after waiting quietly for a long time, no one spoke, so the meeting had to be adjourned. What I didn't expect was that this conference caused me to suffer for more than 20 years.

There is no time limit for the labor reform of our "rightists," and it depends on your luck in what year and month you can take off the "rightist" hat. I took off my "rightist" hat in 1961 and was assigned to work at the Wencheng Tax Office, and I was so happy. But what I never expected was that this was just a hat off, called "hat off rightists," so it was not completely liberated politically. In an era when the class struggle is the key link, you must draw a clear line between your family and the reactionaries, otherwise it is a matter of position, which will affect your "revolutionary" future. I left home in 1958, the day I was branded a "rightist," and I took the initiative to distance myself from my family. During the renovation period, other "rightists" had to go back to reunite with their families every Chinese New Year, but I never went home. I worked at the Wencheng Tax Office, less than 100 steps away from home, and I did not return home until the end of 1970, which was a full 12 years. I made such a big determination, I should say that the line was drawn clearly enough, and it still brought pain and disaster to my family. His family members were veteran comrades who participated in the work in the early days of the Liberation War, and were then deputy county magistrates of Wendeng County, who attended the National Congress of Heroes and Models three times and were cordially received by Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping, and other party and state leaders. However, because I was a "rightist," I was dismissed from my post and sent to the countryside and factories to undergo labor reform and accept criticism. The daughter, who works in the security department of the Yantai fertilizer factory, was also forced to be sent to the workshop. After my son graduated from school, he was not allocated for more than five years, and I couldn't figure out this series of problems. My family and I participated in the revolution in our early years, and even if we made mistakes, we should not treat me and my family like this! In the end, that year and that month can have the day to come out!

However, I didn't expect the day of the beginning, and the bad luck of the "Cultural Revolution" followed.

In 1966, before the "Four Cleansing" movement ended, the "Cultural Revolution" swept in. At first, it was a campaign to sweep away the "four olds" from top to bottom. No one can say what the "four olds" are, anyway, if you do it, I will do it, and if you don't follow it, you will fall behind, and you just don't follow the "correct" line. Judging from the situation at that time, the main thing that was cleaned up was ancient calligraphy and painting. From my point of view, the ancient calligraphy and paintings cleaned up are all cultural treasures of the motherland, but after the Red Guards collected them from every household, they all burned them without frowning, and even the bun on the old woman's head was cut off as one of the "four olds". While sweeping away the "four olds," some departments kept up with the situation and began to fight "gangsters" again. A few days ago, a few "gangsters" were beaten, and they were all escorted to the stage by two people, bending over and sitting in a jet style, and they still treated me very favorably, just shouting slogans.

At the criticism meeting that day, I was escorted to the criticism stage under the host's sharp shouting. Honestly stand in their designated position and accept criticism. The first charge against me was to shield the cadres who had stepped down to evade taxes, causing huge losses to the country's economy. The fact is that when there was a famine in 1961, the family of Uncle Xu Jisheng, an old underground worker, was very difficult. His son, who works in Xinjiang, is also in difficulty, so he has no choice but to mail a pair of shoes and a quilt to the old man when he got married, and ask him to sell them for two dollars to tide over the famine. The old man thanked his son for his filial piety and told me that he didn't know whether he had sold it or not, and this became the basis for me to shield others for tax evasion. The second accusation against me is "admiring the foreign and flattering the outside world, and connecting the United States." At that time, I was using an American-made "Parker" fountain pen issued to me by the organization during the war years, and they insisted that this was "ironclad proof" that I "admired the foreign and flattered the outside world, and understood the United States." The pen was pulled out by them and slapped on the table, "clicking", and it was broken in two. Such a criticism and fight are endless, which makes people mentally miserable, physically exhausted and unbearable, and it is really worse than death.

In 1967, the second year of the "Cultural Revolution", the Wendeng County Party Committee and County Government were seized of power by the mass organizations and the Red Guards on February 2 of that year, and the "Revolutionary Committee" was established. The society is becoming more and more chaotic, criticism and fighting will be all over the streets, and the old cadres are panicked and uneasy, facing the doom of being beaten at any time. It is not uncommon to see a certain leader with a big sign hanging around his neck, which reads "×× unrepentant capitalist roaders", wearing a big hat with the word "×" written on it and marching through the streets: After touring the street, he was restrained from the criticism platform, and was twisted by two or three young people with his arms pressed on his head, bending over and sitting in a jet style, which was extremely insulting and devastating to people, and some people could not withstand the criticism and took the road of suicide.

The Red Guard organizations, which seized power and seized red eyes, were divided into two factions, one was the "Second Force" faction and the other was the "Jinggangshan" rebels. They each set up their own headquarters and went toe-for-tat with each other, attacking each other civilly and defensively, while beating, smashing, robbing, seizing power, marching, and engaging in criticism and fighting against society. At this time, big-character posters, slogans, and all kinds of leaflets flew all over the sky, and the troops stationed in Wendeng also began to suppress one faction after another, and the martial arts were also upgraded. The headquarters of the "Jinggangshan" faction seized the Wendeng Central Hospital, and it was written on both sides of the north gate: "Those who dare to come will bring their own coffins!" The "2.1" faction seized the farm tool factory. Hordes of Red Guards with large armbands on their arms, large clubs on their shoulders, and steel helmets or wicker hats on their heads can be seen on the streets. These big sticks and wicker hats were snatched from the production company and various stores, and it was a scene of turmoil and horror.

Interestingly, in that era of "infinite loyalty" and "always following", it is really laughable that one of my "black five categories" was said to be the black backstage of the "February 1" power seizing faction that is popular with half the sky.

Here's the thing. The "Jinggang Mountain" faction in the Wencheng Tax Office can't fight "two." 1" faction, so he ingeniously lifted me out and insisted that I was the black backstage of the "2.1" faction, trying to smear the face of "2.1" and hit the prestige of "2.1". In order to search for evidence and create a lot of publicity, they stormed into my office, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and wrote slogans everywhere on the steps, doors and windows, walls, desks, and bedsides: "Zhou Yixin is the black backstage of 'February 1'", "Only 'leftists' are allowed to rebel", "'Rightists' are not allowed to turn the sky upside down" and other slogans. In fact, I am not a backstage of anyone, and I am not qualified to be the backstage of others, but my opposition to the suppression and oppression of old cadres is consistent with the infamy of "Jinggangshan" falsely calling "February 1" a "royalist" and "black old bao". Ideologically and emotionally, it is impossible for me to join any faction. Although I was defeated, my will did not subside, to those who are all three today, and four Li four tomorrow.

I hate the gang system of never leaving my hand, long live without leaving my mouth, shouting about revolution, and smashing and looting everywhere. Wouldn't it be a great shame and irony for a person like me to join some gang to purge others? I think that no matter what kind of faction they are, they can only be nonsense that destroys production and destroys social order, and they will never be able to make a real revolution. Therefore, when I was advised to join the "Jinggang Mountain" and take the initiative to stand on the side of the "correct" line in order to alleviate my counterrevolutionary guilt, I refused on the spot, and I never begged for mercy from anyone. History is history, and it will speak for itself. Sooner or later, the catastrophe of the "Cultural Revolution" will cause the Chinese people to wake up violently and uproot chaos and embark on the right path in society.

My faith was not disappointed, and this day finally came. In 1976, the "Gang of Four" was finally ousted from the stage of Chinese politics and spurned by hundreds of millions of people. People's hearts are happy to raise their eyebrows and raise their glasses to celebrate. In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee broke through the ice of the two "whatevers", completely negated the "Cultural Revolution", and decided to rehabilitate Zhaoxue for all unjust, false and wrongly decided cases in the history of our Party. When the good news came, I couldn't help but cry bitterly, who never shed tears. I want to thank God for the Party Central Committee for daring to fight for truth and justice. It was Hua Dongyue, and the "Fifth Five-Year Plan" office of the Wendeng County Party Committee notified me to go through the formalities of rehabilitation at the office of the party committee of the organ. At the same time, my wife was also rehabilitated and successively became the director of the county's second light bureau, the head of the United Front Work Department, and the vice chairman of the county CPPCC. Those who have survived the cold winter know the warmth of spring best. After 21 years, our family finally freed ourselves from the spiritual shackles around our necks and spent a happy Spring Festival.

"Three Into the Mountain City" two knots

In 1965, the "Four Cleanups" task force was stationed in various units of the government to carry out the "Four Cleanups" movement. In this year, when the wheat was yellow, the comrades of the film crew of Changchun Film Studio's "Sanjin Mountain City" came to Yantai, preparing to collect materials and experience life of the former East China Navy and civilians fighting against the enemy. At that time, in addition to the situation described by Comrade Sai Shili in his novel "Three Entrances to the Mountain City," there were also clues mentioned in the novel "Lin Hai Xueyuan" about the situation of a certain military engineering team entering Yantai to wage a fierce struggle against the enemy. Comrades from the Propaganda Department of the prefectural party committee then said that the struggle against the enemy in Fushan County was very fierce, and there may be materials in this regard, so they went to Fushan again, but found nothing. After that, they went to Muping again, but they didn't find suitable materials. The comrades of the Propaganda Department of the prefectural party committee widened their eyes when they returned to the ground two without success, and they brought out all the dossier materials of the struggle between the people of the East China Navy and the enemy in those years, and after investigation, they felt that the struggle against the enemy in the mountain city of Wendeng was still written by Comrade Sai Shili, so all the comrades of the film crew went straight to Wendeng without stopping. In the Yichuan Department of the Wendeng County Party Committee, they heard that the people who fought against the enemy were still there, and they couldn't wait to ask for a direct interview with the person concerned. Under the arrangement of the county party committee, the film crew sent people to the Wencheng Tax Office and asked me to take time to talk in detail about the situation of the struggle against the enemy during the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, I was very reluctant to talk about the past, and whenever I mentioned the struggle against the enemy in those years, I was disgusted and sad. I don't understand what kind of person I am, I was a revolutionary yesterday, but when I woke up I became a counter-revolutionary. I was thinking about this all the time in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it in my mouth, for fear of being accused of dishonesty. Although I didn't pull it out to fight much, I was naturally afraid in my heart when I saw others pulling it out to show the public today and criticizing it tomorrow. It's better to swallow your anger and try to cause as little trouble as possible. Therefore, this time, the comrades of the film crew came to the door, and they had to say a few words of coping: "I'm sorry, I have forgotten everything in the past, and I can't remember it at all." "I hastily sent people away, and I ran to the area of my work piece of mountain village on a bicycle and hid for three days. Later, he was found by someone from the organ, and was criticized by the leaders of the county party committee, and immediately decided to be accompanied by two comrades, Song Lianqin of the Propaganda Department and Song Wanqiu of the Cultural Center, to the No. 1 Guest House of Wendeng County to talk and be interviewed by others. When I arrived at the guest house, the person in charge of the film crew warmly received me and introduced myself: "My surname is Zhang, my name is Zhang Fengxiang, I am the director, we are all familiar with each other." "I thought in my heart, this person can really talk nonsense, he has never met, he doesn't know each other at all, how can he say that he is familiar? He continued: "We often see each other on screen, so we can get acquainted. Oh! I see. If an artist says an artistic word, he is really artistic enough. In the midst of the introductions, the entire studio stood up in welcome, and I turned around and nodded in return to those around me. Director Zhang said, "We treat guests with tea and bring me a cup of hot tea with both hands. Later, he introduced to me: "We are from Changchun Film Studio, and in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, we are going to make a film that reflects the Anti-Japanese War. This film is based on the novel created by Comrade Wendeng Sai Shili - "Sanjin Mountain City", the name is also called "Sanjin Mountain City", these comrades are all from our film crew, a total of 30 people, actors, and makeup. The main purpose of our visit this time is to understand the situation of the anti-Japanese struggle of the military and civilians in Jiaodong, collect materials, and experience life. Previously, we went to Fushan and Muping counties according to the introduction of the Propaganda Department of the Yantai Prefectural Party Committee, but we did not encounter suitable materials. Two days ago, comrades from the Propaganda Department of the county party committee briefed us on the situation of the struggle against the enemy in Wendeng, and we were very interested. I would like to invite you to come today, mainly to hear the detailed experience of your completion of the seventh, and further verify, which is the 'three in'? ”

After Director Zhang finished speaking, his peaceful eyes continued to look at me, waiting earnestly for me to speak. Over the years, I've met all the cold faces, and today I can't bear to be treated so well. I turned my head and looked around, there were more than 30 guests, some tall and short, some fat and some thin, some white and some black, some handsome and some ugly, we didn't know what people were doing, and we didn't know what people wanted to know. Director Zhang said gently: "It's better to use the question and answer style." I thought for a moment and agreed: "That's fine, I know how much to say, some things may be too old to remember for a while, slowly recall the past, that is, you mention the beginning, I may know the end." He said, "Good, good!" Then I'll ask the first question, you can first tell me the details of the beating of the seventh! I said "yes", and then explained in detail the background of the era and the process before and after the eradication of Bi Qi. Everyone was so fascinated that they didn't make a sound at all, staring at me one by one with big eyes, as if they were afraid of missing a word. As soon as I finished speaking, they began to ask one after another, and I couldn't cope with the details so detailed, and some of the details had to be remembered with racking my brains. There are generally two aspects of the questions they asked: first, what kind of characters, their clothing, image, and the facts of their crimes were the targets of the struggle against the enemy in those years; The second is how our Eighth Route Army's military engineering team disguised itself and how it infiltrated the city. I answered all the questions and was satisfied. In the process of explaining the situation and answering questions, I emphatically emphasized that the key to our successful completion of our tasks lies in the good foundation of the masses. Uncle Xu Jisheng, secretary of the underground party branch of Nanmoshan, took us into the city twice regardless of life and death, and played an important role. His wife, Mrs. Han, prepared dry food for us, and together with Uncle Xu, she guided us in makeup, drills, raised possible problems and studied ways to deal with them. Uncle Xu's nephew and son-in-law, Sheng Zhongqi, is named the deputy captain of the Wencheng pseudo-plainclothes team, and he is actually an inside line of our Public Security Bureau, providing us with information from time to time. The clothes we need for makeup are all from the inland liberated areas (during the Anti-Japanese War, the localities were divided into three types of areas, the first category was the base areas controlled by the anti-Japanese democratic government as the liberated areas, which were not easy for the Japanese to invade under normal circumstances; The second type is the guerrilla zone, also known as the zone of contention between friend and foe; The third category is the enemy-occupied area, that is, the area close to the Japanese puppet stronghold) (because the target is easy to be exposed in the enemy-occupied area). After entering the city, some villagers saw us, and none of them reported to the enemy to receive the reward, and these were the fundamental reasons for our victorious completion of the task. Therefore, without the support of the people, it is simply inconceivable to complete this arduous task that shakes the entire Jiaodong Military Region. Director Zhang praised my understanding and praised me again and again: "Well said, well said!" Chairman Mao said that the soldiers and the people are the foundation of victory, without the support of the people, we cannot have victory, and we should not forget the people at any time! In the later film "Three Into the Mountain City", the moving scene of a certain lady's family supporting the soldiers is probably the representative of Uncle Xu and Aunt Han.

At that time, a comrade in the film crew was very interested in the plot that we had asked for a grenade for the second time and prepared to die with the enemy as a last resort, and repeatedly asked me why I used a grenade to die with the enemy. In the struggle behind enemy lines, are there any other wonderful uses for grenades? I replied: "We are working behind enemy lines, and the enemy hates us to the core, and if we are caught, we will be severely tortured, and there are only two ways to go, either to defect or to be tortured to death." Bring a grenade, and once you are in danger, you can save everyone and the organization from doom and kill and wound several enemies if you pull it alone. In addition, when we regard the martial arts members as if they were at home, when they are moving in the enemy's den, there are sometimes cases of secretly carrying a grenade to coerce traitors into submission. In the film "Three Into the Mountain City", it was artistically processed as a wonderful scene where our scouts tied a circle of grenades to the waist of the traitor Diao Desheng, pulled the strings in their hands, and forced him to lead the way in the city on the carriage, and attacked the Japanese puppet.

After asking about the situation of Bi Qi, I briefly talked about the situation of the other two East China Sea special forces who entered the mountain city to fight the traitor Sun Dang and Hou Translator (that is, Hou Lianzhang, the prototype of Wang Translator in "Three Entrances to the Mountain City").

After talking about the situation of beating traitors in the mountain city of "Three Advances", Director Zhang raised another question and asked me to give a detailed account of the situation of the traitor Zhang Rende. I don't know much about the traitor Zhang Rende, so I only gave a general idea.

Zhang Rende is a family member of Shanhou Sun in Gaocun Town, Wendeng County, and was formerly the deputy captain of Wenxi County, but he was removed from his post due to economic instability and messing with women, and was transferred to the Eastern Naval Division for introspection and handling. He took the opportunity to return home and surrendered to the enemy of Wencheng. He did a lot of bad things in order to gain the trust of the enemy, led the enemy to the countryside to sabotage the party organization, killed the family members of the anti-Japanese resistance, and finally pretended to be the plainclothes team of our Eighth Route Army to go to the area where the enemy and us were contested to rob property. When Comrade Sai Shili wrote the novel "Three Into the Mountain City", he mainly used Wendong County as the background, changed Zhang Rende's name to Zhang Deyin, and changed the name of the novel to Diao Desheng after the movie was remade. The traitorous images of Zhang Rende and Bi Qi back then were vividly displayed on Diao Desheng's body.

Finally, Director Zhang inquired about my resume during the war years. I told him that he had worked as a communicator, a security guard, a political scout, and a military scout. Later, in the film "Three Into the Mountain City", there was a messenger pony, and it was rumored that it was me in Wencheng at that time. Whether it was a deliberate arrangement by the director is unknown.

The first time I got in touch with the film "Three Into the Mountain City", what I left was respect and happiness. But the second time I got married, I was left with trauma and bitterness.

In the new year, when the wheat was yellow, as a "gangster" who was being criticized, I suddenly received a notice asking me to go to the conference room of the Wencheng Supply and Marketing Cooperative. When I entered the door of the conference room, I looked up and saw that the curtain above the rostrum read: "Mobilization Meeting to Criticize Gangsters." I sat honestly at the back of the crowd at the tax office, waiting to hear my verdict pronounced. I became the key person in Wencheng's finance and trade, and the first thing to summarize was me. The spokesman pointed at me and said: "The movie "Three Into the Mountain City" will be screened in the theater tonight, Zhou Yixin, you have to watch it if you want to see it, and you have to watch it if you don't want to watch it. Look at how you were revolutionary back then, and how you counter-revolutionary you are today! "I finished the summary meeting in a groggy state, and after the meeting I was put under the supervision of two rebels. They could take turns eating, but I was hungry. It was dark, and the two of them escorted me into the theater one after the other. Looking at some familiar scenes in the movie, I really didn't feel a good feeling in my heart. After watching the movie, I also walked out with the crowd that had left the theater, and when I reached the gate of the theater, I stopped. Because I am a person under supervision, I have no explanation of where I will go after watching the movie, and if I leave, I am afraid of finding fault again, so I wait for instructions at the door. But after waiting for a long time, everyone is gone, and there is no trace of the person who cares about me. It seems that today they just watched me watch the movie that was supposed to be made for me, in case I was talking nonsense on the spot. Thinking of this, I had to drag my two tired and weak swollen legs back to the office, and when I arrived at the dormitory where I worked and slept, I lay down on an empty stomach. Thoughts fluctuated, the "long night" couldn't sleep, and the past kept pouring into my heart, and I couldn't help but shed sad tears. As the old saying goes: "Men don't flick when they have tears, but they don't get to the sad place." "Now, who do I complain to? Tossing and turning, I casually flowed out a limerick poem: "Tears flowed down my face, and my clothes were wet, and the people of iron and stone were also sad." Raise your head and lament and ask the sky, when will the sin be stopped?! ”

Dedication to the people

In 1967, despite the frenzy of the "Cultural Revolution", the masses of workers and peasants living at the bottom of society knew that no matter how much they "made a revolution", memorized quotations, and engaged in debates, they could not solve the problem of eating, and if they wanted to survive, they had to develop production. Therefore, in addition to tax collection, our tax authorities also have a task, which is to help the community develop sideline production and cultivate tax sources. There are more people making revolutions, and fewer people working. At that time, I thought to myself: You go to make a "revolution", I want to develop production! So he carried dry food to the grassroots level all day long, organized the four villages of Linjiadian, Jiangjiazhuang, Huangjiazhuang, and Yingnanzhuang in Wendengying Commune, and established a joint brick and tile factory with the approval of Wendengying Commune. In order to raise equipment, the village cadres and I rode bicycles to Rongcheng Machinery Factory to buy a brick extrusion machine. At that time, steel was in short supply, and it was stipulated that iron had to be exchanged. We held a small meeting of the conference, went deep into the households to mobilize, and finally collected 2,500 catties of broken iron in four villages, in exchange for a brick extrusion machine. After that, we went to Weihai Yangting Commune to buy back a brick cutting machine, to Jimo County Wang Village to buy back a tile press, sent people out to study and returned, immediately installed trial production, and was successful. On the day of the start of construction, it was very lively, in addition to the cadres and masses of the four villages of the joint venture, there were also cadres and masses from many villages around the kiln factory, all came to watch the machine produce bricks and tiles. The bricks cut out and the tiles pressed out were fast and good-looking, and everyone was smiling, especially the cadres and masses of the four villages of the joint venture, who were full of praise. However, when the kiln factory was first built, there was a lack of personnel, and I was a factory director and a technician, and I had to operate it myself, which was really busy. But when I saw the continuous flow of high-quality bricks and tiles, I was extremely happy, and I added inexhaustible strength to my body, and the hard work of the joint venture village was not in vain after all. Since then, the kiln factory has become more and more prosperous, and finally it was accepted as a social property by Wendeng Ying Commune, and was named: "Wendeng County Zhongdong Brick and Tile Factory".

Since I was famous for running a kiln factory in Wendeng, some communes rushed to transfer me to the kiln factory, and I was finally transferred to the Yoneyama Commune in 1971. The commune handed over to me the three old brickyards of Seishajo, Dashanqian, and Ganggezhuang, and asked to change them to new machine-made brickyards. As soon as I accepted the assignment, I went deep into the three brickyards to inspect them. After seeing it, I felt that the equipment of the brickyards in the three villages was very old and cumbersome, so I led the cadres of the three villages to the machinery factories to buy equipment and guide the installation. The three brickyards were soon equipped with new machinery and equipment, and the products produced were good, fast and abundant, the efficiency was significantly improved, and the labor intensity was greatly reduced, and the top and bottom were very satisfied. The commune then handed over the management of all the kilns and factories of the commune, and I distributed the supply of coal from the superiors to the kilns, and the whole commune had to be approved by me for the purchase of bricks and tiles, and I was once again respected by the people of the commune.

In 1974, I was transferred back to the Wencheng Tax Office, and the work point in the village was Fengxi Village, Wencheng Commune. At that time, there was not even a small business in this village, and the only few carpenters and bricklayers in the village were still working alone. For this reason, I discussed with the village cadres and wanted to help with the last project. After discussing and discussing, it was finally decided to go to the line depot. Because the investment in this project is small, the results are fast, and the mountains of pine in the area of Jiazi Mountain can be used as sufficient raw materials. At that time, the branch decided that I and Deputy Secretary Wang Wenyao would be responsible for running the equipment, running the raw materials, and preparing for the construction of this project. The reason for the cake is that Secretary Wang can't ride a bicycle, so I have to ride a bicycle with him, but people have suffered enough. After more than three months of preparation, all kinds of equipment and raw materials are basically complete, and the master was invited to install and debug the finished product smoothly. On the day of production, it was crowded and crowded. Work. People are in a high mood, three shifts are producing, and boxes of products are constantly being pushed out of the workshop. I came to Yantai Sewing Machinery Factory with the sample, and the factory was very satisfied and decided to underwrite all on the spot. The commissioning of the line depot has increased the payment income of Fengxi Village, and also broadened the horizons of the whole village. Since then, one by one payment projects have continued to settle in the village, and the people's lives have improved day by day.

Years after year, I have been running projects in enterprises, and the more I do it, the more addicted I become. In 1976, I discussed with Linjiadian Village, Wendengying Commune, and decided to help the village set up a cloth wheel factory. The raw materials only use the scraps of the garment factory, embroidery factory and embroidery factory, which can be described as a million profits. As the saying goes, melons are delicious and hard to plant. At that time, we did not know how the cloth wheel was made and how it was formed. It was learned from the user unit Wendeng Tool Factory that the cloth wheel they used was produced by a cloth wheel factory in Qingdao. After getting the news, we immediately set off to Qingdao and found this manufacturer with a lot of twists and turns. What I never expected was that people kept the technology, process, and process absolutely confidential, and refused to visit. We came to the door for several days in a row, and people reluctantly let us in for a walk, but before we could see it, we were blasted out, and we said that we would not be allowed to enter the door in the future. What to do? You'll have to find a way to get in and see it! I made up my mind, and I took a cool spot outside the door every day. Once, I slipped in without caring about the door, peeked in from the doors and windows of the factory, and finally understood it thoroughly, and then slipped out of the factory door, and returned to the place of residence to draw a sketch from memory. After it was put into production, the products not only sold locally, but also sold abroad.

After smashing the "Gang of Four", I was in a high mood, raised my eyebrows, my blood was surging, and my desire to make contributions was even stronger. I want to use my contribution to the people to celebrate the destruction of Jiang Qing and his gang and repay the selflessness of history.

In 1978, I was transferred to Gaocun Commune to help the Dongfanghong Brigade, a member of the Central Committee Zhang Fugui, to build a plastic products factory to provide plastic bags for ammonium bicarbonate produced by the Wendeng Fertilizer Factory. Since we don't understand this business, we personally went to the plastic factory in Gyin County, Henan Province to investigate. After returning from the inspection, he went to Jinan Plastic Mold Factory to buy three extruders and blow molding machines, each of which cost 5,000 yuan, but had to pay three tons of high-quality steel plates. The contract was signed with Zhang Fugui's consent. However, the steel plate could not be implemented for a long time, and the manufacturer urged it vigorously and withheld the equipment. Zhang Fuguituo, the director of the Provincial Poverty Association, couldn't intercede, and I couldn't do it after three round-trips, and I listened to a lot of ugly and harsh words. I was so worried that I had no choice but to wander around the streets of Jinan, and unfortunately met an old comrade-in-arms during the Anti-Japanese War, who helped me solve the three-ton steel plate in the Provincial Second Light Department, and the crisis was finally solved. The equipment was shipped home and production started soon, and the relevant departments of the county party committee and the county revolutionary committee came to Gaocun to congratulate the ribbon cutting. Seeing the high-quality plastic bags produced, Zhang Fugui said happily: "Three bundles (100 pieces each) can be exchanged for a big golden deer (a commodity in demand at that time, that is, a "big golden deer" brand bicycle), just like digging a gold nest!" Luan Jumao, secretary of the county party committee, said excitedly: "Old Zhou, you have done Wendeng a great favor!" Let's go, I'm in for a treat! ”

When I was buying equipment for Zhang Fugui's Dongfanghong Brigade in Jinan, I got acquainted with the equipment section chief of the Jinan Yellow River Automobile General Factory, who was a native of Xiaohe Village, Wencheng Town. The factory is very large, and its equipment is also first-class in the province. "Fellow to fellow, tears in his eyes." I quickly got acquainted with him, and often went to his house to play with his factory. I found that there were mountains of scrap iron and waste machines in the yard of their factory, and there were many half-used motors. From his words, it is clear that all this waste material needs to be disposed of. So I took a closer look and found that these motors can be used without repair. I want to buy these old motors home and set up a motor repair factory based on them, and I can sell them for a lot of money by repairing them. Because at this time, there is a very short supply of motors, and money can't buy them. I told Sai Shiqing, director of the Wencheng Industrial Office, about this idea, and he agreed very much, and immediately sent someone to buy the waste money back home, and set up a motor repair factory. These motors not only made Wencheng earn a lot of money, but also set up a motor repair factory.

He also helped Wencheng Qili Tang Village to set up a standard parts factory, and helped Gaocun Dongfanghong Village to set up a recycled leather factory. After retiring, in 1991, he helped Wendeng Yingnanzhuang Village to set up a paper mill, and so on, not to mention, in total, he helped villages and towns to set up 11 enterprises, and solved the employment problem of many rural surplus laborers. Looking back, although I have experienced ups and downs and lost the precious time to make contributions, I am still very pleased to be able to do something practical for others in the face of adversity, and I finally did not waste this life.

In 1984, the Wendeng CPPCC Cultural and Historical Committee was established, and the successive directors of the Cultural and Historical Committee maintained close contact with me and hired me as a specially invited cultural and historical member. In accordance with the requirements of the comrades of the Cultural and Historical Commission, I have been working tirelessly for more than 10 years, running around to conduct investigations, and actively writing cultural and historical materials. I wrote a manuscript of more than 10,000 words entitled "Asking for Cannonballs from Japanese Devils", which was sorted out and used in the eighth volume of Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials published in 1993. It lasted five years, traveled more than 7,000 miles, traveled all over Yantai and Weihai, and successively changed its manuscript four times, with a total of more than 30,000 words of "Zheng Weiping and His People", which was sorted out by Comrade Hou Xianchun and published in the tenth volume of "Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials" published in 1995. The leaders of the Wendeng CPPCC were satisfied with me as a literary and historical worker, and awarded me the title of "Advanced Literary and Historical Worker of the Wendeng CPPCC" twice.

To the best of my ability, to pour out what I know, to shine, to dedicate to future generations, it is enough to make me unshakeable for the rest of my life.


After careful consideration of words and sentences, revision and approval, the draft of "The Vicissitudes of Life" was finally settled. The reason why this manuscript is extremely worrying is that it involves the relevant content of the "Cultural Revolution". Although the "Cultural Revolution" has been denied, it is, after all, a very sensitive historical issue, so it is inevitable to have scruples in the sorting center.

Carrying out the collection of historical materials after the founding of the People's Republic of China is a repeated requirement of the previous cultural and historical conferences since the Beidaihe Cultural and Historical Conference of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 1989. In accordance with the spirit of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on Culture and History, and in order to give play to the role of cultural and historical materials as a social reference, the author has retained the chapters on "anti-rightism" and "Cultural Revolution" when compiling this memoir, and has compiled them in a realistic manner on the basis of following the history of the Communist Party of China and the "Resolution on Several Historical Issues of the Party since the Founding of the People's Republic of China" and the relevant requirements of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Culture and History. In the finishing process, we strictly follow the principle of "easy to coarse and not fine", not to people, and strive not to involve anyone, if you are careless, please understand.

I hope this manuscript can inspire people.


February 2000


Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials, Vol. 16 (December 2001)